Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1439: A hundred lines of a hundred ways

"Teacher, what are the secrets of these three immortal arts?"

Tai Hao asked curiously.

"Quite simply, great polemics is a supreme enchantment. 39

The teacher smiled slightly: "Once it is applied, it can confuse black and white, confuse all beings, and make them trust their own words without knowing it. This technique can make oneself a leader, lead an army, or become a military advisor, bewitching. world.

You can even become a beast trainer, tame all kinds of beasts, all kinds of monsters, etc., so that other creatures can be used by yourself, which can be described as infinite.

There are also many such wise men in our human race. They are not good at fighting, but they are good at talking and persuading people with reason. Just by talking, they can handle a matter properly and without leakage. "

Having said this, he paused for a while and continued: "The roaring technique is even simpler, this is a pure killing technique, the technique of sound attack, once it is used, the power of sound waves can be completely exploded. , silently killed the enemy.

It is said that there is a human race immortal who is also good at roaring, known as the Roaring Emperor.

"Of course, the most mysterious nature is the Great Thunder Sound Technique, because this technique is infinitely mysterious, and when it is used, the thunder sound oscillates, not only has the power to slay demons, ghosts, and monsters, but also can help one's own enlightenment and improve their understanding.

At the same time, the power of the thunder sound technique can also be used to temper the body, achieving the effect of the thunder sound of tigers and leopards, washing the marrow and cutting sutras. It can not only be used for fighting, but also can be used to assist in practice.

If you can learn the Great Thunder Sound Technique, then no matter which Human Race city you go to, you will immediately become a guest and become a great magician sought after by countless people. 99

He briefly described the mystery of the magic powers of the three musicians.

"I see."

Hearing this, many students nodded their heads in unison. They felt that the musicians were also broad and profound. If they came to the end, they must be a great immortal.

"Of course, apart from that, Lord Xuanyuan has also opened up many paths for us.

The teacher continued: "For example, with the medicine pill, you can learn the art of alchemy, refining the spiritual medicine of all things in the world into various medicine pills, this method is also unfathomable, broad and profound.

Another example is planting one, you can become a farmer and help the human race to grow food, elixir, etc. At present, the population of the human race is increasing, and naturally a large number of farmers are needed.

In addition to medical skills, you can also become doctors and practice great healing techniques. This profession can help our human race quickly repair injuries and get rid of all diseases. It is also an indispensable profession.

It can be said that there are hundreds of paths and hundreds of paths. Basically, every road can lead directly to the peak of the avenue. This is also the path that Master Xuanyuan has opened up for us.

"Yes, teacher."

Many students are excited, they feel the greatness of Lord Xuanyuan, just one person has opened up a hundred paths for the human race, and has promoted the development of the human race to an unimaginable level.

If Lord Xuanyuan had not been born, I am afraid that the life of the human race would still be in dire straits.

They also can't live up to the teachings of their human ancestors and must move forward.

After all, in this wild land, the strong are like clouds.

This is the so-called boating against the current, if you don't advance, you will retreat.

At this moment, on the other hand, the human race Yancheng, this is the human race city created by Jiang Shui, known as Emperor Yan, has a population of 500 million.

At the same time, this is also a city that welcomes all races in the Great Wilderness. Any race can come to Yancheng to trade with the human race.

It is because of this that the major races in the depths of the Great Wilderness like to come to Yancheng, which also makes Yancheng an economic and trade center.

A demon emperor at the level of an immortal suddenly appeared in Yancheng. It was the patriarch of the tiger clan, Hu Wushuang, whose strength had reached the level of consummation of an immortal. It transformed into an old man in black and quietly sneaked into Yancheng.

Because of the recent sudden rise of the human race, it has caused anxiety among the major races in the Great Wilderness. After all, the speed of the human race's development is really too fast.

In a short period of time, hundreds of cities have been built, and each city occupies at least one area.

Even the cities between each other are horns, watching and helping each other, and this has also caused all the tribes to retreat in the great wilderness, and they have to withdraw from the territory they originally occupied.

Such behavior also greatly compresses their living space, making them more anxious.

As one of the top clans of the demon clan, the tiger clan bordered on the territory of the human race, which naturally made the tiger clan sleepless, and wanted to take the opportunity to check the real strength of the human race.

"Is this the second largest city of the human race, Yancheng? It really is extraordinary.

Hu Wushuang, the patriarch of the tiger clan, showed a hint of coldness in his eyes.

As an immortal-level powerhouse, its eyes are so vicious, and at a glance, it can be seen that the entire Yancheng is integrated, as if it was poured.

It can be said that this giant city itself is a super magic weapon, comparable to a fairy weapon.

Don't look at it as a city now, but at a critical moment, unimaginable power can erupt. It seems that there are unfathomable formations engraved inside the city.

Even the Heavenly Immortal Demon King like it still felt heart palpitations, as if this city contained a power that could threaten his own life.

This made him feel very shocked. He didn't expect that the little human race would have this kind of ability.

'That's right, Patriarch. 35

An elder of the tiger clan next to him said solemnly: "This is the second largest city of the human race, known as the city of medicine pills. The city's owner, Emperor Yan Jiang Shui, is a well-known master of alchemy in the great wasteland. It is one step away, and the (good) can step into the realm of Earth Immortal, and the cultivation base is extremely powerful.

Of course, what he is most famous for is not his strength, but his alchemy skills. He is proficient in various alchemy techniques, and can refine different medicinal pills to meet the needs of various ethnic groups.

Even the entire Yancheng is famous for top alchemy masters, they gather the world's elixir, and then use it to concoct alchemy, attracting the great powerhouses in the wild.

It is because of this that in order to come here to trade medicinal pills, the powerhouses of the major races in the Great Wilderness will bring the medicinal herbs over and make a lot of money for the human race, and a lot of wealth flows into the human race's pockets. ""

It has stayed in Yancheng for a long time, of course, it knows that Yancheng is simply fat and oily, it can be called a place of wealth for the human race, and countless resources have poured into Yancheng.

This kind of wealth is extremely red-eyed even when he sees it, and he can't wait to loot this city.

If it is successful, it will definitely make a fortune and become rich overnight.

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