Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1458 Hunyuan Heluo Great Array

"This is the peerless formation of the human race - the Hunyuan Heluo Great Formation."

Lu Yiming, the patriarch of the deer clan, said in a deep voice what this formation covering the Eastern Wasteland was. The reason why it knew some information about this formation was because the human race did not intend to hide it.

After all, such a huge project, the human race can't hide too much, it is better to leak some information and leave key information, which can make people puzzled.

"Hunyuan Heluo Great Formation? What kind of formation is this?

The antlers are very curious.

He felt that the formation created by the human race with such a huge amount of exercise must be unusual, and it is impossible for the human race emperor Xuanyuan to do such a useless thing.

"Well, the specific words are not very clear, but I heard that this is the inspiration that Human Race Great Emperor Xuanyuan obtained from the innate magic weapon Hetu Luoshu, thus creating the Hunyuan Heluo Great Array.

Lu Yiming, the head of the deer clan, said: "Of course, after I inquired in every possible way, I did know some news about this formation. It was created by the great emperor of the human race, Xuanyuan, based on the number of the day after tomorrow. big array.

The entire formation is modeled after the mountains and rivers of the Eastern Wasteland, 10 rivers, etc. It is integrated into every spiritual vein of the Eastern Wasteland, including the ocean, sky, birds, beasts, fish and insects of the Eastern Wasteland, deducing the changes of the entire world.

Once you open the big formation and enter the formation, you will not know the passage of time. You can see the snow-capped mountains turn into oceans, the seas turn into mulberry fields, and the illusions on the river map. It seems that hundreds of millions of years have passed, and it seems that countless calamities have passed, so it is called the Hunyuan Heluo Great Array.

According to the human race, this formation is infinitely powerful, terrifying, and capable of melting hundreds of millions of races. Even if a Daluo Jinxian steps into it, it is impossible to ask for a favor.

"Just kidding, this great formation can compete with the Great Luo Jinxian?"

Hearing this, the deer horn fairy was stunned, knowing that there are countless creatures in the entire wild world, the strongest so far is the fairy, and there are legends that there are Xuanxians.

But even if Xuanxian was born, compared with Daluo Jinxian, I don't know how far it is.

The two simply do not exist in the same dimension.

If this formation can compete with the Great Luo Jinxian, then the power of the Hunyuan He Luo formation will be invincible in the world, and no one is the opponent of the human race.

Just being in the formation, the human race is an invincible existence, any race dares to invade the Eastern Wasteland, there is a high probability that there will be a dead end, and there will be no return.

"To be honest, I also think it's impossible. It must be the immortals of the human race boasting."

Lu Yiming, the head of the deer clan, also nodded, and he also felt that the news was not very reliable: "But even if it can't compete with Daluo Jinxian, but against Xuanxian, there is a high probability that it is more than enough.

It is precisely because of this that as soon as this formation came out, many races no longer had any intention to compete with the human race. They all accepted their fate and recognized the human race as the master. "9

"This! 35

The deer horn fairy doesn't know what to say. To be honest, just after hearing so much information, it knows that it is hopeless to fight against the human race. No other race can compete.

Now that the Hunyuan Heluo Great Array has been successfully arranged again, the entire Eastern Wasteland is already the territory of the human race.

In this way, unless they escaped from the Eastern Wilderness, can there be other races that can compete with the human race? Unless they want to be exterminated, they can only submit to the human race.

It can be considered to know what the human race is like now. It is definitely the overlord that has never appeared in the history of the Eastern Wilderness, the true Lord of the Eastern Wilderness, and the super race that surpasses many races.

No one can imagine how powerful the human race is now.

"By the way, the human race is so powerful, don't you plan to encroach on the Western Wilderness, the Northern Wilderness and the Southern Wilderness?"

"It is said that the strength of the other three continents will not be inferior to ours in the Eastern Wilderness, and even those continents have also given birth to Xuanxian. Could it be that they are not afraid of the development of the human race?"

The Antlers asked curiously.

It also knows that there are four continents in the whole world, there are already many islands, and countless races basically live on these four continents.

If the human race dominates the Eastern Wilderness, it might also covet the other three continents.

After all, the ambitions of living beings are endless. Since you have become the overlord of the Eastern Wilderness, then you want to be the master of the world, isn't that a matter of course, a matter of course?

It has also heard that the overlords of the other three continents are clearly the Beiming Xuangui, the Western Queen Mother and the Torch Dragon. They are all top powerhouses in this world, with unparalleled combat power.

If they make a move, the human race emperor Xuanyuan may not be able to resist.

By then, the human race might be in jeopardy.

"Well, the immortals of other continents are of course very afraid of us in the Eastern Wilderness and the human race, but what can they do?" Lu Yiming, the chief of the deer clan, waved his hand: "The rise of the human race is too fast, but it only takes a thousand years to develop. At this point, even if immortals from other continents wanted to stop them, they could not do anything.

Now that the general trend of the human race has been completed, even if the immortals from the other three continents join together, I am afraid that they will not be able to do anything to the current human race, and may be counter-killed by the human race, causing heavy losses.

After all, the distance between the four continents is still very far away. If you want to go on an expedition to other continents, the human and material resources you need to consume are simply beyond imagination. ""

It said that it was not the races of other continents who did not want to stop it, but it was beyond reach. No one had the strength to cross the huge ocean 330 and reach the Eastern Wasteland.

In fact, the same is true of the races in the Eastern Wilderness. No one is interested in crossing the ocean and heading to the other three continents.

Of course, it's different now.

When the strength of the human race is further improved and the entire Eastern Wasteland has been developed, it is difficult to say whether it will encroach on other continents.

After all, ambition and strength go hand in hand.

"Well, all races have underestimated the speed of the rise of the human race. When the surrounding races realize it, it will be too late. The human race has mastered the power of time, which is beyond imagination."5

The antler fairy is helpless.

It can be considered to understand the helplessness and frustration of other races, what is it for a mere thousand years, it has been used for three thousand years in retreat.

But as for the human race, it took a thousand years to fight the Eastern Wilderness without any opponents.

With the help of the power of time, the human race has secretly developed for 100,000 years, which is also impossible.

It can only be said that the human race's great emperor Xuanyuan is too terrifying. He not only possesses peerless qualifications, but also possesses terrifying calculations. I am afraid that the rise of the human race is all in his calculations.

The other races didn't know anything, and then they were surpassed by the human race, and they were either killed or surrendered to become vassals.

This is the legendary history of the rise of the human race for thousands of years.

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