Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1296 The plane war of the reincarnators, the treasure of Changchun Sect

After the transaction was completed, Xia Chuan left directly, leaving only the excited Daoist Duobao.

"Duobao, are you willing to trade this incomplete Immortal Artifact Great Thousand World Mirror?"

A chubby middle-aged man came out next to him: "You know, if you really restore this fairy artifact, it's probably more precious than these three drops of heaven and earth.

"Repair the fairy tool? You really think you are a fairy. This incomplete fairy tool has been in my hands for so long, and there is no way to repair it. It's just trash in my hands. It's better to trade it out. In exchange for resources that can increase cultivation."5

Daoist Duobao sneered: "With these three drops of the source of heaven and earth, it is estimated that it will not take long before I can become a cultivator in the integrated state, and my cultivation will be further improved, saving thousands of years of hard work.

To be honest, compared to his own cultivation, the so-called magic weapon is nothing. If he can't break through when his lifespan is exhausted, no matter how much treasure he has, it will only be a wedding dress for others.

"That's right. 99

The middle-aged man couldn't help but nod his head in agreement: "However, what is the origin of this longevity Taoist, to actually be able to obtain the origin of heaven and earth, this is a very rare treasure, unless it has an SS-level reincarnation evaluation or higher, it is impossible to obtain it at all. The reward of the origin of heaven and earth.""

He is very curious about Xia Chuan's identity~.

"I don't know, but it doesn't matter. This must be a thigh, and there must be a lot of treasures on him. He is a person who can make friends." Daoist Duobao said solemnly.

"It's also correct that you are madly improving your cultivation base. After a while, the plane war will start soon. At that time, all the reincarnators will participate. If your strength is still so weak, I am afraid you will become cannon fodder in the war. .35

The middle-aged man said.

"Is the war going to start so soon?"

Hearing this, Daoist Duobao was taken aback.

"Of course, it is said that the war in the immortal world is more intense, and it will soon spread to the human world, as well as the spiritual world. This is a tragic war that affects the three worlds, and no one can avoid it."

The middle-aged man said: "We reincarnations are the existence that came into being. Otherwise, why does the reincarnation space train us, just to train us to be warriors and fight for this universe."

"It seems that you really need to improve your cultivation as soon as possible.

Daoist Duobao clenched his fists.

He also knows that there is no unprovoked favor in this world, and the reason why the reincarnation space has brought them such great benefits, to cultivate reincarnations with all one's heart, this is not a good deed, but another purpose.

Now that you have obtained the benefits of the reincarnation space, you must work hard for the reincarnation space, which is inevitable.

At this moment, Xia Chuan also returned to Changchun Realm from the space of reincarnation.

"Is that so, has it been over a hundred years?"

Xia Chuan raised his eyebrows. He immediately discovered that the time flow in Changchun world was different from that in Daqin world. He spent a thousand years in Daqin world.

As for the Changchun world, a hundred years have passed.

Although he has been in seclusion for a hundred years, it is nothing in the world of immortal cultivation, it is just a flick of a finger, and it is not worth mentioning at all.

More importantly, all the elders deal with the affairs of the Changchun Sect. As the Sect Master, it is enough to only handle some major matters, and does not need to do anything by himself.

So in the past 100 years, nothing special has happened in Changchun.

"The incomplete immortal artifact Daqian World Mirror, this immortal artifact can be used in the Changchun Realm.

Xia Chuan touched her chin.

When he saw this fairy artifact, he immediately knew that it would be of great benefit to him. Once he repaired this fairy artifact, he would be able to monitor the entire Changchun world.

Even if any enemy sneaks into Changchun Realm, they will be detected.

The most important thing is that, to a certain extent, it is also a quantum computer, which can record the data of each immortal cultivator and realize the dataization of the immortal cultivation world.

You must know that until now, the currency unit of the world of immortal cultivation is still the spirit stone.

The problem is that with the continuous increase of the number of immortal cultivators, the number of spirit stones is completely insufficient, and it is simply not enough to be used as a currency unit, just like hard currency such as gold and silver. Greatly increased, gold and silver are no longer suitable as general equivalents.

In its place are coins.

After all, coins are very light in weight, which can greatly reduce the amount of gold, silver, and copper coins that ordinary people carry.

·0 Seeking Flowers··

The same is true now.

As the number of immortal practitioners in Changchun has increased greatly, coupled with the explosive growth of various elixir, medicinal pills and magic weapons, the spirit stones are far from enough.

He had been looking for a solution before.

If it is in the Xuanhuang universe, the book of wisdom can also be used as the core of the server, but there is no book of wisdom in this universe, so this idea has been shelved.

But it was different now. The appearance of the Immortal Artifact Daqian World Mirror completely solved his problem.

If the Daqian World Mirror is used as the core server, then each immortal cultivator can obtain a special token of the Changchun Sect, and the token records the various wealth of the immortal cultivators, which is equivalent to a bank.


At the same time, if Changchun Zong wants to release any task, it can also be released directly on the token.

In a way, this token has become a computer, and it can also easily communicate with each other.

Even if the distance is hundreds of millions of miles, the message can arrive in an instant.

There is no doubt that once the Great Thousand World Mirror is repaired, no, it is not just as simple as repairing, it should be to enhance the original strength and performance of the Great Thousand World Mirror and make it a step further.

Let this fairy artifact become the core of the real operation of Changchun Sect.

"Fortunately, over the years, I have obtained many precious materials, and repairing this fairy artifact will not be a problem.

"However, thanks to the help of the travel cat, if it hadn't traveled to various worlds every day and brought back some specialties, it wouldn't have gotten so many materials.

"It's not a big problem to repair this fairy weapon, and more importantly, you need to add a lot of core arrays to it, making it a super server that carries the information of the entire world.

"But this problem is not a big problem. After all, this is a fairy weapon, and it is not comparable to the magic weapon of the spiritual world."

"Interesting, it seems that this fairy artifact used to be of a very high rank, and the materials used were also very precious. 35

Xia Chuan touched her chin.

He enthusiastically began to study the incomplete immortal artifact Daqian World Mirror. At this moment, he felt that he had benefited a lot, from which he had peeped into many mysteries about immortal artifact.

Many immortal runes and immortal formations were presented in front of him.

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