Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1349 The history of the reincarnation sect, the first time to pry open the door of fate

A few days later, after day and night non-stop research, plus the information provided by the disciples of the reincarnation sect, Xia Chuan finally came to a certain degree of understanding of the fragments of this reincarnation space.

The fragments of this reincarnation space come from ancient times.

It is said that it was still the era when a hundred schools of thought contended in the Song Dynasty. At this time, the founder of the Samsara Sect, the first-generation sect master, accidentally obtained this mysterious treasure.

With this mysterious treasure, he started reincarnation again and again, changed various identities, sneaked into the major sects of the Song Dynasty, and learned various inheritance knowledge.

It can be said that in that era of strict gates, the reincarnation sect master has obtained the inheritance of the entire world, and can be regarded as one of the most learned in the world of the Song Dynasty.

He almost stole the Taoism of all the sects in this world and became the biggest behind the scenes in this world.

Basically, in the era of a hundred schools of thought contending, many sects fought each other, and unprecedented wars occurred, which were basically caused by the founder of the Samsara sect.

Because the reincarnation patriarch is a commoner, and he is the lowest five-line miscellaneous spiritual root.

He felt that the source of suffering for the people of the world was the cultivator.

It is because of this that he wants to eliminate the immortal cultivators in the whole world and eliminate all the sects.

In this way, the world will return to peace, there will be no more wars, and there will be no immortal cultivators who will rule all creatures in this world.

In terms of results, the reincarnation patriarch was indeed very successful. He used his identity in different sects to constantly sow discord, causing irreconcilable contradictions among the major sects.

In the end, he successfully provoked an unprecedented war that affected the entire world. Basically, all the sects participated in this earth-shattering war.

In this battle, more than 90% of the immortal cultivators were basically killed or injured.

It can be said that the Patriarch of Reincarnation has executed his plan perfectly, made the immortal cultivators in this world disappear completely, and made this world enter the era of the end of the law with his own power.

The development of the Reincarnation Sect that followed was indeed as he expected. Except for the disciples of the Reincarnation Sect, there were no other immortal cultivators in this world.

Because all the Taoist lineages are monopolized by the Samsara Sect, no one except the disciples of the Samsara Sect can set foot on the path of immortal cultivation.

It has to be said that this reincarnation patriarch is indeed a hero without discount, and he actually destroyed the whole world's cultivator sect with his own power, monopolizing an era.

Even when these sect monks died, they didn't know who caused them to perish.

Of course, the reason why this can be done is because of the fragments of this reincarnation space.

"Interesting, this piece of reincarnation space actually has the ability to make people's primordial spirit indestructible, and can even reincarnate the souls of living beings into their bodies.

Xia Chuan's eyes showed a gleam of light.

He can perceive the power of this reincarnation space fragment, to a certain extent, even the immortal artifact of this world cannot compare to it.

It can only be said that it is a shard of a cosmic wonder, even if it is a shard, the power contained in it is not comparable to ordinary treasures, and it is extremely powerful.

It can be said that the first-generation sect master of the Samsara Sect has the power of some reincarnators by virtue of the power of the fragments of the Samsara Sect, and can reincarnate his own primordial spirit into each body.

It is because of this that he will become the biggest black hand in this world, and even if this body dies, his soul will return to the fragments of this reincarnation space.

It can be said that as long as his life essence is not exhausted, or if this fragment is found and destroys the true spirit left in it, he will not die because of it.

Therefore, he is the biggest behind-the-scenes mastermind in the Song Dynasty, and has driven the destruction of many immortal sects in this world.

Of course, since he succeeds and loses, since he succeeds, he is naturally the ancestor of this world and a pioneer.

But because this is always a fragment of the reincarnation space, it only has a certain authority, and can only be reincarnated in the world of the Great Song Dynasty, and cannot project one's own primordial spirit to other worlds.

So from the beginning to the end, he can only run amok in the world of Song Dynasty, and cannot go to other worlds.

Otherwise, perhaps the entire spiritual world will become his territory.

But even so, at the end, when the founder of the Samsara Sect was about to rise through the calamity, he found that he had not really allowed this mysterious treasure to recognize its owner from beginning to end, nor could he bring it to the fairyland.

Because of this, he had no choice but to give up this treasure, stay in the Great Song world, become the treasure of the reincarnation sect, and even disguised himself as the reincarnation hall.

After all, if he does not rise through the calamity and become an immortal, he will stay in the spiritual world sooner or later, and his life essence will be exhausted and he will die, so he can only reluctantly give up this treasure.

'It is also normal to not be able to recognize the master. After all, this is a fragment of a cosmic wonder, even if it is only a fragment, it is a cosmic wonder, and it is impossible for an ordinary cultivator to recognize the master. 39

"It is estimated that even if I am a clone, it is impossible for it to recognize the master."

"But the cloned me can't understand the secret of this fragment, but if it is the original me, it will be completely different."

Xia Chuan touched her chin.

To be honest, his cultivation base is already the perfect state of the Mahayana realm. As long as he is willing, he can step into the transcending tribulation realm at any time. It can be said that his cultivation base is the pinnacle of the spiritual realm.

If it was at the beginning, he was still very weak, but after a long time of cultivation, he is no longer weak.

That is to say, he now finally has the strength to open the door of chance for the strange objects in the universe for a short time, and then transfer the fragment of the reincarnation space back to the black and yellow universe of the main body.

If he were allowed to study the ontology of the Heavenly Venerate, he would definitely be able to gain insight into more secrets, and even detect the essence of this piece of cosmic wonder.


Thinking of this, Xia Chuan did not hesitate to use the huge mana in his body to communicate with the door of chance in the depths of his consciousness, trying his best to open this door.

For the door of chance, which is a strange thing in the universe, the power of a mere Mahayana monk is like a drop of water in the ocean or a meteorite in the universe, and it is not worth mentioning at all.

But as the master of the door of chance, even if he only used insignificant power, it was enough to pry open the door.

dong double!

In an instant, the door of chance shook slightly, and a gap seemed to appear.

Although it is only a gap, it is completely enough.


In the next second, Xia Chuan's thoughts moved, and he immediately threw the fragment of the reincarnation space and teleported it back to the main body.

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