Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1435 The rise of the human race becomes the overlord of the Wanli region, and the tribes tre

A few days later, Ji Xuanyuan, the head of the human clan, personally shot, killed the head of the Black Eagle Monster Clan, as well as hundreds of big monsters, and then the news of the Black Eagle Monster Clan's destruction by the way, like a hurricane, spread all over the area.

Because this matter is really too big, it is definitely an earth-shattering event in this great wasteland.

After all, the Black Eagle Monster Race is one of the overlords in a radius of 10,000 miles, and its strength is extremely terrifying.

But now, the weak human race suddenly rises up and destroys the Black Eagle Monster Race, which is really incredible.

Many races are discussing why the human race can suddenly rise.

"No way, is this true or false, and the human race really destroyed the Black Eagle Monster Race?"

There is a big monster who can't believe it, it thinks this news is really ridiculous, who doesn't know that the human race is extremely weak, just one of the countless weak races in the great wasteland, even beasts can't beat it, and its status is similar to that of rabbits.

As for the Black Eagle Monster Race, the beings at the top of the food chain are tyrannical and unparalleled, and no one dares to provoke them.

Now that the human race has actually taken action to destroy the Black Eagle Monster Race, few people will believe this kind of thing.

"Of course it's true. Countless big demons witnessed this incident with their own eyes. 35

The other monster said solemnly: "At that time, the black eagle clan leader led the army to kill the 283 people's station, and he was aggressive and wanted to completely destroy the human race, but who could have imagined that the human clan chief Ji Xuanyuan personally shot and killed the clan leader with one palm. It was shot to death, and by the way, hundreds of big monsters were shocked to death.

It is because of this that the Black Eagle Monster Clan no longer has any strength to fight back, and all their clansmen have been wiped out and turned into bacon.

What is even more astonishing is that the original station of the Black Eagle Demon was also completely occupied by the Terran, and now it is the territory of the Terran, and the Terran has undoubtedly become one of the overlords in this area. "

It described the scene vividly and vividly, showing the terrifying strength of the human patriarch Ji Xuanyuan, and his cultivation base was simply earth-shattering, at least he had the cultivation base of an earth immortal.

"I have also seen this scene. The battle scene still has the palm prints left by the human race immortals, covering an area of ​​thousands of kilometers in a radius, and even filled with terrifying immortal power. If ordinary monsters break in, they will be killed. The wisps of yin and yang immortal power have been shaken to death, and the area has become a forbidden area for life."

Another monster said mysteriously, indicating that the battle scene was very terrifying, and ordinary creatures could not approach at all, (babg) could only be seen from a distance.

"It's incredible, how did this human race do it? Why did the human race suddenly appear as an earth immortal? This is completely unreasonable. 35

"Isn't it? It doesn't mean that the human race is extremely weak, has no bloodline talent, no claws, no wings, is almost a useless race, and has little fighting power, but now, it can slap the black eagle demon clan's patriarch to death?!

"I don't know, maybe humans have hidden talents, but we haven't discovered them yet.

"I've said it for a long time, no matter how weak the race is, there will definitely be a chance to turn over. Don't underestimate these weak races, they may stand out at any time and suddenly rise."

"No, that is to say, from now on, we can no longer bully the human race and hunt human beings for food at will? How can we do it now?"

"Hehe, still want to hunt humans? Isn't this a fool's dream? If you are targeted by the patriarch of the human race, even if you have nine lives, it will not be enough for you to die. 55

"Stop dreaming. Several races tried to attack the human race before, but before they even got close to the human race station, they were slapped to death by the human race patriarch Ji Xuanyuan. This is the prestige of the Earth Immortal."

Numerous big demons were discussing one after another and were amazed.

They did not expect that the human race, famous for its weakness, suddenly rose up and became a huge race that could no longer be underestimated by countless races in this great wilderness.

This is the case in the wild world, there are not too many rituals, righteousness, shame, benevolence, righteousness and morality, and some are only respected by strength.

As long as there is enough strength, it will be recognized by others.

Even though the human race was incomparably weak before, from now on, the power of the human race began to be known to the world.

"No, if that's the case, wouldn't the human race have become the overlord of this region? Will other races agree? Wouldn't the races that are friendly with the Black Eagle Monster Race take revenge?

A monster asked curiously.

"There is no doubt that the human race is already one of the overlords in this area. After all, the race of the Black Eagle Monster Race was destroyed. If it is not the overlord, who can become the overlord. 35

There is a big demon who said of course: "As for whether other demon races will take revenge on the human race, I think there is a high probability that they will not. Even the Black Eagle demon race died in the hands of the human race. If other races attacked rashly, wouldn't it be a dead end? No one would be so stupid to gamble on the future of their own race.

"Isn't it? The race with the Black Eagle Monster Race has already begun to send messengers to the Human Race, intending to establish a friendly relationship with the Human Race and not aggress each other.

"It's true or false, it's too fast. The bones of the Black Eagle Monster Race are not cold, and there are races that have begun to establish diplomatic relations with the Human Race? It's too exaggerated."

"This is a matter of course, and this is also the tradition of the Great Wilderness. There are literally countless races destroyed every year, and the Black Eagle Monster Race is just one of them."5

"That's right, if the human race is destroyed, there is a high probability that it will end in the same way, and it will not be remembered by other demon races.

Many big demons sighed with emotion.

There is no doubt that the speed of the rise of the human race is quite astonishing, to a staggering level.

Don't look at the fact that human beings only have one Earth Immortal to support them, it seems that they have insufficient background, but Earth Immortals are Earth Immortals, and an Earth Immortal can suppress the luck of the race for thousands of years, which is already regarded as the top powerhouse in the wild world.

It is true that a mere earth immortal is nothing in the rest of the fairy world, just a slightly stronger immortal, but in the wild world of the dark restricted area, it is already quite powerful.

After all, there are not many complete inheritances in the wild world, and many big monsters cultivate by instinct. So far, the strongest monsters in the entire wild world are only angels.

As for the existence above the gods, there is none.

Of course, if it takes a while, maybe a mysterious immortal will be born.

But so far, the strongest monster in the wild world is just a fairy, and it will take a long time for this world to fully grow.

But because this is the dark restricted area of ​​the fairy world, it is generally difficult for the immortals from the outside to break into it, which also makes the creatures in the wild world never see creatures from the outside world.

And there are many worlds like the wild world in the dark restricted area, and the wild world is not the only one.

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