Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1371 The monks of the Song Dynasty who spanned all realms, conquered all realms

"Of course, in addition to these two great immortal arts, our Black and White Taoist Academy also has many techniques and cultivation secrets, all of which are obtained from other worlds, and the difficulty of cultivation will be much lower. ."

The history teacher continued.

"Teacher, it is said that the immortal cultivators in our Great Song world can already go to other worlds, is this true?" Yue Fei asked curiously, telling the news he had inquired.

"That's right, this thing is of course true. You will also go to other worlds to experience it. This is a common sense knowledge for immortal cultivators. ∼"

The history teacher smiled slightly: "For thousands of years, the world of the Song Dynasty cannot be limited to this world. If you want to eliminate the demons, you must eliminate the source of the demons, otherwise - there will be no end.

It is because of this that, under the leadership of His Majesty, our Great Song world began to set foot in the void, headed for the endless void, and found one world after another.

Many of these worlds have been invaded by demons, and the degree of invasion is very high. It can be called a chaotic world of demons. Therefore, the world of the Song Dynasty went to these worlds to destroy the demons and save these worlds by the way.

At the same time, His Majesty has also set up cross-border teleportation formations in these worlds to facilitate our Great Song world to travel to these different worlds. At that time, you will also go to these worlds to experience and destroy the demons. ""

He said that the Song Dynasty world has long been not satisfied with staying in this world to resist the demons, but chose to take the initiative to destroy the demons outside the world.

After all, no one wants their home to be a battlefield, so the best way is to arrange the battlefield elsewhere.

In this way, no matter what the situation of the battle is, there will be no change in his old lair, nor will he suffer any damage.

It can be said that this approach is to prevent problems before they happen.

It has to be said that since the implementation of such a strategy, in the past few hundred years, no demons have invaded the world of the Song Dynasty, because they were wiped out by the monks of the world of the Song Dynasty before they reached the world of the Song Dynasty.

Of course, more importantly, going to other worlds can also obtain cultivation resources from other worlds.

You must know that the monks born in the Great Song world of this era are simply endless, and the arrogance of the heavens, if it is only the world of the Great Song world, it simply cannot satisfy so many monks.

But now, by conquering other worlds and acquiring the resources of other worlds, the world of the Song Dynasty can be rapidly developed, thus making the development of the world of the Song Dynasty embark on a fast track.

More importantly, these worlds are in danger of being invaded by heavenly demons, and they are in danger of being destroyed at any time. The monks from the Song Dynasty came to support them, and it was just a timely rain to help the local monks.

It is because of this that the local cultivators not only did not refuse the help of the Da Song cultivators, but were extremely welcome.

After all, they all have a common enemy, and that is the devil.

"But teacher, didn't you say that demons are immortal and immortal? They can't be killed at all, just like the monks in our Great Song world?" Wen Tianxiang asked.

He had learned some information about the demons before. In fact, even ordinary people knew something about the demons.

Unlike the monks in other worlds, the world of Song Dynasty instead disclosed the information of the demons, so that everyone knew about the demons.

The so-called knowing oneself and knowing the enemy can win a hundred battles.

The reason why I was afraid of the demons before was just because I didn't understand the demons. Once I became familiar with the demons, the so-called demons were just powerful creatures, no big deal.

Only by eliminating the fear in his heart can he be able to fight against the demons more calmly.

"That's right.

The history teacher nodded: "The demons do have such characteristics, once they are killed, they will be reborn in the demon world and cannot be killed at all, this is where the demons are difficult to deal with.

Maybe you think that the characteristics of the demons seem to be the same as those of the monks in the Song Dynasty. In fact, this is the case. This is because after His Majesty studied the characteristics of the demons, he mastered the mystery of the immortality of the demons and created the river of undead blood. Let us It also has the same characteristics as a demon, which allows the monks in the world of Song Dynasty to compete with it. "

"So it is. 35

Wen Tianxiang and the others suddenly realized that they did not expect that the origin of the River of Immortal Blood was actually closely related to the demons.

Now, it can be considered that a doubt deep in their hearts has been lifted.

"Teacher, in other words, if you want to eliminate the demons, you must eliminate the demon world, otherwise the demons will not be wiped out." Yue Fei immediately noticed the key.

·0 Flowers ·...

"Indeed it is."

The history teacher looked at Yue Fei with admiration: "It seems that you also understand the key, if you want to eliminate all the demons, you must first eliminate the demon world.

It is a pity that the Demon Realm does not exist in the Spirit World, but in the Immortal Realm, so no matter what, we cannot find the Demon Realm, nor can we destroy the Demon Realm, which is why the Demon Realm is so difficult to deal with.

"It's no wonder that the demons have always appeared one after another. It turns out that they are all terrifying creatures that descended from the fairyland."

Wen Tianxiang and others were amazed.

They thought that the fairyland was just a legend, but the demons proved the existence of the fairyland, because they were all terrifying creatures smuggled from the fairyland.

It is precisely because of this that the demons in the spiritual world have caused such great harm, causing countless worlds in the spiritual world to be destroyed.

"However, although the demon is an immortal creature, it is not impossible to deal with it, that is, the seal."

The history teacher smiled slightly: "Once you encounter the demons in the future, if you have the ability, don't kill them, but choose to seal them up. Only in this way can the threat of the demons be completely resolved and prevent them from being in the sky. The demon world is reborn, and when their lifespan is exhausted, they will die naturally.

And our monks in the Song Dynasty are actually like this, and they have the same shortcomings as the demons. We are not afraid of death, but we are afraid of being sealed.

Therefore, after facing irresistible danger, you can choose to commit suicide, and then return to death, which is why many immortal cultivators who go out to take risks will choose to incorporate a poison into their bodies, and in the case of a last resort, they will activate Poison, let yourself die, and then return to the world of Song Dynasty.

"How could there be such a thing?!"

Yue Fei, Wen Tianxiang, and the others were amazed. Everyone else was afraid of death, greedy for life and afraid of death, but the monks in the Song Dynasty were the most afraid of death.

Instead, they are even more afraid of being imprisoned and unable to live and die independently.

It is because of this that they have prepared many means of suicide, and it cannot be said to be suicide, it can only be said to be a means of returning to death.

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