Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1385 Read the information of the fairyland, the five fairyland of the fairyland

Spiritual world, reincarnation space.

At this moment, Xia Chuan didn't know about the changes in Immortal Realm, Heavenly Demon Realm, etc., nor did he know that Immortals and Protoss were surrounding him in a thrilling contest.

I don't even know if he really ascends to the Immortal Realm, what level of turbulence will be caused in the Immortal Realm, and maybe it will once again set off a decisive battle between the Protoss and the Ten Thousand Races.

But even if he knew this, he wouldn't care too much. After all, his level was no longer the same level as these immortals. For him, it was just a small disturbance, not worth mentioning.

The current Xia Chuan is looking for all kinds of knowledge about the fairy world in the reincarnation space. Since he is already an eighth-order authority, most of the information about the fairy world is basically open to him.

Therefore, he also eagerly read these materials about the immortal world. After all, he also needs to ascend to the immortal world in the future. Knowing the specific situation of the immortal world is also extremely important.

A day later, Xia Chuan flipped through a lot of materials, took a long breath, his eyes showed excitement, and his face also showed a happy look.

Obviously, reading a lot of information this time has benefited him a lot, as if he had cleared the endless fog, he began to gain further insight into the essence of this immortal universe.

"Immortal world, the 190th highest dimensional world in the universe, is fundamentally different from the spiritual world and the human world. It is filled with fairy spirits, and it is the most suitable world for cultivation and survival in the universe.

If you practice in the immortal world, then becoming an immortal is extremely simple. Compared with the monks in the spiritual world and the human world, I don't know how many times simpler, and the daily practice can be regarded as a rapid progress. 99

"Its structure is also quite simple, and it is not much different from the spiritual world and the human world. It is composed of countless great worlds and many stars, but its area is larger than the combined spiritual world and the human world. It is countless times larger, and there are countless creatures of all races living in it.

"After countless years of exploration by the immortals, the immortal world has been divided into five immortal domains, namely the northern immortal domain, the southern immortal domain, the east immortal domain, the western immortal domain, the central immortal domain, etc. These five immortal domains basically include the immortal domain. all geography.

"Although it is only a general division of the five immortal realms, but because the immortal realm is too huge, there are still many places within these immortal realms that have not been explored and understood. I don't even know how many worlds and stars exist."

"Due to the invasion of the Heavenly Demons and the Protoss, the two immortal regions such as the Northern Immortal Region (baby) and the Western Immortal Region were all occupied by the Protoss. Now only the Southern Immortal Region is left, and the Eastern Immortal Region and the Central Immortal Region are not occupied. But even so, with the strength of the three immortal realms, they were still beaten by the gods and retreated, and they could only barely support."

"Currently, the Immortal Realm is still in chaos and war, basically all the time, the immortals are at war with the Protoss, the entire Immortal Realm has become a huge battlefield, and a large number of immortals will fall every year.

Xia Chuan touched her chin.

He exchanged a book called "Summary of the Immortal Realm", which described various situations in the Immortal Realm, which also facilitated him to understand what the Immortal Realm was like.

Although this book is not very detailed, it has already explained the general situation of the fairyland, which also gave him a certain degree of understanding of the fairyland.

"Interesting, I didn't expect the local forces in the Immortal Realm to be so miserable, the two immortal realms were occupied by the Protoss, and they took away boundless territory, and even some of the other three immortal realms were taken away.

"On the whole, the Protoss has a huge advantage, not an absolute advantage. The two forces are basically in a stalemate, which has been maintained for hundreds of millions of time. If this continues, unless It is the birth of a new saint, otherwise, this equilibrium cannot be broken.39

"It's no wonder that the group of demons wanted to kill me, I am afraid they saw that I have the qualifications to become a saint, in order to avoid the birth of a saint among the ten thousand races, so they want to kill me in advance.

Xia Chuan narrowed her eyes.

He has already roughly understood the specific situation of the Immortal Realm. Generally speaking, the situation of the heavens and the ten thousand clans is not that bad, at least it can stop the invasion of the gods.

Even if they were occupied by the two immortal domains, they still firmly controlled the three immortal domains and competed with each other.

If this continues, it will be difficult to say who will win and who will lose in the future.

"Generally speaking, a perfect race like the Protoss basically has an overwhelming advantage and can naturally become the dominant race in the universe."

"But even so, the heavens and the tribes can still resist the gods, which means that there must be a god behind the gods, at least with the background of the gods, otherwise it is impossible to compete with the gods.

"Could it be that the confrontation between the two camps is actually a confrontation between the two great gods?!

"According to the records of the immortal world, there is a kind of high-dimensional life above the immortals. This kind of life is called saints. They do not live in the immortal world, but live outside the nine heavens.

In other words, there are saints behind the Protoss, and there are saints behind all the tribes. These saints are playing chess, and every move affects the situation of the entire fairyland. Unless the saints decide the winner, it is impossible for both sides to win. burden. "5

"Wait, is the so-called area beyond the nine heavens a cosmic barrier? These saints penetrated the cosmic barrier and lived in the endless land of the cosmic barrier?!

Xia Chuan's eyes showed a terrifying gleam, and he immediately thought of this.

Ordinary immortals don't know where the nine heavens are, so doesn't he know as a celestial being?

In fact, it is the barrier of the universe, but this is called the outer world, or the holy world, by the beings of this universe.

Of course, if it is an ordinary saint, there is no way to break through the barriers of the universe. Only the Heavenly Venerate who has mastered the laws of chaos can break through the barriers of the universe.

It is precisely because of the power of Heavenly Venerate that the saints can live in the nine heavens away, on the barriers of this universe.

To a certain extent, the interior of the universe where mortals live is equivalent to the underground, and mortals are underground people.

The saints are people on earth, living in the endless universe.

"That is to say, this universe is not the same as the Xuanhuang universe. They have been developing in the universe barrier for an unknown number of years, perhaps forming a complete and powerful civilization and giving birth to a large number of saints.

Xia Chuan smiled slightly, feeling very excited.

The so-called stone of other mountains can attack jade. The affairs of others are the teachers of our affairs.

Perhaps we can learn from the development of this immortal universe, and then develop the Xuanhuang universe, which will also bring great help to the main body.

But before that, he still needs to cultivate to a higher realm, otherwise he will not be able to go to areas beyond the nine heavens.

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