Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1324 The Four Swords of Execution of Immortals are buried - MTL Novel

Having said that, Wanjianfeng Senior Brother Xu paused for a while, and then continued: "The third area is the Wanjian Labyrinth, which is a super formation arranged by the Sect Master himself.

Once entering this formation, our Wanjianfeng disciples will immediately face powerful swordsman puppets and attacks from the formation. Only by failing or passing the test can they leave the formation.

There are a total of 129,600 test formations like this. If any of you can pass all the test formations, then whoever can become the Peak Master of Wanjian Peak.

Of course, it is impossible to pass all the tests. If you can pass a thousand test formations, then you will be eligible to teach the Immortal Execution Formation.


Hearing this, Fang Hang and the others' eyes suddenly lit up, and all of them were extremely excited. If they passed the test of the Myriad Swords Labyrinth, wouldn't they be eligible to learn the Immortal Execution Sword Formation?!

But some smart people are sneering, if it is really that simple, then Wan Jianfeng is full of geniuses.

It is precisely because it is extremely difficult to pass the test that it is set to such a difficulty.

"The fourth area is Wanjian Academy."

Wanjianfeng Senior Brother Xu did not stop and said, "Wanjian Academy is a holy place for learning. Generally speaking, if the elders come to teach, you can also go to Wanjian Blood Palace to listen to the lecture. If you are lucky, you may also Find one or two inner sect elders to teach you, and then you will benefit a lot.

At the same time, there are also many swordsmanship secrets left in the Wanjian Academy. If you have enough contribution points, you can also go to the Academy to buy them.

The fifth area is Wanjian City. This Wanjian City is actually the place where our inner disciples live, because over the years, many inner disciples live in the city.

Over time, Wanjian City has also become the place where our Wanjianfeng disciples live, and basically all of our living needs can be met in this city.

Of course, as new disciples of the inner sect, you are naturally qualified to allocate a courtyard to live in. In fact, your residence has already been allocated.

If you are qualified to become the elders of the inner door, you can even receive a mountain within the Wanjian Peak area and use it as your own palace, but unfortunately not many can do this.

He briefly talked about the five major areas of Wanjianfeng.

"I see.

Numerous new disciples in the inner sect nodded their heads in unison. After the explanation from Senior Brother Xu, they could be considered to have a certain degree of understanding of Wan Jianfeng.

It has to be said that Wan Jianfeng has indeed refreshed their cognition. They did not expect such a huge area, not just a mountain, but a huge area.

If you think about it carefully, it is indeed the case. Wanjianfeng is a powerful faction of the Changchun Sect. Naturally, it is not just a simple mountain, nor can it only accommodate such a small number of people.

"Little devil, this sword raising peak is not easy, I am afraid that there are four immortal swords buried.

At this moment, Immortal Biyou's pupils contracted, staring at Yangjian Peak in the distance, he could perceive that those peaks contained terrifying sword energy and sword intent, as if countless kendo masters were buried in these peaks.

What shocked him even more was that in the depths of the earth, four terrifying sword intents and sword qi fluctuations seemed to faintly sleep.

It is because of this power that these peaks contain the power to temper the flying sword.

Before, he thought that the people of Changchun Sect were bragging, how could the so-called Immortal Execution Sword Formation really exist, but now he sensed this heart-pounding sword energy, which made him shudder.

Unless it is to let him come here in his heyday, he will not dare to be afraid.

But now he only has a wisp of remnant soul left, if he is targeted by the power of this fairy sword, I am afraid that he will surely die.

Hearing this, Fang Hang also looked at Yangjianfeng curiously, and he did sense the unusualness of Yangjianfeng, which seemed to arouse the sword energy in his body.

"Oh, Junior Brother Fang, you seem to be very interested in Yangjian Peak?

Senior Brother Xu immediately noticed Fang Hang.

"That's right, I sensed that Yangjian Peak seems to be hiding a powerful sword energy, containing a terrifying sword glow, I don't know what is inside Yangjian Peak?

Fang Hang asked curiously.

"Haha, it seems that Junior Brother Fang, your kendo talent is good, and you can actually perceive this.

Senior Brother Xu looked at Fang Hang with admiration: "Actually, your perception is correct, the depths of Yangjian Peak hide the true heritage of our Wanjian Peak - the Four Swords of Zhuxian.

This is the original flying sword belonging to the sect master. He deliberately buried the four immortal swords in Yangjian Peak and became the pillar and background of our Wanjian Peak. The flying sword has been tempered.

Thanks to the tempering and warming of the immortal sword, every flying sword in our Wanjian Peak is extremely terrifying, and even has a hint of immortal aura.

He briefly talked about the real mystery in Yangjian Peak.

66 `My God, our Wanjian Peak actually has immortal swords, doesn't it mean that there are very few immortal artifacts in the spiritual world? Why does the Sect Master have so many immortal artifacts on his body?"

"Isn't it? It is said that in other worlds in the spiritual world, there is a fairy sword that has already achieved great luck and can protect the luck of the sect for millions of years, but the sect master has four fairy weapons. 99

"Yes, I don't know how the Sect Master did this, and where did these fairy artifacts come from, it's really strange.

Many inner sect disciples were talking about it, and they all felt extremely doubtful.


Immortal Biyou couldn't help but nodded, he was actually very curious about this.

Generally speaking, it is basically impossible for a spiritual world cultivator to obtain a fairy weapon.

Because only the immortal world can forge such a powerful magic weapon, it is almost impossible for the spiritual world to forge an immortal weapon, so don't even think about it.

And if the spiritual world cultivator wants to get the fairy weapon, then there is only one possibility, and that is the reward of the immortal from the upper world.

Or it was because of the immortal world war that caused space cracks to appear, and some immortal artifacts fell from the upper world, and then were obtained by the spiritual world cultivator.

Apart from that, there is no other way to obtain the Immortal Artifact.

It is precisely because of this that immortal artifacts are so precious in the spiritual world. They are very few and extremely rare.

"I don't know, this is the secret of the Sect Master, and it is not something that we inner disciples can know. In short, the Sect Master must have obtained a huge fortuitous experience, and only have the harvest today."

Senior Brother Xu shook his head, saying that he was only an inner disciple, how could he know so much.

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