Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1482 The promotion to the Xuanxian realm is complete, and the task of ending the reincarnati

At this moment, Xuanyuan City, this is also the place where the human race's great emperor Xuanyuan retreated and practiced.


Xia Chuan sat cross-legged on the ground, and the huge immortal energy around him came like a tide.

If it weren't for the surrounding formations to imprison this kind of vision, I am afraid it will spread to the entire wild world, causing the sky and the earth to fall, golden lotus and so on.

It is conceivable that to what extent his strength has reached now, it is many times stronger than it was ten thousand years ago.

After swallowing so much immortal energy, his cultivation has also shown a geometric progression.

Mysterious fairyland is complete!

After ten thousand years of cultivation, he broke through from Heavenly Immortal Realm to Profound Immortal Realm, and then from the early stage of Mysterious Immortal Realm to complete Mysterious Immortal Realm, which can be described as a rapid progress.

Just one step away from "Sanqiqi", he will be able to step into the Golden Wonderland.

Even if you look at the entire immortal world, such a cultivation base is amazing enough.

Of course, the reason why he has made such rapid progress is naturally because he has acquired many resources from the entire Wilderness World, and with the blessing of many resources, he has cultivated so quickly.

If he is still staying in Changchun Realm now, there is a high probability that it is at most a fairyland. After all, it is difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice, and without resources, even if her talent is amazing, she cannot exert it.

Where can he be like now, the cultivation base has been upgraded to the cultivation base of the Xuanxian realm, and it probably won't take long before he can step into the realm of the golden immortal.

If he could become a golden immortal, he would definitely be considered a master even in the entire immortal world.

However, even in the Mysterious Immortal Realm, the combat power in it is not trivial.

"Promotion to the Mysterious Immortal Realm is the realm of the mysterious and profound, condensing the body of the Xuanxian, the immortals in this realm can condense all their mana, condense to the extreme, and finally understand the true meaning, the Great Evolution.

The so-called Dayan number is fifty, and there are forty-nine after one. As long as all laws are unified, and the 'one' is obtained, the power of mana is absolutely unbelievable, and then it has the ability to obtain the tearing space. ""

Xia Chuan touched her chin.

Obviously, he has been a Xuanxian for thousands of years, and naturally he has a deeper understanding of the power of Xuanxian.

Compared with Tianxian, Xuanxian has been able to fuse the immortal power from all over the body into one, condensed into a single point, and then burst out in an instant.

Therefore, a Xuanxian level battle can tear space apart. Ordinary space barriers simply cannot withstand Xuanxian's battle fluctuations. A single blow is enough to destroy a large world and shatter the space.

It is because of this that only becoming a Xuanxian can be regarded as a master in the fairy world, and the immortals under Xuanxian are most likely to be just cannon fodder.

And in more than ten thousand years, he has been promoted from the human fairyland to the mysterious fairyland.

If this matter spreads out, it will surely shake the entire immortal world and make countless immortals horrified.


Thinking of this, he moved the immortal power in his body, and with a light stroke, a terrifying edge suddenly erupted. The space barrier that was originally incomparably strong was now like a broken glass, and a terrifying crack was drawn.

It's as if the surrounding space is harmed.

To be honest, it is difficult for even a Jinxian to tear apart the void so lightly.

It is conceivable that Xia Chuan's background is so profound that it has never been seen before. With a single blow, the void can be torn apart.

"Unfortunately, the time is almost there, I am afraid I need to return to the reincarnation space.

Xia Chuan narrowed her eyes.

Originally, he wanted to stay in the wild world and continue to explore the dark restricted area. After all, he was very interested in the dark restricted area of ​​the fairy world and wanted to know what the situation inside was like.

However, the reincarnation space obviously won't give him such a long time. In fact, he basically completed the task when he unified the human race and the Eastern Wasteland.

However, he still stayed until the deadline, and stayed there for a full ten thousand years. Now, after all, it is time to leave the wild world.

But I have to say that he has also gained a lot of benefits from this reincarnation mission, especially those innate magic weapons, he has obtained a full thirty-five innate magic weapons.

The power of each innate magic weapon is earth-shattering and infinite.

If it is obtained from the outside world, it will definitely shake the entire immortal world. Every innate magic weapon is enough to sell for a sky-high price, even a quasi-sage will be alarmed.

Of course, he wouldn't be stupid enough to take out the innate magic weapon, and he wasn't so stupid either.

"Fortunately, there are not too many things in the wild world. Even without my assistance, there is a high probability that the human race will continue to thrive." Xia Chuan smiled slightly.

To be honest, in the past ten thousand years, he is not a vegetarian, and he has been cultivating the immortals of the human race, which has caused the human race to give birth to a large number of mysterious immortals, as well as heavenly immortals, earth immortals, and human immortals.

Even if he really leaves the wild world, other races will not be able to set off any storms.

Until now, the human race has truly risen and become the unique dominant race in the wild world.

Even if the many races in history add up, the probability is not as good as the current human race.

Therefore, even if he really leaves the human race and loses the protection of Emperor Xuanyuan, the human race will not have any storms and waves, and it can still continue to grow stronger.

"But it's not impossible to stay.

Xia Chuan squeezed her fist.

Although his body will return to the reincarnation space, he can still condense a clone to stay in the wild world, and he can still control the affairs in the wild world.

In this way, no matter what happens in the Wilderness Realm, even if he is in the Changchun Realm, he will be able to know, and he can even provide help immediately.

I didn't do this before because it wasn't necessary.

But the wild world is different. This is a special world in the dark restricted area. It will definitely benefit him greatly in the future, so he is reluctant to abandon the wild world.

1.6 wow la la~~

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded in Xia Chuan's sea of ​​consciousness: "Xia Chuan, reincarnation, your mission time has come, do you want to return to the reincarnation space? 35

As the eighth-order authority of the reincarnation space, it is already considered to have a huge authority in the reincarnation space, so even the reincarnation space will ask Xia Chuan's opinion, and will not force Xia Chuan back for no reason.

"Well, go back to the reincarnation space.

Xia Chuan nodded, but another clone appeared in the secret room, taking her place.


In the next second, his body was pulled over by a certain force, and he disappeared in this space and time in an instant.

No one in the entire wild world knows that Emperor Xuanyuan has already left, and there is only one clone left.

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