Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1305 The magic weapon of assembly line manufacturing, the technology of precision puppets

a few days later.

Huayang Taoist finally found a job in the assembly line and joined a sweatshop called Futukang. Although this factory has long working hours, it is better than the salary, the system is standardized, and the food and housing are included.

This also barely makes Huayang Daoist satisfied, after all, he still needs a certain amount of time to be silent in this world and take the opportunity to understand the many mysteries of this world.

It has to be said that even if he only stayed in this world for a few days, he felt as if he had lived in vain for more than 6,000 years, and it was simply not as exciting as these few days.

This also made him feel very much looking forward to life in this world.

"Old man, I didn't expect you to work in a factory at such an old age. It seems that it is very difficult for your family."

A foreman looked at Taoist Huayang with great pity.

After all, the people who enter the factory to work are basically young people, and there are very few old men like Huayang Taoist.

Of course, for a cultivator like Daoist Huayang, it was a matter of time and place to become a young man, but he didn't want to reveal his identity, so he naturally appeared as an old man.

In this way, even if something happened, it would be difficult for the enemy to use his true face to want him. This was also his experience of fleeing for many years.

Older people often make strangers let their guard down.

"There's no way, the family doesn't fight for 110 anger, and there are several old ones. If I don't come out to work, the family will almost run out of rice."

"And I'm old, I don't have any skills to earn a living, I don't have a diploma, and I haven't even gone to school, so only factories can take in people like me.

Daoist Huayang sighed and said smoothly.

Anyway, it's always a good thing to be pitied, better than being hated.

"So it turns out, every family has scriptures that are difficult to read, but fortunately there is a shortage of people in factories now, even people as old as you can enter the factory to work, and the work is not very heavy, basically relying on The puppets come to work, and you workers are responsible for manipulating the puppets to complete the work.

The foreman nodded, expressing that he understood the situation of Taoist Huayang. After all, if life were not difficult, who would come to work in an assembly line factory.

He has long been accustomed to this kind of thing, after all, life is full of different situations, and there is no difficult life.

"Relying on puppets to work?

Hearing this, Daoist Huayang was very curious. In fact, he had seen all kinds of puppets on the street before. It can be said that the puppet civilization in this world is unparalleled.

Basically every household, even everyone has a puppet.

Even an ordinary person without spiritual roots can control a puppet, which also opened his eyes. He felt that the puppet technology in this world had definitely reached its peak.

Of course, this is actually one of Xia Chuan's hundreds of years of credit.

He also taught the five immortal arts to the disciples of Changchun Sect, so that they also obtained the same technology in the Daqin world, so the puppet technology in the Changchun world has also developed rapidly.

"That's right. 35

The foreman said solemnly: "Our factory is specialized in refining spaceships. Although there is a teleportation array in this world, the teleportation array depends on the dragon vein node. If it is not the dragon vein node, the teleportation circle cannot be built.

It is because of this that there are always some places that cannot be reached by the teleportation array. At this time, our spaceship will come in handy. This is also a very popular magical means of transportation.

"Refining spaceships? Can we rely on us?"

Hearing this, Daoist Huayang was immediately stunned.

Because in his world, refining a spaceship is equivalent to refining a large magic weapon, which is a very difficult task. It is necessary to gather many refining masters, and after tens of hundreds of years of refining, it is possible to refine a A spaceship that can traverse the void consumes countless materials.

It is because of this that the power that can own the spaceship is definitely a big power, which is all accumulated by money.

But now, he actually recruited some immortal cultivators casually, and actually wanted to build a spaceship. To be honest, he felt that this was simply a fantasy.

"Haha, this is what happens if you haven't read the book."

The foreman suddenly laughed: "If it were hundreds of years ago, it would have been a relatively difficult task to refine a spaceship, and it would require a large number of refiners to work together at the same time, and only after a long period of time could it be successful.

But the Sect Master put forward a wild idea, that is, division of labor and cooperation, standardized operations, and assembly line operation. That is to say, since it is extremely difficult to build a large spaceship, why not split all large spaceships, so that each factory can Production of some of these standard parts.

After all these parts are produced, they are then sent to the assembly factory, so that we can manufacture a large number of spaceships in batches.

Thanks to this, for hundreds of years, the cost of building spaceships has also been continuously reduced. Now, the price of spaceships is not too expensive to scare people to death, but any rich immortal cultivator can buy a spaceship. .

Of course, if you want to buy branded goods, then the spaceship is still a luxury, and the price is not affordable for ordinary people, but if it is an ordinary spaceship, it is enough to meet the daily traffic. "

He briefly described some of the process of making spaceships, which is completely common sense to the human beings in this world, so there is no meaning of secrecy.

Of course, for the monks from other worlds, this simply opened a new door, a whole new world.


Daoist Huayang was stunned. He never thought that magic weapons could be refined like this before. He actually split the magic weapons into various parts and then assembled them together.

I have to say that this is simply a wild idea, and it is so wonderful that it is unbelievable.

If it is made by one person, it is naturally extremely hard, and it requires a master of refining to succeed.

But if it's just refining a part, then even an apprentice can do it.

In other words, the masterpieces of countless apprentices can be compared to countless masters of refining, and it is because of this that magic weapons in this world are endless and cheap.

"No wonder the price of magic weapons in this world is so low, it turns out that this magic weapon is refined like this.

Daoist Huayang was shocked.

He has also seen some magic weapons, although these magic weapons are refined by the assembly line factory, but the power is no less than the masterpieces of those refining masters.

And because it is automatic refining, the specifications of each magic weapon are consistent, and it will not be the same as personal production. The state of the individual affects the finished product of each magic weapon.

At the same time, due to the low price, immortal cultivators in this world can completely use one, discard one, and reserve one. In short, there is no shortage of magic weapons.

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