Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1428: The Cruel Life of Ordinary Ascended Immortals

"Originally, before the Protoss and the Demons appeared, the major races in all the worlds were fighting endlessly, and the wars continued, and they all had a bloody feud with each other, but after having the common enemy of the Protoss, they immediately united."

"Even within the major races, they are extremely united, because the ununited races have been destroyed, died tragically in the hands of the Protoss, and disappeared into the long river of history."

"Even the human race is the same. If it is in the spiritual world and the human world, there will be many sects in the human race, but after coming to the fairy world, only the human race is left, and everyone is under the rule of the human race. Any human who ascends to the fairyland is ruled by the emperor.35

"Of course, even so, there are still many sects within the human race. These are the ancient inheritances created by the human race's great masters, who are responsible for cultivating powerful immortals from generation to generation."

"Although there are countless races in the immortal world, after countless years of competition, the ten races in all the worlds are only the ten remaining races standing on the commanding heights, and the rest of the races are vassals of the top ten races and are ruled by the top ten races." "

Xia Chuan10 touched his chin: "They are the ten races of human, demon, spirit, dragon, Buddha, demon, machine, prison, ghost, and barren."

From this piece of information, he learned a lot of important information in the Immortal Realm, and at this moment, he can be regarded as a more in-depth understanding of what the Immortal Realm is like at the moment.

Of course, things in the immortal world will be more complicated, and naturally it cannot be covered by a small piece of information.

"Fellow Daoist, looking at your appearance, you know that you are a human race."

The black-clothed young man smiled slightly: "You must have just ascended to the Immortal Realm, and you also want to get the next exercise. I happen to have a exercise that is worth one million reincarnation points. I don't know if you need it?"

He continued to sell exercises to Xia Chuan.

"Gong method?

Hearing this, Xia Chuan immediately understood that the information about Immortal Realm was so cheap just now, it was only 10,000 reincarnation points, probably for the next promotion.

It's like giving the buyer a free lunch in order to sell a house.

"Yes. Years

The black-clothed young man continued: "You must know that a person like you who has just ascended to the Immortal Realm, if he is a loose cultivator, has no sect and no sect, and it is the most difficult. If you want to obtain the cultivation technique, you must join the sect of the human race. , or in the human army.

The problem is that the sect of the human race is not so easy to enter. You must pass the test. If the test is unsuccessful, you will probably only be a human immortal for a lifetime.

Even if the assessment is really successful, these sects are not open shantangs. They sign strict contracts with their disciples, even something equivalent to a deed of selling their bodies, and they are bound to the sects for a lifetime and lose their freedom.

If you choose to join the Terran army and become a soldier, although you will not sign a contract of prostitution with you, it stipulates the number of years you will serve. You must participate in hundreds of thousands of years of war before you are eligible to retire. However, most soldiers die. On the battlefield, the death rate exceeds 90%.

He said that the cultivation in the immortal world is more cruel than the spiritual world.

Unlike the spiritual world, the immortal world is a highly developed high-dimensional world, and most of the worlds have been discovered and even developed by the major forces of the immortal world.

Even each world has established a cross-border teleportation array, making it more closely connected with each other.

It is because of this that the major forces in the Immortal Realm have developed for countless years, and they have long occupied all the interests of the Immortal Realm, but all businesses with huge profits are monopolized by them.

Immortals like Xia Chuan who have just ascended to the Immortal Realm can only work in the Immortal Realm to make money, or they can sign a contract of selling themselves and work for the major forces in the Immortal Realm before they have the opportunity to obtain the next step of cultivation.

"So it is. 35

Xia Chuan nodded, no wonder so many immortals thought that Immortal Realm was not some kind of paradise. The cultivator of Transcending Tribulation Realm ascended to Immortal Realm just by jumping from one quagmire to another bigger quagmire.

Even seeking a life in the immortal world is many times more difficult than in the spiritual world.

It's like a person who has just immigrated to a developed country. Apart from working as a coolie in a developed country, he has no other skills. After all, all the profiteering businesses have long been occupied by the locals.

If you rashly join such a profiteering business, you will definitely be squeezed out by the local forces, or even killed.

Every immortal who has ascended to the Immortal Realm is facing such difficulties.

In many cases, they have to spend tens of thousands of years working as a coolie in order to earn a copy of the cultivation secrets.

"Can't I exchange the corresponding secrets in the reincarnation space?

Xia Chuan smiled slightly.

Different from ordinary ascended immortals, as reincarnation immortals, they can exchange the corresponding cheats in the reincarnation space, so that they do not need to be a dog for other strengths and sign a contract of betrayal.

To a certain extent, the immortals with the status of reincarnations are many times better than ordinary immortals.

"Indeed, you can, but the problem is that the cheats you can get are too expensive. Better cheats will probably require more than 5 million reincarnation points. 55

The black-clothed young man continued: "If it's too cheap, I'm afraid your cultivation will end in the fairyland, and you won't be able to break through.

But this cheat book in my hand is different. Just one million reincarnation points can make you cultivate to the realm of Da Luo Jinxian. I am also short of money, so I want to sell it to you. If you miss it, I am afraid that There is no next time. "

He followed a good manner and said that the secret book in his hand was definitely worth the money.

"Have you cultivated to Da Luo Jinxian? No need, I already have the secrets of my own cultivation, and I no longer need other secrets.

Xia Chuan waved his hand and refused on the spot.

His cultivation method has long been deduced to the realm of saints, and it is definitely considered to be the top immortal scripture in the immortal world.

After saying these words, he left.

"Big brother, it seems that this kid didn't buy your secret book, and the action failed.

After seeing Xia Chuan leave, a little man next to him ran out, showing a ghostly look.

"It seems that I'm still missing. This guy must have a great inheritance. Otherwise, it's impossible to ignore my secret book. This time, I encountered a big fish."

The young man in black touched his chin: "But it doesn't matter. There are many immortals who have recently ascended to the Immortal Realm. Maybe they will find a water fish, and if they can catch one, they will be one."5

His secret manual is naturally true, otherwise it will not be able to pass the verification of the reincarnation space.

However, his secrets are also the most common. If they are placed in the outside world, they can be bought at a very cheap price.

Where can one cultivate to the realm of Da Luo Jinxian, it is very good to be able to cultivate to the level of Heavenly Immortal.

But how do these immortals who have ascended from the spiritual world know this, and if they give this cheat book, they will probably regard it as an immortal scripture.

Of course, when he really waited for the other party to cultivate to Heavenly Immortal, he didn't even know where he went.

It can be said that his plan to deceive people is simply a huge profit, and there is not much risk.

But unfortunately, the boy in front of him doesn't seem to be fooled.

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