Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1471 Ten thousand clans prospered, the bear clan declined, and the ancestral land became a t

What the hell?!

Seeing this scene, Xiong Batian and others were stunned and stunned, completely unaware of what happened, why so many humans and creatures of various races suddenly appeared in the ancestral land of the bear clan.

Moreover, the living beings of these races are transformed into human form, which is really incredible.

"What's the matter? Why are there so many~ people here?"

"I don't know. Normally, aren't the human race and other races destroyed? Why are there still so many now, what exactly happened in these ten thousand years?"

"Really or not, did the human race really survive the calamity and survive the terrifying calamity?"

"Impossible, impossible at all, just a mere human race, how can it survive the terrifying devil disaster? I believe you all know how terrifying those devils are.

Many elders of the bear clan shook their heads. They did not believe that the human race and other races had survived the evil disaster, but the scene in front of them made them full of doubts.

Because if there is no magic disaster, why are there so many human beings and other races here?!

There is no doubt that what has happened in these 10,000 years is beyond imagination, and something extraordinary has definitely happened.

For a time, their faces became solemn, as if things were not as simple as they thought.

At this moment, the human tour guide was still introducing the history of Emerald Lake, and did not discover the existence of Xiong Batian and others, because they were at least the cultivation base of Heavenly Wonderland, and it was too childish to want to hide their whereabouts.

As long as they don't want to be discovered by others, it is impossible for the existence under the Earth Immortal to discover them.

"It's so beautiful here. I didn't expect the bear clan to live in such a place ten thousand years ago. It's a tourist attraction." A fox man said excitedly.

"Isn't it? If it was 10,000 years ago, the bear clan was in its heyday. It is said that they still have immortals, even the powerhouses of the Xuanxian level. If they are still alive, they must be a large race that can take this place. It was built into the city of the bear clan. It is a pity that such a powerful race still fell into the evil disaster and disappeared into the long river of history.

But this may be a good thing for us, after all, if the bear clan still survives, I am afraid we will not have any chance to come to this place.

The human guide laughed.

Hearing this, Xiong Batian and the others were so angry that they could not wait to slap this gloating human being to death, but they still forbeared.

Because the situation is too strange now, they still don't want to reveal their whereabouts before they figure out the situation, otherwise they are likely to fall into the enemy's trap.

“It is true, there are still too few places of interest like Emerald Lake, and even fewer open to the public, so this place has also become a tourist attraction, receiving at least hundreds of millions of tourists every year.35

"It is said that there are many elixir growing in this place. If you are lucky, you can pick some elixir nearby and go back, which can be regarded as getting back the travel expenses.

"Stop dreaming, if the elixir really existed, it would have been taken away by the staff here long ago, where would we get the tourists who just arrived.

"However, I didn't expect the famous bear clan to be so simple, leaving only a few stone houses and stone pillars, and it has become a ruin. 99

"This is also something that can't be helped. It is said that the demonic disaster swept the entire wild world and caused the demise of many races. The same is true for the bear clan. The entire family fell into the demonic disaster, and the original station was completely destroyed. Now only the remaining Let us cherish the memory of future generations.

"Fortunately, Emperor Xuanyuan eliminated the evil disaster. Otherwise, how could we be so safe now."

Many tourists talked and sighed with emotion, recalling the history of the past, and these materials were learned from the history textbooks.

At this moment, Xiong Batian and others were also secretly eavesdropping on what the tourists were talking about. On the surface, they didn't seem to have anything, but in fact, a storm had already set off in their hearts.

"Really or not, the demonic disaster has been eliminated? So many races, including the human race, have survived, and have developed steadily for ten thousand years?"

A bear clan elder was stunned, it was unbelievable.

You must know that they feel that the devil disaster cannot be solved at all, and can only be avoided, so they hide in the cave and the blessed land, and they have been in retreat for ten thousand years.

·0 for flowers·

But now, the various clans in the wild world have not been exterminated at all, but have survived stably, while the bear clan has no idea of ​​anything, and has been in seclusion for ten thousand years, completely derailing the development of the entire world.

"Impossible, impossible at all. You all know how terrifying the devil disaster is. It has appeared many times in history, and you don't know how many immortals have been killed. How could anyone survive the devil disaster?"

There are elders of the bear clan who are unwilling to believe such a thing, and feel that it is extremely absurd. How could there be a race in the world that can survive the evil disaster?

If they can really get through, isn't what their bear clan did a joke?!


It was unwilling to accept such an outcome.

"If it wasn't for the evil disaster, what happened to these human beings, these creatures of various races? How did they survive, how could they appear here safely, and there were no demons wreaking havoc around them?

"Admit it, the power of the human race and other races is beyond imagination. Not only have they not been defeated by the devil, but they have also defeated the devil, reborn from the ashes, and even achieved greater development."

The patriarch of the bear clan, Xiong Batian, can clench his fists and gnash his teeth.

Although it is very reluctant to admit such a result, but from the current situation, such a result is true, and all races in the wild world have really survived the devil disaster.

This is something that has never been seen in the wild world.

It was originally thought to be an unsolvable disaster, a doomsday crisis for all ethnic groups, but now it has really been resolved.

There is no doubt that this is something that has never happened in the wild world, and it is simply beyond imagination.

"That's right, it is useless for us to be ostriches. We can only say that we have completely underestimated the various tribes in the wild world. Their explosive power is beyond imagination. Take control of the whole world at once.

As for our bear clan, because we chose to avoid the world, we missed this opportunity for development, causing our bear clan to become a race eliminated by the times. "

A bear clan elder said helplessly.

It has already noticed that this era really has no place for the bear clan.

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