Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1294 Reincarnation of the sixth-order authority

"I didn't expect that there are still ten drops of world origin. After having this world origin, I believe that I can soon be promoted to the perfect state of the Mahayana realm."

Xia Chuan smiled slightly.

To be honest, he had used a drop of World Origin before, which could be regarded as a supreme treasure, the kind of invaluable value that could help immortal cultivators improve their cultivation with no side effects.

It can be said that a drop of the energy of the origin of the world is enough to save thousands of years of penance for ordinary cultivators. One can imagine the preciousness of this treasure.

Basically, apart from the quest rewards, even in the reincarnation space, there are not many places to exchange them, and no reincarnation person would foolishly take them out for trading.

At the same time, the origin of the world can not only improve the cultivation base, but also improve the aptitude of one's soul and body, making one's own aptitude even more amazing.

It can be said that the benefits are endless.

"By the way, I also got two titles.

Xia Chuan touched his chin. He remembered that he had also received titles before, and each title was infinitely useful and could bring great benefits to himself.

"Title: Human Sovereign of the Spirit World, you have obtained the title of Human Sovereign. As long as you are in the world of the human race, you can obtain the blessing of the human race's luck.

You have obtained the coercion of the emperor. Anyone whose cultivation base is weaker than you will be deterred by the coercion of the emperor. It is more terrifying than Longwei, and can instantly stun enemies who dare to offend the emperor.

Since you are a human emperor, if a human race cultivator dares to take action against you, or is malicious, that is, if you commit the following crimes, you will have bad luck immediately. 35

"Title: Master of the Founding School, you are a generation of masters, and you have opened up a new path. After you get this title, your wisdom is ten times higher than before. No matter what you learn, you can learn it in an instant, and you can even bring forth new ideas.

What you say will be more convincing, your air will make it easier for people to trust you, and you can be a guest no matter where you go.

"So it turns out, it seems that these two titles are really good. 35

Xia Chuan nodded, instantly satisfied.

Although he doesn't care much about the attribute bonuses that the so-called title brings to him, after all, after leaving the reincarnation space, these attribute bonuses will disappear.

But before leaving, these attribute bonuses are still quite beneficial, and they can quickly increase their cultivation speed. There is no reason to give up this kind of gain.

Anyway, this is also the help provided by the reincarnation space to the reincarnator.

"However, I didn't expect my authority to increase by two levels in a row, reaching the sixth level.

Xia Chuan raised her eyebrows.

Previously, his authority in the reincarnation space had been raised to the fourth-order, but now, he has been directly raised to the sixth-order, which can be described as a rapid increase.

It is estimated that those reincarnations who have been in the reincarnation space for many years have no sixth-order authority, which is basically the limit of ordinary immortal cultivators.

If you want to upgrade to the seventh-order authority, I am afraid that you must become an immortal, otherwise, it can only be the sixth-order authority.

But the sixth-order authority is also completely enough, enough for him to obtain enough benefits in the reincarnation space, and the sixth-order authority can also release more treasures for him to exchange.

At the same time, with the sixth-order authority, the mandatory time limit for participating in the next reincarnation mission has also been increased to once every three thousand years.

That is to say, if the extra reincarnation times are not used, then he can participate in reincarnation only once in three thousand years, which is one of the benefits of the sixth-order authority.

After all, it is already a sixth-order authority, and the natural cultivation base is extremely high, comparable to the Mahayana monks, and it may take hundreds of years to retreat casually once.

In this way, it is naturally impossible to carry out a task once every hundred years.

Otherwise, before the retreat is over, they will be forced to go to reincarnation, which will greatly reduce the efficiency of the reincarnation person to improve their cultivation, which will be detrimental to the reincarnation person in the long run.

Therefore, the reincarnation space will not do such stupid things as killing chickens and taking eggs.

"By the way, you can enter the trading hall of the reincarnation space for a stroll.

Suddenly, Xia Chuan thought of this, he seldom went to the trading floor to hang out before, it is said that a large number of reincarnators gathered in this place.

And the reincarnators will also communicate with each other, exchange information, and also take out many items that they do not need to exchange with other reincarnations, or buy and sell.

At the same time, the price is naturally lower than the exchange price of Reincarnation Space.

Therefore, the trading floor is also very popular with ordinary reincarnators.

However, he had no interest in this kind of thing before. After all, he didn't need any treasures, and he didn't need medicine pills to improve his cultivation. He just needed knowledge.

And knowledge only needs to be exchanged in the reincarnation space, and there is no need to find other reincarnations to buy it.

He naturally does not need to go to the trading floor to communicate with other reincarnators.


Thinking of this, Xia Chuan flashed and immediately teleported to the trading floor.


Xia Chuan touched her chin.

Although this place is called a trading hall, it is actually a vast and huge city, and at first glance, there is no end in sight.

There are buildings with different styles around, there are various shops on both sides of the street, and there are also many hawkers on the street.

On the street, there are reincarnations of various races, not only the human race, but also the dragon, fox, tiger, phoenix and so on.

Basically, the races that have appeared in the universe will appear in this place.

Obviously, the selection of reincarnators in the reincarnation space does not focus on human beings. Every race is treated equally, and they will become reincarnators, so as to carry out the task of reincarnation.

He watched with relish, and it was the first time he saw so many reincarnators gathered here.

"Selling blood, selling blood, I am a golden dragon of the dragon family. I have real dragon blood in my body, which is extremely precious. A drop of real dragon blood only needs 10,000 reincarnation points, and it's a cheap sale. This dragon's blood is only sold for one day. , If you miss this village, you won't have this store. 99

"Master, didn't you sell blood yesterday? You also said that it was the last day, and you are here to sell again today?

"It's none of your business, Benlong sells it if he likes it, if he likes it or not.

"Don't be fooled, this fellow is a mixed-blood dragon, a mixed-blood dragon. I don't know how many generations have passed, and they are so poor that they have to sell their blood. There is no real dragon blood in the body. It takes ten thousand reincarnations for a drop, you Just kidnap people."

"How can you say that you are cheating? The ancestor of Benlong is the real dragon, the dragon king who descended from the fairy world. He has a deep family background. Although he has been mixed for many generations, he is still a dragon. Do you like it or not? Don't disturb the business of Benlong.

"Fairy, fairy, I have the supreme fairy here, pass by, don't miss it."

Immediately, many reincarnations were like street vendors, selling their belongings everywhere, which was very lively.

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