Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1347 Study the characteristics of the demon, this is the soul creature created by Tianzun

"Come here for me."

Xia Chuan looked at the group of panicked demons indifferently and grabbed with a big hand.


Immediately, a terrifying vortex force appeared on his body, as if he had transformed into a black hole, swallowing these demons from all directions.

"No no no!!!

These demons immediately let out a shrill scream, and they found that their bodies were flying towards the human monk in front of them uncontrollably. Even if they tried their best, it would be of no avail.

In just a breath of time, they fell into Xia Chuan's hands, were sealed by him, and imprisoned in the sealed cage, where they could no longer escape.

"No, it's just a single blow to defeat so many demons.

"What the hell are you kidding? What level of strength is this guy? Shouldn't he be an immortal?"

"Even if "One Seven Three" is not an immortal, it is estimated that it is not far from immortals. Otherwise, it would not be so light to defeat these demons. It is too terrifying."

Seeing this scene, many disciples of the Samsara Sect were extremely shocked, they couldn't believe their eyes.

You must know that these Heavenly Demons caused their Samsara Sect to suffer heavy casualties and were almost wiped out, and even scared them to the point of escaping from the world of Song Dynasty and never wanting to come back.

But now, in front of this man, these demons are like ants, being played with applause.

If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, who would have imagined that these demons were so fragile.

I don't know if the demon is too weak, or the man in front of him is too strong.

For a while, they didn't know what to say.

"It's good luck, to be able to find so many demons, it seems that today is definitely a bumper harvest.

Xia Chuan smiled slightly.

Now that he has caught dozens of demons, plus the dozens of demons he caught before, the number of demons that fell into his hands has exceeded hundreds, and it can be said that there are enough subjects for the experiment.

He felt that coming to the Reincarnation Sect was the right one, and it could be said that he had gained a lot.

"From now on, this reincarnation hall belongs to me, you have no opinion.

Xia Chuan looked at the group of Samsara disciples indifferently.

"No, no opinion."

The remaining Reincarnation Sect disciples had long been scared to pee. Seeing the terrifying strength that Xia Chuan showed just now, they did not have any will to fight at all, and they all surrendered in fright.

Of course, the most important thing is that those who surrender are also human monks, and even if they surrender, they will not die.

Unlike the demons, even if they surrendered to the demons, it would be a dead end.

A few days later, Xia Chuan returned to the capital of the Song Dynasty, and brought back the Temple of Samsara.

As for the disciples of the Reincarnation Sect, they naturally signed a life contract with him and became their subordinates.

At this moment, he is also studying the group of demons that he has captured. He is extremely interested in this group of enemies in the reincarnation space, and wants to know what kind of structure they are.

"Interesting, this group of demons is indeed a special weapon that was created, and it is a special soul body, so they can be invisible, silent, and penetrate deep into the souls of living beings.

"To a certain extent, the demon is a special weapon designed to attack the soul. If there is no treasure to defend against the soul, I am afraid that it is not an opponent of the demon at all."

"Moreover, the demons contain various dark powers and negative emotions, if they enter the depths of the human mind, they will arouse the dark side of human beings, causing the immortal cultivator to go into the devil and die.

"If it goes further, it can even devour the soul and flesh and blood of the cultivator, enhance the power of the demon itself, and promote the evolution of the demon itself."

"That is to say, if you want to fight against the demons, you need to strengthen the defense of the soul and wear magic weapons to defend against the attacks of the soul, so as to resist the power from the demons. 39

"Tsk tsk, it really is an exquisite soul attacking weapon. The existence of a weapon such as a demon must be a powerhouse at the level of Heavenly Venerate. Otherwise, it is impossible to play with the soul to such an extent. 359

Xia Chuan touched her chin.

The more he studied the form of demons, the more amazed he was at this special soul creature, which is simply the peak form of soul-like life.

Because if the human primordial spirit is out of the body, it will be easily eroded by various natural forces from the outside world and crushed by the void storm, so human beings will not easily let their primordial spirit out of the body.

But the devil is different.

They are soul creatures themselves, and there are already many ways to defend against external disasters.

Once they encounter a disaster from the void, their bodies will become inanimate, merge into the void, and make no sound. In this way, the disaster from nature cannot destroy them. 0

At the same time, they also have special soul defense enchantments, which can easily resist external attacks.

It can be said that even if he is the noumenon, he will not be able to study this special soul life.

After all, there is a specialization in the art industry, and the mysterious Heavenly Venerate who created the creatures like Heavenly Demons may be the top powerhouse of the soul, and has incredible research on the soul.

"Yes, yes, maybe you can imitate the life form of the demons, so as to create a special magic weapon to resist the attacks of the demons, and even create a special mysterious method."

Xia Chuan's eyes showed a gleam of light, and a lot of inspiration flashed in the depths of his consciousness.

Although his soul is not so powerful, this world copycat is far easier than creating.

Even if a Celestial Venerable took the soul together for an incomparably far distance and created many incredible soul technologies, if he wanted to imitate the other party, he would even copy the technology.

In fact, it is not as difficult as imagined, this is reverse engineering.

Of course, ordinary immortal cultivators cannot do this. Only Xia Chuan, who is also a celestial being, can truly see through the essence of celestial demons and thus gain insight into the mysteries of celestial demons.

"But even so, the demons have various shortcomings.

"Because they are yin creatures and soul creatures, they are afraid of masculine powers such as flames and thunder."

"1.6 Once you come into contact with the power of the sun, it's like ice and snow meet flames, and they begin to melt."

"That is to say, the demons are actually very afraid of the power of the catastrophe, flames, etc. Once they encounter this kind of power, the whole body will be burned to the ground, leaving no armor, just like oil encounters flames. , burns quickly."5

"But the demons are not the kind of idiots who can compete head-on with the enemy. They are just a group of spies, a group of spies. Although they don't have the ability to fight head-on, they can cause a lot of trouble to the enemy in the rear. 55

"No wonder the demons are only weapons and tools created by the Protoss. I am afraid that the Protoss is the main force in the frontal war. The so-called demons are just weapons sent by the Protoss to the rear of the reincarnation space to make trouble."

Xia Chuan felt that she had learned a lot of secrets about the demons.

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