Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1302 Automatic alchemy tripod, sustainable development strategy

"Is the large-scale cultivation of elixir a sustainable development strategy?"

Daoist Huayang couldn't help asking.

"That's right."

Liu Qianqian nodded: "Because elixir is a resource that can be continuously regenerated, if it relies on natural growth in the wild, how can it possibly satisfy the growing number of immortal cultivators.

It is because of this that our Changchun Sect has carried out large-scale cultivation of elixir, and various parts of the world have been cultivated into various medicinal fields, responsible for mass production of a large number of elixir.

Due to the large-scale planting, the number of elixir has also increased exponentially, which has also led to a further drop in the price of elixir and elixir for our immortal cultivators. Even commoner immortal cultivators can easily afford them. degree. "

"It's no wonder that you can become a Jindan real person at a young age. Is it because of the huge number of elixir?"

Daoist Huayang suddenly realized "—Zero".

He also understood why Liu Qianqian became a Jindan real person at just a few decades old, and the speed of cultivation was unbelievable, like a generation of geniuses.

"Yes, immortal cultivators like me are actually everywhere in this world, and they are not worth much at all. If I am really great, I will not be just a small catcher."

Liu Qianqian nodded, and she also admitted her mediocrity.

If it were hundreds of years ago, an immortal cultivator with qualifications like her might not be able to become a real Jindan, but now, let alone a real Jindan, even a spiritual cultivator and an imaginary cultivator can try to break through. a bit.

"But the price of elixir has dropped, but the price of elixir may not necessarily drop. After all, there should not be too many alchemists." Huayang Taoist was curious about this.

After all, the cost of an elixir is not only elixir, half of the cost is actually in the alchemist's salary.

Therefore, an alchemist has always been a noble profession, and the salary is extremely high. Often, an alchemist needs to occupy half of the benefits of a pot of medicinal herbs. Therefore, the price of medicinal pills has always been high.

But this is also a normal thing.

Because it is too difficult to become an alchemist, you need to remember the medicinal properties and characteristics of countless elixir, and also need to temper elixir, purify elixir, and control the heat of the alchemy furnace.

But if there is a little mistake, the success rate will drop sharply.

Therefore, the quality of medicinal pills has a great relationship with the alchemist.

"This is because the Sect Master invented a magical magic weapon called the Automatic Alchemy Cauldron. 35

Liu Qianqian explained: "As long as the purified elixir is put into this magic weapon in a certain proportion, the elixir can be automatically refined.

It can be said that there is no need for a very clever alchemist at all. As long as you understand a little about the principles of alchemy, you can use this magic weapon to automatically refine all kinds of low-level medicinal herbs.

Of course, for those high-level medicinal pills, the automatic alchemy cauldron is not very effective, and high-level alchemists are still needed, but even so, this is completely enough for ordinary immortal cultivators. "

"Automatic Alchemy Cauldron?! 35

Daoist Huayang was speechless, this Changchun Sect Master is really too terrifying, how earth-shattering the wisdom has reached, and even the magic weapon of automatic alchemy cauldron can be invented.

For ordinary cultivators, this is simply a great gospel.

After all, the number of low-level immortal cultivators is the largest, and the low-level medicinal pills they need are also the most.

"But spirit stones, spirit stones are consumable things. Once spirit stones are consumed, the world will lose resources like spirit stones sooner or later."

Taoist Huayang thought of the loopholes in sustainable development, because spirit stones are a kind of energy source in the world of immortal cultivation, and as time goes by, the number of spirit stones will only decrease.

Just like the world he lives in, it is said that due to the increasing number of immortal cultivators, the number of spiritual stones is getting rarer and rarer, according to the survey of some powerful people.

At present, the spiritual stone in the world he was born in is only enough for a cultivator to use for 100,000 years.

Although 100,000 years seems to be a long time, for immortal cultivators, it is only a few generations. Once the spiritual stones are exhausted, it will become more and more difficult for immortal cultivators to practice.

It is because of this that many immortal cultivators have begun to look for a new world to relocate to, wanting to abandon the world where resources are about to be exhausted.

This is actually the status quo of the spiritual world and the world of immortal cultivation. Once the resources are exhausted, the original world will be abandoned, and then a new world with rich resources will be found to settle down.

To a certain extent, these immortal sects are like locusts, after exhausting the resources of one world, they go to find the next world.

"This is even simpler, what is the so-called spirit stone, do you know?

Liu Qianqian asked.0


Hearing such a question, Daoist Huayang was stunned, because no one had ever asked himself these questions, and no one in the original cultivation world had asked this question.

Spirit Stone is Spirit Stone, a kind of cultivation resource, is it something else that cannot be achieved?

For a time, he was speechless, not knowing what to say.

"I can't blame you for this. After all, you are a savage in the mountains. You have not experienced systematic education, and it is normal for you to not know the essence of the spirit stone."

Liu Qianqian comforted that she looked at Daoist Huayang as if she were illiterate.


Seeing such a look, Daoist Huayang immediately became angry, he was a dignified cultivator, and was actually despised by a small Jindan real person, thinking he was mentally retarded?!

When did he suffer such humiliation.

However, he is not the kind of person who is arrogant and arrogant. In the face of knowledge that he does not understand, he naturally needs to ask for advice humbly: "Indeed, I don't understand very well, what exactly is a spirit stone? 99

But Liu Qianqian didn't sell anything, she said bluntly: "In the beginning, the ancient cultivators didn't know what the spirit stone was, they found the spirit stone, they just thought that the spirit stone could speed up their cultivation, so the spirit stone naturally became It has become the common currency of immortal cultivators, no matter what level immortal cultivators are, they need a lot of spirit stones.

It is a pity that these ancient immortal cultivators are really too stupid, they only know the truth, but do not know the reason. However, the Sect Master turned out to give us modern immortal cultivators a natural explanation, that is the essence of the spirit stone. In fact, it is aura, just a higher density of aura. "

"Aura with higher density? 39

The Taoist Huayang was thoughtful.

"Just as water turns into gas when it encounters high temperature, and turns into ice when it encounters low temperature, spiritual energy is actually such a thing.

Liu Qianqian explained: "When the spiritual qi is under tremendous pressure, it will condense into a spiritual stone. It is called a stone, but it is actually a special crystal, but it is called a spiritual stone because it looks like a stone.

It is because of this that the spirit stones are basically stored in the depths of the mountains and the earth, because only the pressure of the mountains can make the high concentration of aura condense into the spirit stones, which is the origin of the spirit stones.

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