Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1360 The blood sea reincarnation formation, waiting for the army of demons to enter the set

But Xia Chuan didn't think it was a waste to keep the immortal artifact in the world of Song Dynasty, because he mastered the method of refining these two immortal artifact, and if he wanted, he could also make the same immortal artifact.

It can be said that knowledge is the most important.

As long as you master the principles and knowledge, you can mass-produce the same fairy weapons.

Basically, he can create such a fairy in the Great Song world, and he can also go back to Changchun to create the same fairy.

If you can't make it, it doesn't count as mastering such knowledge.

"But I have to say, as expected of the two great immortal arts created by the main body, it took me so long to master, but it's all worth it. 99

Xia Chuan touched her chin.

Of course, in the past 20 years, he is not only simple as refining immortal weapons, but also practicing the two great immortal arts, the great reincarnation technique and the great blood soul technique.

After all, it is naturally impossible for him to break through his own cultivation for the sake of Changchun Realm's ascension, but even so, it does not mean that he cannot continue to improve his strength.

This method is the practice of magic.

The more immortal arts he masters, the higher his combat power will be improved.

But the realm of the main body is really too high, and I don't know how many times stronger than my clone. I have already deduced these two immortal arts to the realm 173 of the mysterious realm.

Even if he has the top aptitude in the universe, it takes a lot of time to master these two immortal arts.

"Great Blood Soul Art!"

Xia Chuan's eyes showed a gleam of light, and he felt that his body had undergone earth-shaking changes. Every cell contained a mysterious blood rune.

Compared with the Great Reincarnation Technique, he still felt that the Great Blood Soul Technique was more mysterious.

Since he learned this fairy technique, he only knew that this is the true mystery of the terrifying fairy technique created by the main body, and it is definitely a technique that directly points to the realm of Heavenly Venerate.

It is not only as simple as regenerating human flesh and blood, it is just a trivial advantage of it.

In fact, its more important point is to support the war with war, and the more the war the stronger.

If the enemy attacks his body, the body can not only absorb the damage of the enemy, but also absorb the martial arts will and martial arts knowledge of the enemy.

That is to say, no matter what exercises the enemy uses, as long as they attack him, they will be instantly learned by him, forming muscle memory, or even genetic memory.

If this is the case, if he is seriously injured by the enemy, then after recovering from the injury, his cultivation will be greatly improved, and even his aptitude will be greatly improved.

It's as if every injury is like a rebirth. This is the more you fight the stronger.

It can be said that this technique was created for fighting maniacs.

As long as the enemy can't kill him, he will become stronger.

Moreover, it is difficult for the enemy to kill Xia Chuan, who has learned the Great Blood Soul Technique. Even if there is only a drop of blood left, he can be reborn in another place.

However, Xia Chuan is not the kind of person who fights the enemy head-on, not those fighting madmen. What he prefers to do is actually secretly calculating and strategizing.

If you can kill the enemy secretly, why do you have to fight the enemy and fight head-on?

"According to the previous estimate, it is estimated that it will not be long before the Demon Legion arrives.

Xia Chuan touched her chin.

To be honest, he is also predicting the actions of the demons, and he also knows what the demons are doing, and he knows that the demons have already notified the demon world to send the demon army over.

These 20 years of hard work are all for the arrival of this day.

Moreover, the killing of these demons is also in line with his plan, because if these demons are not killed, how can he seal a large number of demons and refine a large number of demon pills.

In his eyes, these celestial demons are holy medicines that can be regenerated continuously, and they are rare.

Of course, he wasn't afraid that he would lose his game. After all, the number of demons that could enter the spirit world was still limited, and a large number of demons still lived in the immortal world.

Even if they want to come to the spiritual world, they need to pay a huge price, and it is impossible to come as soon as they want.

At the same time, in the spiritual world (babg), his strength can be described as an invincible existence. No matter how powerful the demons are, they can at most exert their strength to cross the catastrophe realm, and they will also be restricted by the laws of the spiritual world.

And he wasn't unprepared.

"Blood Sea Reincarnation Array!"

Xia Chuan's consciousness instantly covered the entire world of Song Dynasty. On the surface, many undead soldiers of the Song Dynasty were still diligently arranging formations and going to all over the world.

But in fact, this is just a pretense, just to confuse the demons. In fact, a few years ago, when the river of undead blood was formed, the blood sea reincarnation formation was also completed.

The so-called blood sea reincarnation formation was the top formation he created in order to deal with the army of demons.

Once the great formation is opened, the entire world will be sealed by the power of reincarnation. Unless the great formation is destroyed, no enemy will be able to escape within the formation.

Even the devil is like that.

It was because of this that Xia Chuan deliberately wanted to wait for the other side's army of demons to arrive, and then when the other side entered the world of the Song Dynasty, he instantly activated the blood sea reincarnation array, and came to catch the turtle in a urn and captured all these demons.

Of course, this formation is not only as simple as a huge cage, but also contains terrifying killing power.

The enemy will unknowingly fall into the endless sea of ​​blood, be swallowed up by the river of undead blood, then become part of the river of undead blood, and finally be wiped out by the terrifying power of reincarnation.

Even the strength of the enemy adds to the river of undead blood.

Sooner or later, it will evolve into a sea of ​​undead blood, and even immortals will be swallowed up.

"But you can't be in a hurry, you have to wait for the army of the demons to arrive in the world of the Song Dynasty, and then start the big formation, bury all these demons, and seal them in the blood sea reincarnation formation.

Xia Chuan is looking forward to it.

He felt that the number of hundreds of demons that he had sealed before was still too small, and tools like this should be arrested more, so that he can help him cultivate more helpers.

After all, the Heavenly Demon Pill refined by the body of the Heavenly Demon is really very useful. It is not only as simple as increasing the cultivation base, but also increasing the power of the soul. It is simply omnipotent.

More importantly, Tianmodan has no so-called drug resistance.

Just like other medicinal herbs, if you take too much, then the medicinal medicinal herbs will have no effect.

But the Heavenly Demon Pill is different. No matter how many Heavenly Demon Pills are taken, the effect is the same. This is the terrifying aspect of the Heavenly Demon Pill.

The reason why this happens is because the Heavenly Demon Pill is not a medicinal pill in essence, but a pure soul energy, similar to a spirit stone.

No matter how many spirit stones a human cultivator devours, there will be no side effects, and the same goes for taking the Heavenly Demon Pill.

Both are the same principle.

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