Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1398 Immigrate to Changchun, an unprecedented opportunity

"Indeed, there are still quite a few monks in the Mahayana realm who are very confident that they can ascend to the Immortal Realm and successfully transcend the calamity, but unfortunately they also chose to join the Changchun Realm and want to follow them to ascend to the Immortal Realm. In fact, there is a reason for this.

An elder said solemnly.

"The reason? What is the reason?"

the Lord asked.

"Do you still need to ask? Of course, it is the Taoist companion and family."

The elder said bluntly.


Hearing this, the Holy Master instantly understood why these arrogances wanted to join the Changchun Realm and ascended to the Immortal Realm with the Changchun Realm.

Even if these geniuses have the confidence to ascend to the Immortal Realm and successfully survive the calamity, their Taoist companions, relatives and friends probably do not have the aptitude and strength as them.

Undoubtedly, once they succeeded in transcending the calamity and ascended to become immortals, immortals will be separated forever, and after tens of thousands of years, they will never see each other again.

It doesn't matter if you are a person with a weak temperament. Anyway, the heart of seeking the Tao is very heavy, and you don't care about anyone other than yourself, but not everyone is so hard-hearted.

Most of the arrogances have seven qin six yu, they have their favorite Taoist companions, their own parents, even their own children and so on.

They don't want to abandon their relatives and fly to the fairyland.

If there is no choice, they can only give up, after all, even if they don't give up, these people will die of old age.

But it's different now. The appearance of Changchun Realm gave them a second choice, that is, they can take their Taoist companions, their family members, and even their friends to ascend to the Immortal Realm together.

At that time, he will not only ascend to the Immortal Realm alone, but will ascend together as a family.

It was the perfect ending for them.

"In the ancient times, the reason why those worlds chose to transcend the catastrophe and soar was because the great supernatural powers of that era did not want to see their Taoist companions and their relatives die with the passage of time, so they wanted to bring them with them. As we soar together, ordinary people now have such an opportunity, and probably most of them can't refuse such an opportunity.

"Isn't it? In fact, it's not just the Mahayana cultivators, the Tribulation Realm cultivators think this way, even the low-level cultivators don't have similar thoughts.

"Of course there is, many people have self-knowledge and know that according to their own qualifications, even if they really continue to cultivate, they may not be able to become Mahayana monks, let alone rise through calamity.

But now, as long as you sneak into the Changchun Realm, it is equivalent to holding a certificate of ascending to the Immortal Realm.

"Indeed, it is because of this that over the years, there have been countless immigrant families of immortals immigrating to the Changchun realm, even if they go bankrupt."

"Crazy, completely crazy, isn't this a gamble? If Ascension fails, wouldn't it be a total loss?"

"Stupid, after embarking on the path of cultivating immortals, which time is not a gamble, this is nothing more than another gamble, and the probability of success in Changchun Realm's ascension to the Immortal Realm is indeed quite large. 99

"That's right, just from the information circulating in Changchun Realm, I can't think of a reason for Changchun Realm to fail. If Changchun Realm fails, it is impossible for a second world to ascend to Immortal Realm in the future.

Many elders talked a lot, and they all said that many immortal clans are now betting on Changchun Realm.

This is like the eve of Alibaba's listing in a certain country. Everyone is not an idiot, and everyone can see that once this company is listed, its market value will definitely increase several times.

It can be said that this is a great opportunity to make money, but everyone who has a little relationship wants to buy some original shares. Once they do, they will really make a fortune.

The same is true in Changchun now.

Everyone is not an idiot, in fact, you can see the potential of the Changchun world.

"You seem to know the Changchun Sect very well, don't you think like the Iron Crown elders?" The Holy Master looked at these elders dangerously.

To be honest, he began to wonder if some of these elders had betrayed the Holy Land and began to secretly immigrate to Changchun Realm. Otherwise, it would be impossible to understand Changchun Realm so well.



Hearing this, many elders were speechless and didn't know what to say. To be honest, they had ghosts in their hearts.

Some of them even had similar plans long ago.

After all, no one is an idiot, and water flows down, and people go up. If there is a better choice, who wants to stay low all the time.

"Forget it, I don't want to pay attention to these things. In short, if anyone of you wants to ascend with Changchun Realm, you must inform in advance, and you can't leave silently, otherwise you will be traitors of the Holy Land. 99

The Holy Master looked at the elders with a very serious expression.

In fact, similar conversations are not only happening in the Holy Land, but also among the major sects, major races, and major families.

The rise of Changchun Realm has brought great changes to the entire spiritual realm.

"It seems that the ascension of Changchun Realm is a foregone conclusion, and there is at least a 70% probability of successful ascension, depending on whether it can withstand the attacks of the demons during the ascension process. 35

"According to my understanding of the Changchun Realm, it should not be a problem to deal with the attacks of the Heavenly 250 Demons, and probably the Sect Master of the Changchun Sect also knows this and has already made preparations.

"If that's the case, then join the Changchun Sect quickly, if you miss this village, you won't have this store.

"But if you immigrate to the Changchun Sect, it is equivalent to abandoning the foundation you have worked so hard to accumulate before. Is it worth it?"

"Stupid, what is the so-called foundation compared to becoming an immortal? I don't know how many immortal cultivators have worked hard to cultivate, but they may not be able to ascend to the immortal world. Now we can soar as long as we immigrate to the Changchun world. If you miss it, you will regret it for the rest of your life."5

"That's right, since ancient times, there have been countless forces and countless worlds, and how many of them have been able to rise up like the Changchun Realm. If you miss this time, the next time is estimated to be hundreds of millions of years later.

"That's true. It can be said that this is a rare opportunity for our generation. For us ordinary immortal cultivators, it is an opportunity to hug our thighs. The so-called wealth, once it ascends to the fairyland, can be earned back."

"That's right, let's hurry up and immigrate to the Changchun realm. As far as I know, maybe the Changchun realm will soon tighten the immigration path, and even if you want to enter the Changchun realm, you won't have a chance."

Many immortal cultivators talked a lot, and they could feel the undercurrent of the entire spiritual world.

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