Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1433 The genocide of the human race, the wrath of the Black Eagle Demon Race

"Patriarch, what to do with the corpse of this big monster outside?"

At this time, a clansman from outside ran in and asked excitedly.

Because this black eagle demon is really too big, its body is more than 100 meters long, at least 20 to 30 tons in weight, and has a lot of meat.

Especially for a big monster like this, every pound of meat contains a huge amount of energy. Just eating one piece is enough to keep humans without food for three days, and at the same time, it can improve the various physical qualities of human beings.

Its feathers, teeth, scales, etc. can be refined into various sharp weapons and armor.

For humans, the corpse of a big demon is simply a rare treasure.

"What to do with it? Of course it's roasted and distributed to the entire tribe, and there will be a grand banquet tonight."

Xia Chuan smiled slightly.

"That's great, I'll go to inform the clan."

Hearing this, this clan was overjoyed, almost going crazy.

Because the human tribes are basically in a state of starvation, there are only a few days when they can eat enough, so they are extremely eager to eat themselves.

Now they actually have the opportunity to eat a full meal, which is definitely a good day only during the Chinese New Year.

Immediately, the entire human tribe began to celebrate.

After all, killing a big monster is definitely an unimaginable feat for the human race.

"I didn't expect to be so excited just eating enough."

Xia Chuan smiled suddenly. He didn't expect human beings in this era to be so easily satisfied, but perhaps it was because of endless suffering that he cherished every bit of happiness in daily life.

"However, this catastrophe is only the beginning, but not the end."

Xia Chuan narrowed her eyes.

He sensed that a huge catastrophe shrouded the sky over the entire human tribe, with dark clouds and murderous intent, and the human race seemed to be at risk of being exterminated.

Obviously, if he hadn't killed the black eagle demon, the black eagle demon might have just devoured tens of thousands of humans and left.

In this way, although human beings suffered heavy losses, there was no danger of genocide.

But now, since he beheaded this black eagle demon, and this big demon also had a backstage, its death will definitely lead to terrible revenge, making the race a disaster and danger of genocide.

Perhaps the tribe behind the Black Eagle Demon will come out in full force and exterminate the human race.

After all, the revenge of murdering a child is an inexorable one.

“This is a danger and an opportunity.39

But Xia Chuan was looking forward to it and was very excited. He was just looking for an opportunity to compete with the monsters in this world. Perhaps this was a great opportunity to measure the strength of the creatures in this world.

More importantly, the human race also needs a big victory, which can completely shock the creatures in this wild land and let these creatures know that the human race is not easy to mess with.

In this way, the human race can have a place to stand on this wild land.

"Then use the blood of the Black Eagle Demon to lay the stepping stone for the rise of the human race.

Xia Chuan stood with her hands behind her back, as if she saw a picture of an endless future.

On the other hand, with the death of the Black Eagle Demon, at this moment the Black Eagle Demon Tribe, which is the kingdom of a group of big demons, is also the headquarters of the Black Winged Demon clan.

Terrifying black eagle monsters live on the cliffs, and each big monster has a cave.

The Black Eagle Demon who died in the hands of Xia Chuan was the eighty-ninth son of the Black Eagle Demon Patriarch. Although he was not very favored, he was considered a direct descendant.

The so-called dog fighting also depends on the owner, and this incident completely angered the Black Eagle Demon Tribe.

"What? Chuck is dead? How is it possible? Didn't it just go hunting outside? How could it suddenly die?" The Black Eagle Demon Patriarch was in disbelief, with an angry look on his face.

Its cultivation base is comparable to that of an Earth Immortal, its strength is unfathomable, and its body is filled with terrifying demon energy, covering a radius of tens of thousands of kilometers, which is terrifying.

The dark clouds in the entire sky surged and roared.

"Reporting to the patriarch, Lord Chuck arrived at the human tribe this time. It originally wanted to hunt down those weak humans, but unexpectedly, a strong man suddenly appeared in the human race, killing Lord Chuck on the spot, his head exploded. , and even the corpses it left were eaten by those humans.""

A big demon reported.

"Impossible, how is this possible? Even humans can kill our Black Eagle Demon?

"What a joke, humans can't even kill those beasts, and a weak race that will die of illness if injured a little can actually kill our Black Eagle Demon?"

"It's too much nonsense, aren't you lying? Use any reason to prevaricate us? 55

Many big demons couldn't believe it, they all thought this was too absurd, even mere humans could kill the great black eagle demon, and they didn't think such a thing would happen at all.

"It's true, I saw it with my own eyes."

The big monster immediately said: "The human tribe seems to have given birth to a terrifying powerhouse, and the other party's casual finger blew up Lord Chuck's head. If I lied half a word, the sky would be struck by five thunders."

It swore to God that everything it said was true.


Hearing this, many big demons were silent. Since the other party dared to swear to God, they also had to admit that the other party did not lie about this matter.

The question is when did the weak human race give birth to such a terrifying powerhouse, and why there was no news before.

"Damn things.

At this time, the black eagle demon patriarch was furious: "Weak humans dare to kill my son, and they dare to eat them, they are seeking their own way of death, I want that group of scumbags to die and disappear completely. on this wild land.

It felt like a fire inside itself, the kind that was about to explode.

If his son died in the hands of some terrifying monster, perhaps it would be a little better. After all, his son was considered a struggle, and he was not considered a coward to die.

But now, his son is actually dead at the hands of humans.

It was like a human being kicked to death by a rabbit, which was a great shame for the Black Eagle Demon.

If this matter spreads out, it will definitely make the entire demon clan in the Great Wilderness laugh at it.

Only with the blood of all human beings can we wash away the shame left in the Black Eagle Demon clan.

"Follow me, I will destroy the human race. 35

The Black Eagle Demon Patriarch was furious and set off immediately.

Originally, it didn't care about the human race at all, it was just one of the countless weak creatures in the great wilderness, and it was not worth mentioning at all. Now that it has killed its own son, it is impossible to keep them.

It has to destroy the human race before it can vent its inner anger.

"Yes, patriarch."

Numerous big demons followed the black eagle demon patriarch and flew, all of them flew towards the human tribe, the whole sky seemed to be covered with dark clouds, mighty and murderous.

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