Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1354 The epoch-making elixir: Heavenly Demon Pill, the shock of the reincarnators

"Indeed, Daoyou Zhou is right.

"Those celestial demons are wicked and cunning, and their ability to hide is simply top-notch in the world.

"Isn't it? The most troublesome thing is not the combat power of the demons, but their concealment ability.

"Once they want to hide, I'm afraid we can't find their whereabouts.

Hearing this, many reincarnations nodded in unison.

The reason why the demons are so difficult to destroy is because their escape ability is too strong. As long as they hide in the crevices of a human being, it is basically difficult for them to find the demons.

After all, how big the world is, how vast the world is, and how numerous the population is.

As long as they hide on someone at will, it will be difficult for the reincarnators to find the demons. Can they really check one by one? This is simply impossible.

It is because of this that the Heavenly Demon is simply like a gangrene attached to the bone, which is difficult to destroy.

This also leads to the fact that once the demons appear, the world will fall sooner or later.

Even if these reincarnators make a move, they will only delay the time of the fall of this world, and cannot completely solve the catastrophe caused by this demon.

"Zhou Daoyou, that is to say, the reason why Xia Daoyou did this deliberately, he is playing a big game?!

A samsara's eyes gleamed.

"That's right."

Zhou Feng nodded: "Unlike us, Daoyou Xia's goal is completely different, he doesn't just want to destroy one or two demons, I'm afraid he wants to destroy all the demons in this world.


As soon as these words came out, many reincarnations were shocked and looked at Zhou Feng in disbelief.

"No, it's true, Daoyou Xia really wants to destroy the demons in this world? Can this kind of thing really be done? Someone couldn't help but swallowed.

Because of the devastation of the whole world, this kind of thing is simply appalling.

If a large number of reincarnators were dispatched, perhaps this kind of thing is still possible to a certain extent, but now it is only about a hundred reincarnators. With such a small number of reincarnators, I want to destroy the demons in this world. This is simply a fool's dream.

Before, they just wanted to complete the basic tasks of the reincarnation space layout, and they didn't want to destroy the demons in this world, because the difficulty of the two was completely different.

This is like a cultivator who wants to become a cultivator in the Foundation Establishment realm, and the other who wants to rise through a calamity. No matter how you look at it, there are two kinds of difficulty, one is underground and the other is in the sky.

"I don't know, when things haven't reached that stage, who knows if they can succeed, but what I can know is that Fellow Daoist Xia is indeed advancing in this direction.

Zhou Feng showed an expression with a wisdom pearl in his hand: "Didn't you find out the difficulty? In just twenty years, the number of monks in the entire Great Song world is unbelievably large, and basically those with spiritual roots have become the period of Qi training. It is estimated that after a hundred years, Nascent Soul cultivators and Spirit Transformation cultivators will be everywhere, and the speed of their cultivation is really too fast.

"Yes, I actually noticed that too."

Another samsara said solemnly: "On the surface, the birth of some Jindan cultivators in a mere twenty years is nothing, as long as there are sufficient resources, it can be done.

The problem is that the Song Dynasty is different. It produced a large number of Jindan cultivators in batches. To be honest, where did the Song Dynasty come from so many resources, it is really incredible. 35

He was simply puzzled.

Because if some geniuses are born, it doesn't matter at all, which world does not have geniuses, but it is impossible for everyone to be a genius.

"Haha, you don't know this. The reason why the monks of the Great Song Dynasty improved so fast is all from a kind of medicinal pill, which is called the Heavenly Demon Pill."5

Zhou Feng smiled slightly and shared the information he had inquired about.

"Heavenly Demon Pill? What kind of pill is this, and why does it sound like it has something to do with the Heavenly Demon?"

Numerous reincarnations were stunned and couldn't help asking.

"Yes, it is related to the demon. 35

Zhou Feng said solemnly: "In fact, this is the special medicine pill created by Daoyou Xia, which can be made by using the body of the demon.

This kind of Heavenly Demon Pill can not only increase the cultivation of immortals without any side effects, but also increase the spiritual power of immortals, and increase the speed and understanding of immortals.

It is precisely because of the large supply of Heavenly Demon Pills that the cultivation efficiency of the immortal cultivators in the Song Dynasty is so high. In just 20 years, a large number of Jindan cultivators have been born. 35


As soon as these words came out, many reincarnations were shocked and looked at Zhou Feng in disbelief.

"No way, it's true, it's actually possible to use the body of the demon to refine medicine pills?!

"How is it possible to do such a thing? Isn't it that the demon is invisible, but a special soul life? And its body is full of pollution, who can use them to make alchemy. 35

"That's right, to actually use the demon to concoct alchemy, it is completely unseen, unheard of, is there really no side effect? ​​How dare this fellow Xia Daoist. 35

"Crazy crazy, really completely crazy, if this is true, it is unprecedented news. Before, the demons used to feed on everything in the world, but now we can also feed on the demons?"5

Many reincarnations were stunned, even if they were senior reincarnations, they had never heard of similar things, and even immortals from the immortal world could not do this.

"Don't worry, I'm not an idiot, Zhou Feng. This is a medicinal pill from the demons. How could I not be cautious."

"If it is really a trap left by the demons, then we are really fooled.

"Before, I happened to get some Heavenly Magic Pills from the immortal cultivators of the Song Dynasty, and then handed them over to the Samsara space for testing, and found that the Heavenly Magic Pills did not have any side effects.

Zhou Feng said with emotion: "Although this medicinal pill is called the Heavenly Demon Pill, the material is only from the Heavenly Demon. In fact, it has little to do with the Heavenly Demon.

According to the detection of the reincarnation space, this is the person who refines the alchemy, purifying all kinds of negative forces on the demon, but leaving the purest soul energy.

In fact, the real material of the Heavenly Demon Pill is the soul energy. It is only called the Heavenly Demon Pill because the material comes from the Heavenly Demon. In fact, it can also be renamed the Soul Pill, or the Yuanshen Pill.

But I have to say that Fellow Daoist Xia is definitely an extremely rare alchemy master from ancient times to the present. He actually thought of a way to use the demons as materials to refine the medicinal pills that help us immortal cultivators to improve their cultivation. It is really incredible.

From then on, after we captured the demon, we could not only imprison the other party, but also use the special power of the demon to help us improve our cultivation.

He felt very shocked and amazed in his heart, and felt that this was an epoch-making invention.

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