Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1343 The development process of the immortal world, the defects of the reincarnation sect

"In other words, have your demons actually mastered the place where the Samsara Sect is located? 99

Xia Chuan looked at the group of demons.

"That's right, although the group of idiots from the Samsara Sect thought that their place was very secretive, they didn't know that some of the disciples of the Samsara Sect had been invaded by our demons long ago, and their whereabouts had been completely exposed.

"It can be said that if our Heavenly Demons weren't trying to catch you reincarnations, the Reincarnation Sect would have been destroyed by us long ago, instead of still surviving in this world.

A demon said triumphantly.

It means that the mere human cultivators do not know the horrors of the demons at all, but whenever a demon is born, it will be taken advantage of by the demons, and often the other party doesn't know what happened.

This is the terrifying of the demons, which can be transformed into demons and sneak into the cracks of human hearts.

No matter how human beings detect it, it is difficult to detect the whereabouts of the demons.

"That's good."

Xia Chuan touched her chin and felt very satisfied.

To be honest, he is very interested in the sects of these 10 worlds, presumably this sect must have a lot of knowledge he needs, which will also become the food for his further growth.

There are also the mysteries of these demons, he is also very interested.

Although the power level of the creatures in this world is not very high, at most it is the top level of the spiritual world, but the knowledge contained in it makes his heart unceasingly.

It didn't take long for him to know where the Samsara Sect was.

"So that's the case, is it hidden in a mountain in the world of the Song Dynasty?"

Xia Chuan's eyes showed a gleam of light.

Originally, the Hall of Reincarnation was high above the sky, like an immortal world, looking down at all beings, nine days away, but due to the invasion of the demons, they were attacked immediately and suffered heavy losses.

In order to avoid the annihilation of the Samsara Sect, they drove the Samsara Temple to escape quickly, escaped into the void, and returned to the interior of the world.

They tried to use the vast land of the Song Dynasty to avoid the pursuit of the demons.

I have to say, this plan is really good.

If there were no traitors, even the demons would have difficulty finding their whereabouts.

But there is no if in this world, there are only certainties.

A few days later, there was a big mountain somewhere in the Great Song world. This was the Samsara Sect, and it was also where the Samsara Temple was located.

They are hidden in a certain dimension of time and space, not in the world, nor in the spiritual world. Even if someone approaches this place, if they do not find a space node, they will not be able to contact the location of the Temple of Reincarnation.

It can be said that this is the important force that the Samsara Sect can always dominate the world of the Song Dynasty.

It is almost impossible for mortals to succeed in seeking immortals.

At this moment, within the Reincarnation Sect, there are still 108 Reincarnation Sect disciples, and the rest of the Reincarnation Sect disciples basically died tragically in the battle with the demons.

"Sect Master, what are we doing now? The demons are powerful, we are not opponents of the demons at all, they are too terrifying.

"Isn't it? It's fine if they are just powerful, but they are immortal existences, and even if their bodies are destroyed, they can be reborn in another place. 55

"That's right, that is to say, even if we spend all our energy and the enemy perishes together, the other party can be reborn. In this way, we will only die more and more, and we will not be the opponents of the devil at all."

The expressions of many Reincarnation Sect disciples were extremely difficult to see.

They have reigned supreme in the Song Dynasty for countless years, and they have always been the absolute hegemons of this world.

But who could have imagined that a group of extraterritorial demons suddenly appeared, and they were instantly knocked out of the mortal world, and now it seems that there are signs that the sect is about to be destroyed.

There is no doubt that if they continue like this, they will surely die.

"It's all to blame for those two damned guys. If it wasn't for them having inner demons and being taken advantage of by the demons, our Samsara Sect would still be able to stalemate with those extraterrestrial demons for a long time."

Some Samsara disciples gritted their teeth.

Originally, at the beginning, the group of extraterritorial demons were used by them to block the world of the Song Dynasty, so that they could never invade the world of the Song Dynasty.

But who could have imagined that there were two disciples in the Samsara Sect, a man and a woman, and they were both Taoist companions.

Since they became Taoist companions, the crystallization of love was born, and there were descendants.

The problem is that the entire Reincarnation Sect has only three hundred and sixty-five disciples. Unless someone dies and someone ascends, the cultivation places will be vacated so that others can join the Reincarnation Sect.

It is a pity that it is now in the heyday of the Samsara Sect, and it will take thousands of years at least for the disciples of the Samsara Sect to die naturally, or to ascend to the Tao.

If they couldn't cultivate for such a long time, then their sons would inevitably run out of lifespan and die. After all, if mortals didn't cultivate, they would survive for at most a hundred years.

The first-generation Sect Master of the Samsara Sect stipulated that the number of places for each generation of disciples could not be more or less. Originally, this was a good thing, and it could prevent this world from ever being in a struggle.

Each disciple can also enjoy a lot of resources and be carefree.

The problem is, people are all selfish, so are immortals, and so are immortals.

If they live in the mortal world, they will also have the same emotions. Can they watch their Taoist companions, or their descendants live and die? Only they are left to live alone?!

160 Even if some people can do it, some people can't.

It is because of this that a family cultivator is almost bound to be born. In fact, the same is true for immortal cultivators in other worlds. At the beginning, a certain person becomes an immortal, and then drives the entire family to cultivate immortals, so that their descendants will become immortals.

Because these immortal clans were fighting each other, they found that not every generation of clan's children could give birth to immortal geniuses, and there would always be many mediocre children.

The mediocrity is always more than the genius.

Therefore, the sect came into being because of this. After all, compared with the family, there are still more geniuses in the whole world.

So the sect system easily defeated the family system.

This is the historical process of the development of the major immortal worlds.

The reincarnation sect wanted to artificially interrupt this historical process. This natural law is naturally extremely difficult. They need to face various human emotions and selfishness.

If there are no demons, the Samsara Sect might be able to maintain this order until eternity.

It's a pity that there are the appearance of extraterritorial demons. They saw the inner demons in the hearts of the disciples of the reincarnation sect, so they took advantage of the emptiness and defeated the reincarnation sect from the inside.

It is precisely because of this that the line of defense that the Samsara Sect has held for countless years has also been completely broken by the extraterritorial demons, which has also caused the Samsara Sect to suffer heavy casualties, resulting in unprecedented losses.

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