Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1383 The anger of the demons and the gods, the enemy of the gods

"By the way, since that Xia Chuan can create a river of undead blood in the world of Song Dynasty, I wonder if he can create a river of undead blood in the immortal world? If it can be done, then there is no need for the world of Song Dynasty to fly to the immortal world? "

A fairy asked curiously.

"It should be impossible."

Another immortal shook his head: "Although I don't know how the river of undead blood was created, I think it may be just an accident, the result of the creation of the right time, place and people, otherwise, how could a mere Mahayana monk create the river of undead blood? Such a mysterious treasure, wanting the other party to create a second river of undead blood is no less than a fantasy.

The other immortals couldn't help but nod their heads in agreement.

Because in fact, the same is true in the Immortal Realm. Creating a certain fairy weapon, a certain elixir, is often accidental and unique. To create a second piece is simply more difficult than ascending to the sky.

They felt that the situation of Xia Chuan was the same. The appearance of the river of undead blood was only possible because of the superposition of various factors. It was too difficult to have a second river of undead blood, and it was close to impossible.

Of course, it is actually quite normal for these immortals to think so, because these immortals know what they are and don't know why, so they can only succeed once in general, and cannot succeed the second time.

But Xia Chuan is different. He has completely mastered this kind of knowledge and knows the principle, so he can copy it continuously. If the technology cannot be copied, it is not really invented, and it is meaningless.

"To be honest, even so, Xia Chuan's aptitude is incomparably astonishing. Maybe there is a real hope for the saint in the future. In this case, those demons, and the gods, I am afraid they will not watch him fly to the immortal world. 99

Some immortal said faintly, pointing out the threats that Xia Chuan might encounter.

Because if he was a member of the Heavenly Demons and the God Race, he would not be able to watch a Heaven's Chosen soar into the Immortal Realm, causing them huge trouble.

Just at the realm of the Mahayana realm, they have lost millions of demons. If the cultivation base continues to improve in this way, it will become more terrifying, it is really unimaginable.

"That's right, there is no doubt that the demons and the gods will definitely take action against Xia Chuan, and maybe they will assassinate Xia Chuan when he has just entered the fairyland."

"If they still stay in the spiritual world, due to the restrictions of the laws of the spiritual world, their assassination cannot be successful, but if they fly to the fairy world, the situation is completely different. 35

"That's right, once he ascends to the Immortal Realm, that kid is just an ordinary immortal. It is simply impossible to resist the assassination of those demons and gods. 35

Many immortals were discussing one after another, and their faces were very solemn.

They have fought against the demons and the Protoss for such a long time, and they naturally know their style of doing things, and they have always been physically destroying qualified monks.

Every year, the immortals who do not know the qualifications are assassinated by the demons and the gods, which also causes them to suffer heavy losses.

So in the face of such a situation, they are naturally prepared.

"So we can't just watch that kid being assassinated by the demons, and we must stop the actions of the demons and the gods. A genius with the appearance of a saint must not fall here. 35

"Indeed, if there is one more saint on our side, then the situation will probably be completely different, maybe this is a weight that overwhelms the balance.

"However, the fairyland is so big, and no one knows where Xia Chuan ascended. It would be very difficult to capture exactly where he ascended."

"If it is other races, it may not be possible, but the Demon Race and the God Race will definitely be able to do it. Their power spreads throughout the Immortal Realm. Once Xia Chuan ascends, it will definitely be detected."

"In this case, then we also need to monitor the fairy world in all directions, and we must not let their actions succeed.

Many immortals were murderous.

For the assassination of the demons and the gods, they simply hated it, because the immortals present had never encountered the assassination of the demons, and they were embarrassed to say that they were senior reincarnations.

It can be said that they have a deep blood feud with the Demon Race and the God Race, which cannot be resolved at all.

On the other hand, the Heavenly Demon World, where many Heavenly Demons and God Races are located, are now discussing what happened in the Spirit World.

"I believe you all know what happened in the spiritual world. A reincarnator named Xia Chuan banned millions of demons, and even Wu was captured by the other party.

A Protoss said.

"What? Wu was also taken away? He's really a waste. I knew for a long time that he wouldn't be a big deal. I didn't expect to be taken away by a human monk in the Mahayana realm. It's a shame for our Protoss."

The other Protoss sneered, feeling that Nawu was a shame for the Protoss.

"I can't blame Wu, because the reincarnation Xia Chuan is very evil. He is obviously only a Mahayana monk, but his fighting power is extremely high, and he has reached the limit of the fighting power of the spiritual world. Due to the restrictions of the laws of the spiritual world, even if we descend to the spiritual world. , There is a high probability that he is not the opponent of this kid, Wu will not complain if he loses.""

"Hehe, don't excuse Wu. If you lose, you lose. Is there any other reason to explain it? He obviously descended from the immortal world, but he can't beat a mortal. Is he still a member of the gods?"

"I can't say the same, this reincarnation Xia Chuan is incredible. It is said that he created the river of undead blood, established the undead army, and successfully analyzed the secret of the immortality of our army of demons. He even mastered the technology of creating an army of undead. There is no doubt about it. , This guy has the appearance of a saint, and his wisdom is unfathomable.""

"True or false, the mystery of the immortality of our army of demons, many immortals in the immortal world, and even saints, don't know how many years they have studied, but they can't replicate it. Just a Mahayana monk can do this? It's too much. Exaggerated, this is not fake news in the end.

"It's not fake news. Many demons have proven this. In short, this Xia Chuan is very evil. I don't know how he discovered and mastered the mystery of immortality."

Numerous Protoss frowned, and they first noticed the seriousness of the matter.

Because now the reason why they can gain the upper hand and defeat the heavens and the tribes is that they rely on the army of undead demons. If the tribes in the immortal world have mastered similar techniques.

By then, I am afraid it will be their turn to retreat.

"To be honest, I have an amazing guess. The identity behind the reincarnator Xia Chuan may be very surprising, is it possible that it is the reincarnation of that adult?

Suddenly, a Protoss said his thoughts.


As soon as these words came out, the faces of the Protoss who were present changed greatly, their bodies trembled, and they were obviously greatly frightened.

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