Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1300 The future goal of Changchun Sect, soaring into the fairyland


Daoist Huayang was shocked again and again. He felt that he had been greatly impacted, as if his three views had been baptized, which was unbelievable.

He had no idea that news from all over the world would be presented to him like this.

It's as if the whole world is condensed into one screen, which is incredible.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he wouldn't believe that such a technology actually existed in the world. It was incredible.

But the benefits of the emergence of such technology are also obvious. It can unite the whole world as if it is just a short distance away, which will greatly promote the development of the whole world.

"By the way, is this world ruled by the Changchun Sect?

Huayang Taoist asked.

"That's right. 35

Liu Qianqian nodded: "The ruler of this world is the Changchun Sect. Since the Changchun Sect brought our world from the human world to the spiritual world, our world has developed rapidly, and a large number of immortal cultivators have appeared. There are a large number of high-level immortal cultivators, so there is such a deep pit today.

"What? This world flew from the human world to the spiritual world?

As soon as these words came out, Daoist Huayang was very shocked, his eyes widened, which was more unbelievable than anything he had encountered before, because it was too exaggerated.

Of course, he knew that cultivators from the 110-human world could also ascend to the spiritual world, but it was something that had never happened for hundreds of millions of years if he wanted a mortal world to ascend to the spiritual world.

As a body cultivator, he felt that even if he descended to the human world, he would not be able to do such a thing.

It's not that his strength is not enough, it's just that it takes time for a world to accumulate enough resources, and it takes the efforts of countless generations to be able to do it.

"It's very powerful, but I'm not very clear, only the older generation knows this, after all, our new generation is born in the spiritual world, and has never seen what the human world is like. "

Liu Qianqian smiled slightly: "But it is said that the sect master also has a plan to lift our world up again, and wants to take us collectively to the immortal world, so all of us immortal cultivators are working hard for this goal.


Hearing this, Daoist Huayang looked at Liu Qianqian speechlessly. He felt that this woman was crazy. No, it should be that the monks in this world are completely crazy.

He has stayed in the spiritual world for so many years, and he has never heard of any spiritual world that can ascend to the immortal world.

If it is said, there is still a certain degree of possibility to ascend from the human world to the spiritual world.

Then it is completely impossible to ascend from the spiritual world to the immortal world.

Not to mention how many resources need to be accumulated, how many years of accumulation, even if you really accumulate enough resources, it is impossible to survive the punishment and ascend to the Immortal Realm.

It is not that no one has attempted such a feat in history, but they were all wiped out.

It is because of this that no creature in the spiritual world dares to attempt such a thing.

But this Changchun Realm actually wants the whole world to ascend to the Immortal Realm, and to make the whole world become immortals. Such an idea is really too crazy.

Perhaps it is because the ascension from the human world to the spiritual world has brought a certain degree of confidence to the cultivators of this world, but these guys have no idea how difficult it is to ascend to the fairy world.

It is extremely difficult for a person to become a Taoist, let alone to make the whole world soar, which is almost impossible.

Of course, Daoist Huayang is not so stupid, so stupid to mock each other face to face, it doesn't make any sense.

Because this is the goal of this world cultivator, there is nothing to laugh at, whether it is successful or not, it doesn't really mean much to him.

However, he also felt that the immortal cultivators in this world were completely different from before, and seemed to have accepted a different inheritance.

"By the way, I have some injuries on my body, and I want to buy some healing pills, but I don't know where (baby) can I buy them?

Daoist Huayang wanted to buy some medicinal pills to treat his injuries, even if he was a cultivator in the state of integration, but due to his severe injuries, he still needed medicinal pills and spirit medicines to assist him.

"Well, you can buy it in major stores and even online, but do you have any contribution points?"

Liu Qianqian asked.

"I don't have contribution points, but I can exchange them, because I have some elixir on me, which are very valuable and should be able to exchange for a lot of contribution points. 35

Daoist Huayang proudly said, after all, he is a cultivator in the integration state. He has traveled to many worlds, and he has left a lot of spirit medicines, medicinal pills, and spirit stones.

Even if the currency of this world is a contribution point, in essence, it can be exchanged for items.

Thinking of this, he took out some thousand-year-old elixir from his body.

"This is the Millennium Elixir Golden Ginseng, this is the Millennium Elixir Sun Grass, I believe it can be exchanged for a lot of contribution points.

Daoist Huayang said confidently, after all, these thousand-year-old elixir are valuable no matter which world they are placed in. According to his current status, taking out such a few elixir should not be coveted.


After seeing these elixir, Liu Qianqian showed a strange look.

"What's the matter? Are these elixir too precious? So you can't exchange them? 55

Daoist Huayang asked curiously.

"Well, to tell the truth, don't be angry, although for savages like you, the so-called thousand-year-old elixir is very precious, but to modern society, these elixir are not worth much at all, and they can only be sold for a few hundred. Contribute."

Liu Qianqian said.

"Hundreds of contribution points? What a joke, this is a thousand-year-old elixir, and it's still wild, how could it only be worth hundreds of contribution points? You shouldn't be trying to trick me.

Daoist Huayang didn't believe it at all, and thought it was a joke. He had collected so many thousand-year-old elixir that it was worthless in this world. This was not a joke or something.

"I'm not cheating on you. If these thousand-year-old elixir were hundreds of years ago, they might have been very valuable, but now we can grow these thousand-year elixir in batches, and you can buy them back at any pharmacy. It's not worth the money at all. If you don't believe it, there is a pharmacy nearby, you can go and see what it's worth.

Liu Qianqian said bluntly.


Taoist Huayang had a gloomy face, followed Liu Qianqian to the nearby pharmacy, and carefully looked at the price of the elixir inside.

Half an hour later, he walked out of the pharmacy, his face was completely green, and his heart was so aggrieved that the elixir on his body was really worthless.

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