Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1380 The reincarnators shake, Xia Chuan's reputation spreads throughout the spiritual w

"But this time I actually won three titles."

Xia Chuan touched his chin and looked at the final harvest this time, that was three titles, they were the Son of the Spirit World, the Devil's Nemesis, the Lord of Immortality, and so on.

Each title represents a powerful force, as well as a tyrannical auxiliary ability.

But for him, the most useful is the title of Son of the Spirit World.

You must know that it is extremely difficult to obtain the recognition of the entire spiritual world.

From ancient times to the present, there have been countless immortal cultivators, but few of them have been recognized by the laws of the spiritual world. Unless they have made a major event that affects the entire spiritual world, it is impossible to disturb the laws of the spiritual world.

After all, the spiritual world is a boundless space. Ordinary immortal cultivators cannot complete their exploration of the world they are in, let alone explore the entire spiritual world.

Even a cultivator of the Transcending Tribulation Realm, with a mere tens of thousands of years of life, can only explore part of the spiritual world.

In this way, it is basically impossible to influence the entire spiritual world.

But now it is different. Due to the invasion of the demons, the entire spiritual world is in jeopardy, and a large number of worlds have fallen, all of which have been swallowed by the demons.

If it continues like this, the entire spiritual world can be destroyed because of this, and there is no possibility of any counterattack.

However, the birth of Xia Chuan completely interrupted the attacking plan of the Demon Clan, destroyed millions of Demons, and gave the spirit world a chance to breathe.

At the same time, due to the development of the Song Dynasty, a large number of worlds that were invaded by demons were saved.

To a certain extent, Xia Chuan is the savior of the spiritual world, and began to save many worlds, so that the spiritual world quickly recovered a part of its vitality.

It is because of this that Xia Chuan was recognized by the laws of the spiritual world and became the son of the spiritual world.

This title is not given by the reincarnation space, but comes from the recognition of the laws of the spiritual world, so even if he leaves the reincarnation space, the power of this title will not disappear.


Xia Chuan squinted his eyes. He sensed the moment when this title appeared, the entire spiritual world seemed to be very close to him. It seemed that no matter which world he went to, he would become the child of this world and gain the protection of infinite luck. .

It can be said that he can walk sideways in the spiritual world, and even if he goes to the end of the spiritual world, he can harvest a lot of treasures.

Even if there is an enemy who wants to kill him, he will be warned by the laws of the spiritual world to prevent it from happening.

"If there is this title to assist, then facing the appearance of the catastrophe, I am afraid it will also help to a certain extent.

"However, the title is at most an external force. It is naturally good to have an external force, but it is still the power of oneself."

"After returning to Changchun Realm this time, I will be ready to ascend to the Immortal Realm and prepare for the calamity."

"But before ascending to the Immortal Realm, we need to check the past years to see if there are any examples of the Spirit Realm ascending to the Immortal Realm?"

"For such a long time, no world has ever been able to soar. It always feels a bit strange. It seems that there is an unimaginable taboo in it. I wonder if the eighth-order authority can find similar information."5

Xia Chuan squeezed her fist.

Although he is very confident in his own strength, but knowing himself and his enemy can win a hundred battles, and it is normal that he does not dare to make more preparations for the catastrophe.

After all, no one knows what kind of disaster will occur when faced with a catastrophe.

If it fails, the consequences are simply unimaginable.

Thinking of this, Xia Chuan's heart moved, and she immediately called the exchange list of the reincarnation space, and began to check the relevant information.

As Xia Chuan and the others returned to the reincarnation space, the news of defeating the millions of demons this time, like a hurricane, quickly spread throughout the reincarnation space, and was known by countless reincarnators.

It can be said that Xia Chuan's action this time has caused a huge influence, affecting every corner of the spiritual world, and even the reincarnators in the fairy world are aware of this incident.

"Have you heard? A ruthless man (babg) appeared in the reincarnation space recently. Not only did he complete the faction mission perfectly, but he also sealed millions of demons, and even a god race was arrested."

Those who have reincarnation spread the news immediately.

"No, is this true or false? It can't be a rumor. 99

"It must be a rumor. Millions of demons know what the concept is. This is enough to be a war that affects the spiritual world. I don't know how many monks will be killed or injured. How could someone easily seal a million demons?"

"That's right, those who spread this rumor must have no brains. They really think we are fools and believe any rumors."

"No, no, this is true, because there are many reincarnations who have personally experienced it and survived this war. This is impossible to fake, and this matter is also a major event announced by the reincarnation space."

"No, if even the reincarnation space has issued a notice, then this matter must be true, what kind of monster is it, and it can seal a million demons, so it shouldn't be an immortal.

"It's not that an immortal descended to the earth, it seems that this person is just an ordinary reincarnation person, born in the spiritual world, but he has arranged a supreme formation method and sealed millions of demons.

It is precisely because of this action that we have gained a certain degree of advantage in the war between the spirit world and the demons. We were originally at a disadvantage in the battlefields of the spirit world and were losing ground. But now, due to the lack of millions of celestial demons, our reincarnation camp has begun to gain the upper hand and continue to recover various worlds. "

"No wonder I went to the front line before and found that there were so many less demons, so this kind of thing happened?"

Numerous reincarnations discussed and were shocked.

They had never imagined that someone had created such a brilliant record, banning a million demons and imprisoning a god clan. It was incredible.

This is simply an unprecedented victory, and it has promoted the changes in the spiritual world war with one's own power.

"Does anyone know what the identity of this reincarnator is? 35

Someone asked curiously.

"I don't know, I just know that the person's name is Xia Chuan. It seems that no one has formed a team before, and this is the first time he has participated in a camp mission and encountered the demon for the first time."

A samsara said solemnly.

"No way, does that mean this guy is just a rookie? But he has sealed millions of demons. What is this guy's origin and how can he be so powerful?"

"There is no doubt that this person must be a future power, with the appearance of a saint. It is said that the Tianmo family realized that this Xia Chuan had the appearance of a saint, so they mobilized millions of Tianmo to encircle and suppress them in the past, thinking it was safe, but they did not expect that instead. Planted in the hands of the other party, resulting in heavy losses."5

"If it's someone else's words, then it's definitely bragging, but this is a monster recognized by even the Demon Clan, so there's no doubt about it.

Many reincarnations are talking about this crazy, this is an unprecedented event in the spiritual world.

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