Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1338 The Eighteen Demons of the Order, the Five Elements Cage and the Great Insight

At this moment, in the palace of the Song Dynasty.

Xia Chuan sat on the throne, the entire palace was silent, without any sound, as if the people in the palace had completely died, it was extremely quiet.

It was obviously noon, and the sun was shining brightly, but it was extremely cold, with cold air all around.

Tick ​​tock~~tick tock~~

At this time, the sound of footsteps came from outside the door, and each step stepped on the human heart, and then a group of people walked in from outside.

They were all the guards of the palace, as well as many eunuchs and ministers.

It's just that their eyes are sluggish, without any expressions, just like puppets being manipulated, and bursts of demon breath permeate from them.

"Is it finally here?"

Xia Chuan looked at the group of puppets indifferently, and he could see at a glance that the entire palace had become the lair of demons, and countless humans in the palace had become their puppets and were controlled by them.

If it is normal, no one can see their abnormality.

But as long as the demons activate their power, they will instantly seize the minds of these humans, making them puppets. Even if they wake up, they will forget all their previous memories.

They don't even remember what they did before.

"Jie Jie, it seems that he is a reincarnation person with good psychological quality, but he actually knows that we are coming to trouble you."

"It's also your bad luck. It's not good to be reincarnated. You actually reincarnated in the palace and came to the lair of our demons. If you don't die, who will die?"

"It is estimated that you have offended the reincarnation space, otherwise, you will not be reincarnated in this place."

"Little devil, have you figured out how to die?"

One after another voices sounded from all directions, buzzing, and people couldn't tell where they came from, as if countless demons were talking.

This also makes people feel extremely strange, and even the heart is chilled and trembling.

The reason why Heavenly Demons are so terrifying is because of their strange methods, and ordinary spells cannot harm them, nor can they find their true bodies, and they can even be difficult to kill.

This has also caused the demons to become the confidants of the monks. Once they encounter the demons, it means that the time of death is coming.

"So that's the case, there are eighteen demons in total, it seems that I was underestimated by you, only there were eighteen demons, do you despise me so much?

Xia Chuan smiled slightly.

In the depths of his pupils, dense immortal runes appeared, as if he knew everything, and he could see at a glance that these human beings were hiding eighteen demons.

This is an immortal technique he created in the past three thousand years - the great insight technique. This immortal technique has no fighting ability, but its auxiliary ability is quite powerful.

It can gain insight into the weakness of the enemy, crack all illusions, and obtain specific information on all creatures and things.

As long as it is in front of the Great Insight Technique, any creature has nothing to hide. The so-called illusion technique, the technique of concealment, and the technique of restraining the breath will completely lose their effect and completely show their original shape.

It is because of this that these eighteen demons thought they were hiding well, but in fact their true bodies had long been exposed in front of their eyes.


As soon as these words came out, the eighteen demons present couldn't help but be taken aback. They were proud of the hidden techniques of the demons. As long as they were hidden in the human body, no matter how many monks in the spiritual world, it would be difficult to find them. 's real body.

Unless it is an immortal descending to earth, otherwise, the concealment technique of the demons is an invincible technique in the spiritual world.

With the power of this concealment technique, they are simply omnipotent. They are always the only ones who have plotted against the enemy, and no enemy has ever plotted against their demons.

But now, this human being in front of them actually saw through their true identity from the very beginning, and knew the exact number of their demons, which really surprised them.

For the first time, they realized that the human being in front of them was definitely not an ordinary reincarnator.

"It turned out to be a reincarnator who is proficient in pupil art. No wonder he can see through our true body."

"I didn't expect to actually catch a big fish, a spiritual monk like you who is proficient in pupil art is probably extremely rare.

'Jie Jie, if you kill you, it will be equivalent to this group of reincarnations being completely blind, and no one will be able to find the traces of our demons. Our luck is really good.

"Idiot reincarnation, who dares to take the initiative to reveal his own abilities, isn't this self-defeating?"

Many heavenly demons laughed and said, they felt that the human being in front of them was simply too stupid, and they actually took the initiative to reveal their powerful abilities.

After all, after knowing that the other party has super powerful pupil technique, it is absolutely impossible for them to let this human escape.

"Seeking your own death? Who the hell is looking for your own death?

Xia Chuan looked at the demons indifferently.


In an instant, with his body as the center, a huge five-element domain spread out, covering the entire capital in an instant, filling every corner of thousands of kilometers.

Immortal Art - The Cage of the Five Elements!

This is a cage condensed by the power of the five elements. The power of the five elements is intertwined with each other, and the five elements circulate endlessly, just like forming a world.

To a certain extent, it seems to form a barrier to the world, and no creature, soul, energy, or matter can escape from this cage.

In order to prevent these demons from escaping and going out to inform him, he chose to completely block the surrounding time and space, the purpose of which was to cut off their back roads.

Because according to the intelligence, the escape methods of these demons are still very clever.

"How dare you dare to block the surrounding time and space? Do you really think that with your mere cultivator of the Mahayana realm, you can compete with our eighteen demons?"

Seeing this kind of action, many demons suddenly laughed. They felt that they were really underestimated by the human beings in front of them. When did the famous demons be underestimated by humans to such an extent.

Whenever a demon appears, it is an existence standing at the peak of the spiritual world.

If they can ascend to the Immortal Realm, their strength can immediately compare to Immortals.

It can be said that the strength of each celestial demon is comparable to that of the immortals, and it is the pinnacle of the spiritual world.

But this kid in front of him is only alone, and he actually looks like he has surrounded them with eighteen demons, which is really arrogant to the extreme.

This kind of scene makes it seem that they are not surrounded by the human monk, but the human monk surrounded them, and it still looks like they have found eighteen celestial demons alone.

To be honest, this kind of behavior really made them laugh out loud. After living for such a long time, it was the first time I saw a human being in the spiritual world underestimate them. It was really outrageous.

Thinking of this, they are simply the kind that are full of fire and boiling with anger.

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