"Going to other continents? Would such a thing work?"

A monster moved in his heart.

After all, this can be regarded as a retreat. If it is really impossible, then they can also leave the Eastern Wilderness and go to other continents to survive.

In this way, it can also ensure the survival of its own race to the greatest extent, and will not become a vassal of other races.

"To be honest, going to other continents is not an easy task."

The demon immortal said with emotion: "I don't intend to deceive you, but I must tell you the difficulty of this matter in advance, and to relocate to the second continent, you must be fully prepared.

Because these four continents are very far apart, there is an endless ocean in the middle, and there are countless terrifying wild beasts living in the depths of the ocean.

If you want to go to another continent by boat, you will not only have to face the "three-one-three" climate disasters on the sea, but also face the terrifying attacks of wild beasts on the mainland. Because the journey is quite long, it may last for decades or even. It is hundreds of years, and this will make you die a lot of clansmen.

Having said that, it paused for a while, and then continued: "And what is even more fatal is that even if you pass through many difficulties and obstacles, you reach another continent.

But there are also a large number of top races in this continent. Their ancestors have lived in this place for generations. They are powerful. You are all outsiders. Naturally, you need to fight against the local monsters, and a lot of clansmen will die at that time.

That is because, when you want to relocate and go to other continents to settle down, then you need to be prepared to die at least 90% of your clansmen.


Hearing this, the faces of many big demons turned extremely ugly. Although they had long known that it would be extremely difficult to relocate and leave the Eastern Wilderness, they did not expect that they would have to pay such a tragic price.

If it weren't for the courage to break the boat, it would be impossible to make such a decision.

If you think about it carefully, the same is true. If relocating races was really that simple and the rewards were huge, countless races would have moved to other continents long ago.

It is precisely because of the incomparably difficult and arduous journey that countless races stop.

If it is not a last resort, who would be willing to leave the ancestral land.

"And don't think that the other Great Wilderness is weak, in fact they are no less than our Eastern Wilderness, and maybe even more powerful.

The demon said solemnly: "For example, Beihuang is respected by Beiming Xuan Turtles, they are powerful, they live in the sea, and they control every river. Beiming Xuan Turtles are the most powerful ones in Beihuang. It is said that It may have reached the Mysterious Immortal Realm, but it is often in a state of deep sleep and rarely sees the world.

There is also Xihuang. They are headed by the Queen Mother of the West. Many races have surrendered to the Queen Mother of the West and established the Immortal Court. Countless races are attached to this Immortal Court, and the Xihuang is completely unified.

There is also the Southern Wilderness area. The strongest is the Torch Dragon, who controls the most powerful flame power in the world. It is suspected that he has reached the realm of Xuanxian. He is invincible when he is born. Countless races are the veritable masters of the Southern Wilderness, and their strength is simply unfathomable.

In fact, among the four continents, only our East Wasteland has been in the chaos of the princes fighting for hegemony. There has never been a real overlord born to rule this continent, so the overall strength is the weakest.

But it is different now. The human race has risen rapidly and suppressed the various ethnic groups in the Eastern Desolation with a crushing situation. It is estimated that it will not be long before they will become the masters of the Eastern Desolation. "

It has noticed that the rise of the human race is unstoppable, even if they want to stop it, it is just a mantis blocking the car, and it is just beyond its own power.

"Impossible, if the other three continents are really unified, why don't they come to attack our Eastern Wasteland? According to our strength, they are definitely not their opponents.

A big demon said very suspiciously.

"There is no need to attack our Eastern Wilderness, because this world is really too big, and a continent alone is so vast that it is unimaginable."

The demon immortal shook his head, and then said: "And it has reached the level of power of the Northern Underworld Profound Turtle, the Queen Mother of the West, and the Torch Dragon. No matter how many territories it controls, for them, it is actually nothing. Any meaning. What they want to pursue is a higher realm, becoming a golden immortal, or even a big golden immortal.

It is because of this that after they unified their respective continents, they no longer planned to go to other continents, but concentrated on retreating and practicing, wanting to break through to a higher realm. "5


Hearing this, many big demons couldn't help but nod their heads. If they can reach such a state, I am afraid they will have the same idea. 0

For them, it is naturally their own cultivation that is more important.

Even an immortal level of cultivation can only survive for one hundred million years.

The wild world has existed for hundreds of millions of years, and there are countless immortals who have died of old age.

This also brought fear to these angel-level monsters, and time was the enemy of all their creatures.

It is because of this that all top-level demons choose to retreat and cultivate to break through their cultivation.

Unless the race is in trouble, they will choose to take action. Otherwise, they will not take action easily, so as not to be delayed in their cultivation by the affairs of the race.

"No, if that's the case, doesn't it mean that there is no other race that can resist the rise of the human race?"

There are big demons who are very unwilling.

It doesn't want to leave the Eastern Wilderness, but it also doesn't want to surrender to the human race.

"If it was before, there is still a chance to prevent the rise of the human race, but now, the human race Xuanyuan is a master of the consummation of heaven and immortals, and there are three innate magic weapons on his body."

The demon immortal said with emotion: "More importantly, they have enslaved hundreds of races and transformed them into puppets. There are thousands of puppets in Heavenly Immortal 1.6 alone, and as for Earth Immortal Puppets, it may even reach 100,000. Above, the puppets at the level of human beings are even more numerous, how can we be the opponents of the human race now.”


As soon as these words came out, everyone was silent, there is nothing more cruel than this realistic data.

"But to tell the truth, it is not necessarily a bad thing to surrender to the human race. We do need a co-owner in the Eastern Wilderness. Otherwise, we will not be able to unite the entire Eastern Wilderness and deal with the future catastrophe.

The demon said quietly.

"What do you mean? What does catastrophe mean?

The minds of many big demons were shaking, and they seemed to feel the danger in the dark.

But no matter how the other big demons asked, this mysterious demon didn't say anything, kept silent, as if there were some taboos, and the other big demons couldn't ask.

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