Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1310 The Gorefiend Clan Has Come To Send Treasures Again


In an instant, Xia Chuan immediately cast a secret technique to refine this immortal artifact constellation plate, and a huge message immediately surged from the depths of the constellation plate.

He also instantly understood the function of this fairy weapon.

"It turns out that this fairy weapon has three functions.

"The first function is to record the spatial coordinates of every world and planet encountered, and then a huge three-dimensional star map will be automatically formed. As long as the worlds you have visited, you can automatically record them. Over time, the content of the map will naturally become more and more detailed.

"The second function is automatic exploration. It can explore planets and worlds within a radius of 100 million light-years, and automatically perceive the surrounding worlds and planets, so as to identify the direction for the holder."

"The second function is space jumping. It can leave space coordinates in various worlds. Once in danger, you can use this fairy weapon to jump in space and escape quickly."5

Xia Chuan touched his chin, and instantly understood the tyranny of this fairy weapon. There is no doubt that this is definitely a fairy tool for crossing the spiritual world, or a must-have for the fairy world.

With this fairy weapon, you will not get lost in the boundless universe.

127 It is estimated that even in the immortal world, such a fairy artifact is still a very precious magic weapon, and it is not a fairy artifact that is only one piece of human hands.

"Very good, with this fairy weapon, there is no need to use the reconnaissance puppet to slowly investigate the surrounding world. 35

Xia Chuan smiled slightly, feeling very happy.

To be honest, the speed of investigating the puppets is really too slow, and it is still the kind of aimless. If you want to find a new world, you don't even know it's a matter of the year of the monkey.

It can be said that the use of reconnaissance puppets is an extremely inefficient method, far inferior to the immortal weapon to fix the astrolabe.

But this is also a matter of course.

After all, this is a magic weapon from the immortal world, and its abilities are naturally not comparable to those of the spiritual world.

"Sure enough, the power of the cosmic wonder travel cat is quite powerful, it is almost equivalent to doing what you want.

Xia Chuan was very happy.

With the continuous improvement of his own cultivation, the power of the travel cat of the cosmic wonders has become stronger and stronger. As long as he wants something, the travel cat will find it for himself the next day.

After all, the power of the travel cat covers the entire universe, entering the human world, the spiritual world and the fairy world anytime and anywhere, and sensing the traces of various treasures.

As long as it is willing, all kinds of treasures in the universe are simply at your fingertips.

If his main body comes here and has the cultivation level of the Heavenly Venerate, then the traveling cat may be able to travel across different universes and obtain different treasures.

During this time, the travel cat found a lot of treasures for himself from all over the universe.

Basically, he is the richest cultivator in the spiritual world.

It can be said that even if you stay at home, there is still a steady stream of treasures coming to your door.


At this moment, Xia Chuan's heart moved, and he used the power of the immortal weapon to set the astrolabe to continuously spread his spiritual consciousness, covering an area of ​​100 million light-years.

He suddenly felt that a huge fleet was jumping towards Changchun Realm space not far away.

According to the speed at which this fleet is advancing, it will basically take decades before it reaches Changchun Realm.

Because the distance was too far, he could not know the actions of this fleet before, but with the power of the immortal weapon to fix the astrolabe, it was different. The surrounding area of ​​100 million light-years was within his perception.

To a certain extent, this fairy weapon is also equivalent to a monitor, which can monitor various abnormal situations and detect the arrival of danger in advance.

"Wait, the aura of this fleet is very familiar, could it be the fleet of the Gorefiends?"

"So it turns out that the Gorefiends knew that the Changchun Realm had ascended to the Spirit Realm, and in order to avenge the snow, they sent a large number of Gorefiend elites to the Changchun Realm?

"It's a race that will be reported to be a baby. It's a pity that the current Changchun world has long been different from what it used to be."

Xia Chuan raised her eyebrows.

He immediately realized that this fleet was from the Gorefiends, and the reason why Changchun Realm could ascend to the Spirit Realm was by integrating the Gorefiend Realm, so that it could succeed.

The results can be imagined, to a certain extent, it is equivalent to Changchun Realm stealing the achievements of the Gorefiends for hundreds of millions of years and destroying their plans for many years.

Therefore, their resentment towards the Changchun Sect can be imagined.

If the Changchun Sect remained in the human world, no matter how angry the Gorefiends were, it would be of no use. After all, they could not reach the human world to seek revenge from the Changchun Sect.

But it is different now. The Changchun Realm has soared into the Spirit Realm, and all the human beings of the Changchun Sect have also soared into the Spirit Realm.

Moreover, after the Bloodline Clan knew about this situation, they were naturally ecstatic, and without saying a word, they immediately mobilized the entire Gorefiend Clan to attack Changchun Realm.

Normally, Changchun Realm could not resist the attack of all the main forces of the Gorefiend clan.

After all, the Changchun Realm is just a young world that has just ascended to the Spirit Realm for hundreds of years. No matter how talented the world is, the cultivation of the Changchun Realm cultivator can be improved to the Void Refinement Realm, or even the Fit Realm.

But what about the Gorefiends?

Not to mention cultivators in the Void Refinement Realm, even in the Integration Realm, there are many monsters in the Mahayana Realm.

In terms of strength alone, the Gorefiend clan would definitely beat the newly ascended Changchun Realm.

It is because of this that the Gorefiend clan hurried over after discovering the traces of the Changchun Sect, for fear that other forces would discover the traces of the Changchun Sect, so that the ducks they had obtained would fly away.

"However, the reason why the Gorefiend clan can find Changchun Realm so quickly is probably because the former Gorefiend Realm has left a lot of treasures, and these treasures may hide the backhand of the Gorefiend clan, so they are located in Changchun Realm.

Xia Chuan instantly understood why the Gorefiend family could find Changchun Realm so easily.

To know that the area of ​​the spiritual world is boundless, it is difficult to find one of the worlds.

Other forces are still like headless flies, looking for traces of Changchun Realm everywhere. In the next tens of thousands of years, they may not be able to find any traces of Changchun Realm.

However, if there are spatial coordinates, and the Changchun boundary can be located, the result will be completely different.

Therefore, the Gorefiend family can ignore any factors and directly kill the Changchun Realm.

"Interesting, I was still thinking about how to quickly increase the high-end combat power of Changchun Realm. I didn't expect that the Gorefiends would kill them directly. They are really a group of rich boys."

Xia Chuan smiled slightly, very happy.

If the main force of the Gorefiend clan can be completely refined into puppets, then the power of Changchun Realm will probably increase at a geometric rate, and Changchun Realm will not lack high-end combat power in the future.

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