Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1473 The bloody storm of history, the first race in the wild world

"No way, Emperor Xuanyuan killed the devil's lair, is he completely crazy?"

Hearing this, many elders of the bear clan were stunned and couldn't believe what they heard. They felt that this Emperor Xuanyuan was too hard-headed, and he was simply asking for his own death.

You must know that these are demons, immortal and immortal, and their strength is terrifying in a mess.

It is true that they need to find the specific location of the devils before they can kill them.

The problem is that this is only possible.

Don't think that the strength of the devils is only these, according to their previous speculation, at least they must be the Golden Fairyland, or even the Great Luo Jinxian can destroy them.

Otherwise, even if they found their old lair, they would just be looking for a dead end. That is because they hid in the heaven and blessed land, and they continued to practice, hoping to one day become a golden immortal and destroy these evil spirits.

But from the current point of view, it seems that the Mysterious Immortal Realm is their limit, not to mention that they want to become a Golden Immortal, even becoming a Golden Immortal is an extravagant hope.

"No, Emperor Xuanyuan is of course not crazy, he is absolutely sure, 10 Of course, we don't know the specific battle very well, but after a day and night of fighting, the entire lair of the devil was sealed by Emperor Xuanyuan, and since then, The devil has completely disappeared in this world, without the devil, the natural devil disaster has disappeared."

The tour guide Huang Yong said solemnly, saying that the history book is just a simple sentence, Emperor Xuanyuan entered the devil's cave, fought for a day and a night, imprisoned all devils, and ended the devil's disaster.

But this simple sentence, I don't know how many bloody storms and how many legends it contains.

It is a pity that, apart from the parties, no one knows what the specific details were at that time.

"Emperor Xuanyuan of the human race really deserves his reputation, it's extraordinary."

"It actually sealed those demons. I have to say that this is also a way to solve the demonic disaster. Since they can't be killed, they will all be sealed."

"Don't think that this method is very simple. If it is really that simple to seal the devil, then many of our ancestors in history will not die so miserably."

"It's true, the devil is not so easy to seal, the cultivation of every devil is earth-shattering, and the sealing technique can easily be broken by them. 35

"Our ancestors didn't think of a similar method before. Unfortunately, ordinary sealing techniques are not useful, and we don't know what kind of sealing technique this Emperor Xuanyuan uses."

"It's no wonder that the demonic disaster disappeared ten thousand years ago. It turns out that all demons have been imprisoned. As long as the seal is not broken out, then all of us are safe.

Many elders of the bear clan were very emotional. As immortals who have experienced demonic disasters for several eras, they naturally know the horror of demons and the dreadful nature of demonic disasters.

Compared with the human race, there is no doubt that the devil disaster is more terrifying.

Because the human race only wants to rule the wild world and become a dominant race, at least it will leave a habitat for other races, and will not kill them all.

But as for demonic disasters, they are naturally the enemies of sentient beings, and they want to deprive sentient beings of their lives and live a new life.

Therefore, even if a heavy price is paid, these demons must disappear.

Well now, after countless iterations of eras, an unprecedented hero was finally born, sealing all the devils and lifting the darkness of the wild world since ancient times.

At this moment, their hearts are simply mixed, and they are happy in their hearts, because the magic disaster has disappeared, the devils have been sealed, and they will no longer be threatened by the magic disaster.

But the heart is also very complicated, because the protagonists are not them, and it is a racial human race that suddenly rises to solve the evil disaster.

In short, they don't know what to do with themselves.

"It doesn't matter, although it is not the evil disaster solved by our bear clan, but at least one race in the wild world stood up and solved the darkness that shrouded the heads of all clans. This is also my luck."

Xiong Batian, the chief of the bear clan, said solemnly: "At least my clan survived and survived to this day, this is considered a great luck, and there is no need to demand more things.

To be honest, I am even more curious now, what happened after the great human race Xuanyuan solved the demon disaster, why did the wild world become like this?

It is now more curious about what the era after the demonic disaster has turned into. Now it feels that the human race seems to be dominant, but other races seem to live not badly.

In short, it seems that all ethnic groups have merged together, and their lives are extremely harmonious.

This is basically impossible in ancient times, it is really incredible.

"Well, after a hundred years of expedition, my human race has basically unified the entire wild world. The original overlords of the Western Wilderness, the Northern Wilderness and the Southern Wilderness have all surrendered, such as the Queen Mother of the West, Zhu Rong and the Beiming Xuan Turtle, etc. Become the elder Keqing of our human race, and those who do not surrender will disappear into the long river of history."

The tour guide Huang Yong said solemnly.


Hearing this, many elders of the bear clan were speechless, although they were only a few simple words, they could also see the terrifying blood and blood in it.

If you want to conquer the entire wild world, it is naturally impossible to rely on the so-called benevolence and morality, but on strength.

Without absolute strength, how could it be recognized by other races.

As for the human race, even those terrifying demons can be solved, so it is even more easy to solve the remaining races. 347

Of course, if these races were still in their heyday, they might still bring a certain degree of trouble to the race.

But after the calamity, many races suffered heavy casualties, and there were basically no clansmen out of ten.

It is because of this that in just a hundred years, the human race unified the entire wild world and became the first dominant race in the history of the wild world to unify the wild world.

"The human race actually unified the wild world like this? It's ridiculous, it's completely cheap, if it wasn't for the magic disaster that consumed the strength of most races, where would it be the turn of the human race to unify the wild world.

There are elders of the bear clan who are envious, jealous, and hateful, and feel that this is the ultimate goal and dream of countless races.

"It's not that simple. This is absolute strength. Other races have encountered demonic disasters, haven't the human race been encountered? But the human race has easily blocked it with its powerful strength. This is the proof of strength."

Xiong Batian, the patriarch of the bear clan, said faintly: "What's more important is that Emperor Xuanyuan sealed many evil spirits with his own power, and his strength was terrifying. Only Ming Xuan turtles are willing to surrender, otherwise, how could they surrender, no one is a fool.

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