Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1418 Mortals nurture spiritual roots, and the human fairyland is complete

In addition to those low-level cultivators, many mortals in Changchun Realm also obtained huge benefits, and they were also baptized and empowered by the source law of the Immortal Realm.

One by one, they were pleasantly surprised to discover that spiritual roots were actually born in their bodies.

Originally, they were only mortals and could not cultivate, but now, after ascending to the Immortal Realm, their bodies actually gave birth to spiritual roots, which is truly incredible.

"Unbelievable, I went for a test just now and found that Lei Linggen had grown on my body."

A mortal said happily.

"No, is this true or false? You have tested it countless times before. You have no spiritual roots at all, and you can't cultivate immortals. Why do you suddenly have spiritual roots?"

Many people feel incredible.

"Haha, do you still need to ask? It must be that after the Changchun Realm ascended to the Immortal Realm, it received the gift of the Law of the Immortal Realm, and even we mortals have also obtained huge benefits.

If the benefits of those cultivators are to improve their own cultivation, and even make themselves immortals, then the benefits we mortals obtain is to nurture spiritual roots.

Someone said decisively.

"I have heard about this. It is said that our Changchun world was not a spiritual world at first, but a world born in the world of ten human beings. It was the sect master who took action and brought Changchun world to the spiritual world. It is said that the A single ascension also allowed countless mortals to nurture spiritual roots, which led to the first explosion in the number of immortal cultivators in the Changchun world.

Someone mysteriously said that he once studied the history of Changchun Realm, and something similar happened once, when he ascended from the human realm to the spiritual realm.

"Sure enough, the spiritual root is a gift from God, if it is approved by the law, we mortals can also obtain the spiritual root, and we can also embark on the path of cultivation.

"It's really good, I thought I was a mortal in this life, and I would never be able to become an immortal again. I would live for hundreds of years at most, and then I would die of old age. After that, I will also embark on the path of immortality, attain the Tao and become an immortal, and become a great supernatural person."

"That's right, you don't know how much I want to become a cultivator, how much I want to fly with the sword, how much I want to gain longevity, but without spiritual roots, there is no hope for everything."

"Isn't it? Even if it is a five-line mixed spiritual root, it is still a spiritual root. It is many times better than us mortals. This is God's cut off our cultivation path."

Many mortals are simply ecstatic, and no one can imagine how much they want to embark on the road of cultivation. After all, they were born in a super world of immortals, and they see that the people around them are the great powers of the immortal world, but they are not. For a mortal who has no power to tie a chicken, let alone how aggrieved this feeling is.

However, spiritual roots are innate, if there is, there is, if there is no, there is no, even if you are not reconciled, there is no use.

They had given up and were content with the status quo. After all, no matter how much they complained, they still needed to live for hundreds of years.

But it's different now.

As a result of ascending to the Immortal Realm, they have obtained the reward of the origin of the Immortal Realm, allowing these mortals to nurture spiritual roots, which is equivalent to the way that God has given him to seek immortals.

Not to mention how excited they are right now.

"How could this be? I didn't expect that before I died, I actually gave birth to a spiritual root, but now I'm eighty years old, even if I start practicing now, it's too late, why is God so unfair, obviously I'm dying of old age I have already accepted my fate, and now it actually gives me hope again.

An 80-year-old man was crying bitterly. He didn't know whether he should be happy or sad. If he was still young, he might be able to embark on the path of cultivation if he had spiritual roots.

But now that he is seventy or eighty years old, even if he can really embark on the road of cultivation, how far can he go.

"Old man, what are you afraid of, you are dying anyway, why don't you fight when you are about to die, if you succeed, you will send it out, even if you don't succeed, you have already lived enough, why are you still sad. "5

Someone laughed.

"That's right, even though I'm eighty years old, I still have the determination to cultivate and become immortal."

The old man suddenly realized that it was too early to give up.

At this moment, in the entire Changchun world, countless mortals found that they had opened the path of cultivation, and they had all nurtured spiritual roots.

At this time, Xia Chuan was also immersed in cultivation, and he ignored the situation of other immortal practitioners in Changchun.

After all, these immortal cultivators have their own opportunities, and he also has his own opportunities.

He has brought the entire Changchun Realm to the Immortal Realm. How these immortal cultivators go next is their own business, and has nothing to do with them.

Now he perceives that his cultivation base does not mean to stop growing.

Because as the main hero who brought Changchun Realm to the Immortal Realm, resisted the Four Yuan Destruction Tribulation, and eliminated the Heavenly Demon Tribulation, the credit he received was enormous.

If there is 100% of the credit, he at least accounts for 70%.

So it is conceivable how many rewards from the origin of the Immortal Realm he has received.


In an instant, Xia Chuan sensed that his cultivation had been improved by a geometric progression, and his cultivation was not just as simple as stepping into a fairyland.

Even if it is a human fairyland, there will be an early stage, a middle stage, a later stage and a perfect state.

Only when you step into the realm of perfection of human beings and immortals can you have the opportunity to step into the fairyland of earth.

I saw the huge immortal world source energy infused into his body, making every cell in his body filled with huge immortal power, huge source energy.

Originally, his cultivation base was only in the early stage of the human fairyland, which was similar to the other monks in the Changchun realm.

But now, after the huge source energy has been infused into his body, his cultivation has been unexpectedly improved.

In the early stage of human fairyland, in the middle stage of human fairyland, in the later stage of human fairyland, human fairyland is complete!

These four small realms can be achieved in one fell swoop at this moment!

You must know that ordinary immortals want to be promoted to the realm of perfection, without hundreds of thousands of years, it will not work at all. After all, after being promoted to immortals, the speed of cultivation will be extremely slow, and it will be practiced for tens of thousands of years at every turn.

Basically, after arriving in the Immortal Realm, the immortal's sense of time has become extremely slow, and it may be possible to retreat at random, and the mortals will change several dynasties.

"Wait, is it going to break through?"

At this moment, Xia Chuan's heart moved, he found that this source of energy was too huge, even if he was already a human fairyland, he still didn't mean to stop.

Of course, this also has a great relationship with his realm far beyond the current cultivation base, so the breakthrough will be so smooth, there is no bottleneck.

"Sure enough, I'm going to be promoted to Earth Immortal.

Xia Chuan's eyes showed a gleam of light.

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