Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1321 Gou's One Wanjian Peak Disciple, If You Can Fight in Groups, You Can't Pick I

"Yes, elder."

Numerous new inner disciples nodded their heads. They said that they would not be dissatisfied because of the poor treatment. After all, this was the sect training themselves.

"Very well, since this is the case, then this introductory meeting is over, and then your senior brother will explain to you various matters after entering the inner door.

The inner sect elder nodded with satisfaction. It seems that this year's inner sect disciples are not bad.

Moreover, as a cultivator in the Void Refinement Realm, he is also busy with cultivation on weekdays, so he finally took a little time to hold the introductory meeting, so why would he want to waste time here.

With just a few words, he ended the introductory-meeting.

Immediately, the inner disciples who were present scattered again. In fact, when they entered the entrance, they joined different peaks and belonged to different factions.

Fang Hang, on the other hand, belongs to Wan Jianfeng, and can be regarded as a sword cultivator.

Whoosh whoosh!!!

At this time, many inner disciples belonging to Wanjianfeng gathered together, and several senior brothers from Wanjianfeng also came here to receive this group of inner disciples.

"Hello everyone, welcome to join our Wanjianfeng. Your choice is very wise. You actually know that Wanjianfeng is the strongest faction in our Changchun Sect. Joining us should be the best choice in your life. By the way, I My name is Xu Wei, you can call me Senior Brother Xu in the future."

A senior brother Wan Jianfeng gave a speech and looked at all the lovely junior brothers with a kind face.

"Hello, Senior Brother Xu.

Many of the new introductory disciples shouted with vigour.

"Senior Brother Xu, may I ask that we will participate in the plane war in a year, do you have any advice you can give us? 99'

At this time, an entry-level disciple boldly asked.

"Yes, to actually know how to ask this question, it seems that there are still talents."

Hearing this, Senior Brother Wan Jianfeng smiled slightly: "Everyone is the inner disciple of our Changchun Sect, with noble status and precious lives, so naturally we cannot die in vain in the plane war.

Therefore, the number one priority of our Wanjianfeng disciples is to govern. You must remember that those who can fight in a group can never go head-to-head, those who can fight from a distance can never fight melee, and those who can ambush and attack can never compete head-on.

In short, good warriors have no illustrious skills, and it is the last word that they can survive. Whoever survives to the end will have the last laugh. He must not be a reckless man and die together with the enemy. "


Hearing this, Immortal Biyou, who was hiding in the ring, turned green. Looking at this brazen Senior Brother Wan Jianfeng, he didn't know what to say.

It's a shame that this fellow is still a sword cultivator, to actually go so far as to be as cowardly as a mouse.

As a Sword Immortal, he despised this kind of daring bandit the most.

But this kind of idea actually prevailed in the so-called Wanjianfeng, which is really unreasonable. It seems that this Wanjianfeng is just a show, and it is not worth mentioning at all.

"But Senior Brother Xu, as sword cultivators, aren't we the profession of melee combat?"

Fang Hang couldn't help asking.

"Who told you that sword cultivators are melee combat occupations, this is just mortal rhetoric, we are sword cultivators, future sword immortals, sword cultivators have always been a long-range attack occupation.

Wan Jianfeng Senior Brother Xu said as a matter of course: "The sword qi of a mortal swordsman is only three feet away, so mortal swordsmen can only become a melee professional.

But we, as Sword Immortals, can kill objects several kilometers, or even dozens of kilometers away, with a single sword qi, and even take the enemy's head from thousands of kilometers away. If this is not a profession of long-range attack, what is it? Ranged attack.

"Yes, Senior Brother Xu is absolutely right. 35

"It seems that we all have a great misunderstanding of the profession of sword repair. 35

"Fortunately, I joined the inner sect, otherwise I would have been mistaken by other sword cultivators, but I don't know that Sword Immortal is a true long-range occupation, capable of taking the head of an enemy thousands of miles away.

Many new inner disciples nodded in unison.

They all felt that Senior Brother Xu had said too many words, and he was simply insightful.

"But Senior Brother Xu, if our sword cultivator is a long-range attacking profession, wouldn't the swordsmanship we learned before have no effect? ​​We can only attack from a distance and release sword energy?

Fang Hang asked curiously.

"No, it's not that it doesn't work, it's just that it doesn't work much. A real swordsman doesn't need such fancy swordsmanship. If you kill an enemy, one sword is enough, and you don't need a second sword at all.

·0 for flowers ·......

Wan Jianfeng Senior Brother Xu said as a matter of course.


Immortal Biyou was stunned for a while, although this guy is very greedy for life and fear of death, but to a certain extent, this is indeed correct, if it is a true peerless sword immortal, no enemy can stop his sword.

It is a pity that achieving such a state cannot be achieved overnight.

"The problem is Senior Brother Xu, the enemy is not an idiot, it is impossible for us to be beheaded by us, they will always dodge away, in this case, if a sword can't kill the opponent, won't we suffer?

A new inner disciple continued to ask.

"Haha, this question is not bad, it seems that you are also thinking. 35

Wan Jianfeng Senior Brother Xu smiled slightly: "If you want to kill the enemy with a single sword, you need your hard training. There is only one key to real swordsmanship, and that is to be fast, faster than the speed of sound, faster than the speed of light, and even faster than the speed of light. Faster than the speed of time.

As long as your sword energy is fast enough, no matter what kind of cultivator you are, our sword cultivators can kill with one sword, and even after killing the enemy in an instant, the enemy has no way to react.

This is the supreme realm that our sword cultivators pursue, a sword that is fast to the extreme, speed is power, speed is everything, no matter how fancy your swordsmanship is, you can't stop me waiting for the sword of the supreme sword fairy. "

As soon as these words came out, many of the newly promoted inner disciples were extremely excited, and they were simply fascinated. If the sword energy they blasted out was faster than the speed of sound and the speed of light, what kind of sword energy would it be.

If this is the case, I am afraid that even an immortal will be killed by a sword.

"This Wan Jianfeng is a bit of a doorway.

After hearing these words, Immortal Biyou fell silent. Before, he still despised Wan Jianfeng's so-called inheritance of swordsmanship, but now he felt a sense of recognition when he heard such a swordsmanship.

The so-called Dao is the simplest, and the same is true of kendo.

The real top swordsmanship is not very complicated, but incomparably simple.

Only by reaching this realm of simplicity and simplicity, can one truly achieve the supreme realm of sword heart transparency.

To be honest, this is also the truth of swordsmanship that he has been cultivating for a long time to understand, but he did not expect to say it in the mouth of an ordinary inner disciple, it is really incredible.

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