Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1493 The emergence of life Tianzun Xihe, the two giants of the immortal universe

"Changchun Realm? I naturally know this world. Its appearance has alarmed the entire Immortal Realm, and even the saints. The problem is that the saints can't detect its existence, but we can't detect it either."

The white-robed old man said helplessly.

Because this is a world covered up by the origin of the universe, even if a saint goes down to earth in person, it is impossible to know where this world is hidden.

And the immortal world is so huge, it can be called boundless, if it is not possible to jump in space, even if the immortal spends his entire life, he will not be able to explore such a large area.

Even if they learned to jump in space, the quasi-sages could not know what was in each place.

To find Changchun Realm in the huge fairyland is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

"It's a coincidence. When my reincarnation was still in the human world, I happened to be in the Changchun realm once, and I also left behind the atmosphere and coordinates of the Changchun realm. hiding somewhere.

10 Lin Wanxi smiled slightly.


Hearing this, the white-robed old man was very surprised. He had no idea that Lin Wanxi would have such an opportunity. He had arrived in Changchun Realm when he was still in the human world, and even left behind his own back in Changchun Realm. .

It can only be said that this backhand is too critical and too timely.

If he could hide in the Changchun Realm to cultivate, then even a saint would not be able to find his master, and at least he could hide for a million years.

If there are millions of years of stable cultivation time, at least he can become a quasi-sage.

At that time, no matter how many of these quasi-sages descended into the world, it is impossible for them to be the opponents of their masters, and they will die as many as they come.

"Lord, it's really a clever calculation. I didn't expect that even the Changchun Realm can fly to the Immortal Realm. I'm afraid this is also the master's handwriting."

"No, it's not my handwriting. To be honest, I didn't expect that Changchun Realm would be able to soar all the way from the Human Realm, and it would also be able to ascend to the Immortal Realm in a short period of time. It's incredible, and I don't know how it was done. "

Lin Wanxi also felt very surprised.

She feels that even if it is her own words, I am afraid that she will not be able to do such a thing in a short time, unless she obtains the inheritance of Tianzun, otherwise it is difficult to do.

"No, it's not the master's handwriting, so how did this Changchun Realm do it?"

The white-robed old man was very surprised, but he knew how difficult it was to ascend from the human world. Even if he was a quasi-sage now, he couldn't do it.

Originally, he thought it was his Lord's help, or even the Lord's plan, but he didn't expect that Changchun Realm would be promoted naturally. This is even more incredible, and it can be called a miracle.

"It's not surprising. After countless years of history in the universe, some incomprehensible monsters will always be born. Every saint, even the appearance of Tianzun, is like this. Their growth experience is unimaginable and extraordinary. 99

Lin Wanxi didn't think there was anything strange, nor did she think she was unique.

At first she was just an ordinary creature.

It was only because he accidentally obtained a strange object in the universe, and as a result, he rose rapidly and finally became a Tianzun. He did not know how many adventures he had experienced and how many resources he had obtained.

Although the experience of Changchun Realm is amazing, compared with the rise of Tianzun, it is actually just ordinary.

Basically, the history of the rise of every Heavenly Venerate and every saint must be a legendary story, which is accompanied by countless bloody storms, and no one can become an almighty safely and steadily.

"Lord, shall we go to Changchun Realm now?"

The white-robed old man asked.

"Don't worry, it won't be too late to go to Changchun Realm after I consolidate my cultivation, anyway, it is impossible for our traces to be detected by those quasi-sages who descended to earth in a short period of time.

Lin Wanxi was not in such a hurry. If she wanted to go to Changchun Realm immediately, she had to prepare for it, especially to retrieve the treasure she had placed in the Immortal Realm. In this way, she would have no shortage of resources for her cultivation.

Even if you hide in Changchun and cultivate slowly, no one will be able to find yourself.

On the other hand, above the earth of the cosmic barrier, this is the headquarters of the Protoss, and there are huge kingdoms of gods, where countless Protoss people live.

At this moment, in an ordinary palace, a beautiful woman in a white robe is standing in a laboratory, and on the table are incredible creatures, which seem to contain terrifying pollution, like a Like an evil god, they kept wailing, screaming, and incomparably painful, as if they wanted to die, but there was no way to die.

In the eyes of these evil god creatures, the woman in front of him was even more terrifying than the evil god.

And this woman's figure, posture and appearance are all unparalleled beauty.

What is beauty is perfection, without any flaws, pleasing to the eye.

Anything that is perfect must be beautiful, so is human beings, and so is life.

If it is in a perfect state, then it is the most beautiful existence in this world.

This woman is like this, as if she is the most perfect creature in this universe, her body is full of majestic and incredible vitality, as if she is a collection of countless gods.

"Lord. 35

At this time, a saint-level Protoss old man appeared in this place, knelt on the ground, and looked at this beautiful woman very respectfully: "I received the news just now that the existence may have recovered and reappeared in the fairyland. , The major saints don't seem to want these 377 beings to be resurrected, so they dispatched quasi-sages to try to kill that existence.""

If the sage of the Protoss sees this old man, he will definitely be shocked, because this old man is a highly respected elder of the Protoss, and his status is second only to the patriarch.

But now, he actually respectfully calls this woman the lord, as humble as a dog.

And this woman is the great existence of Xihe, the god of life, who once fought with Lin Wanxi, the god of reincarnation.

"Oh, have you finally recovered? After waiting for so long, I finally heard that she has recovered. This is simply unprecedented good news." Life Tianzun Xihe smiled slightly.

This smile simply makes everything move and change its color.

But this Protoss old man buried his head deeper and trembled. He knew the horror of this woman. In the eyes of the other party, everything was just a material.

If one is unhappy, he will go to the test bench at any time and become the cut experimental material.

Even if it is a saint, it is just an ant.

When the woman recovered, the dog chain bound to the Protoss also appeared again. They were created by the other party, and they could not go against any will of the other party.

The previous resistance of the Protoss was just a joke.

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