Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1420 The protection of the laws of the immortal world, the anger of the gods and the demons

rumbling ∼∼

As Xia Chuan's spiritual thoughts spread out and covered the entire Changchun Realm, he immediately felt that the Changchun Realm was in a void space, surrounded by countless laws.

It seems that at this moment, Changchun Realm is in the void, surrounded by void barriers, and no heavenly secret can measure its location.

Even if someone passes by this place, they cannot know the exact location of Changchun Realm.

There is no doubt that this is the power of the laws of the fairy world.

When Changchun Realm ascended to Immortal Realm, it was gifted by the Origin Law of Immortal Realm, which also allowed Changchun Realm to obtain huge benefits, and also obtained the protection of Immortal Realm Law.

This is equivalent to a newbie protection period.

Basically, every world that ascends from the spiritual world to the immortal world will be protected by the laws of the immortal world to avoid this new world. Just as soon as it ascends to the immortal world, it will be destroyed by the creatures of the immortal world.

Unless the novice protection period ends, outsiders will not be able to discover, find, or enter the Changchun world.

"Is this the Immortal World Barrier?

Xia Chuan touched her chin.

He felt that an invisible barrier of the fairy world enveloped the entire Changchun Realm, making the Changchun Realm hidden in the void, as if the Changchun Realm was a huge bubble at the moment.

Even if someone passes through Changchun Realm, they will pass through the void bubble in Changchun Realm.

It is no wonder that after Changchun Realm ascended to Immortal Realm, even if such a huge movement was made, it was still not discovered by Immortal Realm and quasi-sages.

I am afraid that this is all due to the law of the immortal world. If there is no protection from the law of the immortal world, I am afraid that the moment Changchun world ascends to the immortal world, it will be discovered by the immortals, so as to find the specific location.

"According to the fading speed of the power of the laws of the immortal world, it will take at least a million years for such barriers to the immortal world to disappear completely, allowing Changchun Realm to appear in the real starry sky. 99

Xia Chuan's eyes showed a gleam of light.

He immediately knew that he still had at least a million years left, otherwise once the novice protection period ended, the Changchun Realm would likely be known by the demons and the gods.

Thinking of this, he suddenly felt relieved, which meant that he would be safe for millions of years.

No matter how crazy those demons and gods are, they can't find their traces.

"A million years? That's enough, maybe he can become a quasi-saint.""

Xia Chuan smiled slightly.

For him, it is not a big problem to upgrade the cultivation base to the quasi-sage. After all, his body is a god, and he is about to step into the realm of the middle-level god. The cultivation base is unfathomable, and what is the mere quasi-sage? .

Of course, he didn't want to reveal his body's cultivation so quickly, and he didn't want to provoke the target of this Heavenly Venerate Universe.

So to be able to act low-key, naturally need to act low-key.

At this moment, somewhere in the Immortal Realm, this is the headquarters of the Demon Clan and the God Clan.

"Damn, that reincarnation Xia Chuan has already ascended to the fairyland, and now he has lost his trace."

The face of a quasi-holy Protoss is very ugly.

Originally, they had prepared the Tianluodi Net this time, covering the entire Immortal Realm and monitoring the Immortal Realm for more than 10,000 years. Sun and Moon did not dare to relax for a second, lest the other party sneak into the Immortal Realm.

But now, who could have imagined that this reincarnation Xia Chuan did not ascend to the Immortal Realm alone, but ascended with the entire world, which is unbelievable.

Because such a thing has not happened for hundreds of millions of years, since many worlds were stopped by the army of demons before, no spiritual world has dared to try to ascend.

But now, Xia Chuan is taking the whole world to ascend together, which is one of their blind spots.

What's even more hateful is that the opponent has actually succeeded, which is equivalent to severely hitting the faces of the Protoss and the Demons, causing them to completely lose their face.

"Damn, this reincarnation Xia Chuan is really daring, it's not enough to fly by himself, but he also takes the whole world to soar. Even this time we dispatched (babg) a billion demon army, and they were all defeated by him. Among them, more than 900 million demons have been sealed up by him, and our demon family has suffered heavy losses this time."5

A quasi-sacred demon gritted his teeth.

Although Heavenly Demons are immortal existences, their lifespan also has an end, and the number of Heavenly Demons that can be born every year is limited, and it is impossible to multiply indefinitely.

Once a demon is sealed, it means that the demon family has lost a lot of combat power.

At present, more than 900 million demons have been imprisoned, which has also caused them a heavy loss. There is no doubt that the loss of this battle will not only affect the layout of the spiritual world, but also the layout of the fairy world.

This is called pulling one hair and moving the whole body.

"Find him, we must find that bastard. This guy is the nemesis of our demons and gods. If he really grows up, we will be completely finished."

"The problem is that the guy ascended with the world of the spiritual world, and that world was sheltered by the source law of the immortal world, which messed up the secrets and made us completely lose the trace of that world. As long as we don't find the Changchun world, then we have no The way to find the reincarnator Xia Chuan.""

"It is said that if there is a spiritual world that ascends to the immortal world, it will be sheltered by the law of the origin of the immortal world, which will make this ascension world hidden in the void. This protection period is also time-limited, that is, millions of years.

"No way, he was actually protected by the Origin Law of the Immortal Realm? And he couldn't be found for at least a million years? Calculation, this must be that kid's calculation.

"It must be the case, this guy may have known for a long time that our Protoss and Heavenly Demons would trouble him, and if he ascended alone, he would definitely be intercepted by us and killed on the spot.

But if he ascends with the whole world, he will be able to obtain the protection of the source law of the immortal world. Even a saint can't help him. This guy is not easy. It can be said that he has found the only way to survive, and he has really succeeded. "

"It has been said for a long time that this guy is the son of luck in this universe. No matter what happens or what catastrophe he encounters, he can turn bad luck into good fortune, and disaster will turn into good luck. It's not so easy to kill."

"That is, we have to wait until the end of the million-year protection period before we can find him?

"Fart, monitor the entire Immortal Realm for me, I don't believe that this kid will hide in Changchun Realm for millions of years. There will definitely be a time when he leaves Changchun Realm. Once we find his trace in the outside world, then we will dispatch together, Kill this guy in an instant and turn his bones into ashes."

Many bosses of the Protoss and Heavenly Demons were talking about each other, and their bodies were filled with terrifying murderous aura.

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