Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1499 Use the time house to cultivate immortals and condense tens of thousands of years into

No, it's not just about the future development. No one can stop the development of Changchun Realm just now. Even if the quasi-sage arrives here, he can't destroy the development of Changchun Realm.

At this moment, Taoist Kunyang sensed the horror level of Xia Chuan, the sect master of Changchun Sect.

Otherwise how can this be done.

Of course, all of this is due to the book of omniscience, which can perceive the situation of the worlds in the entire immortal world at all times, and can even understand the relationship between each creature, and know the past, present, and future.

It is because of this that each world it selects will not be related to other forces in the Immortal Realm.

Even after conquering these worlds, many immortal forces do not know what happened. After all, the entire immortal world is really too big, even if tens of thousands of worlds disappear, it is actually nothing.

"But even so, how did the Changchun Realm produce a large number of immortals, earth immortals, and even heavenly immortals within tens of thousands of years?" Lin Wanxi was curious about this.

Even if the immortals in Changchun Realm can conquer the worlds and absorb a lot of resources through the teleportation array, as immortals, it takes time to increase their cultivation.

Tens of thousands of years are enough. For immortals, it’s really too childish. It’s just a flick of a finger. It’s not enough for immortals to reach the perfect state, not to mention being able to become earth immortals or even heavenly immortals.

Only top geniuses can be promoted to the Heavenly Wonderland in a mere 50,000 years.

If it were just one or two, it would be fine, but suddenly there are so many, this cannot be explained by a genius, and everyone in the Changchun world cannot be a genius.

"Well, naturally, it has a lot to do with the time house of our Changchun Sect.

The Taoist teacher laughed: "The Time Room is a unique area created by the Sect Master, and the flow of time inside is very astonishing. In one day outside, ten thousand years may have passed inside.

It is because of this that once our cultivators in the Changchun Realm become human beings, they will immediately enter the time room to practice.

In the same way, if you are promoted to an Earth Immortal, you will be able to become an Earth Immortal in a few dozen days at most; if you are promoted to a Celestial Immortal, you will be able to become an Immortal in hundreds of days.

In short, for the immortals of the Changchun Sect, as long as the big bottleneck can be overcome, the small bottleneck is not a problem at all, and resources can be quickly accumulated.

It is because of this that our Changchun Sect cultivators only need to spend a lot of time in the process of comprehension, and they don't need to work hard to cultivate.

Therefore, our Changchun Sect can create a large number of immortals in a short period of time, and even so far, batches of mysterious immortals have begun to appear.""

He briefly talked about the cultivation method in Changchun Realm, that is, using the inside of the Time Room to shorten the cultivation time of the immortals, and mass-produce a large number of immortals of the perfection level.

Obviously, Xia Chuan directly extended the cultivation methods of the immortals in the wild world to the Changchun world, so within a short period of time, a large number of immortals were cultivated in the Changchun world.

This is also a special method to shorten the cultivation time of immortals in Changchun.

"Is there such a thing? Use the flow of time to quickly create a large number of immortals?"

Hearing this, Kunyang Daoist was stunned. What a wild idea this is, it is too exaggerated.

This is equivalent to condensing the development of the fairy world for millions of years, or even hundreds of millions of years, into a few days, or even dozens of days, and the efficiency has been improved by many times.

On the surface, these immortals seem to be only tens of thousands of years old. In fact, they have been practicing in the time house for millions of years, or even tens of millions of years.

Of course, normally speaking, the cultivation time of these immortals is actually similar to that of ordinary immortals in the immortal world, but to the outside world, it is actually only the past tens of thousands of years.

It is because of this that the immortals in Changchun world will show explosive growth.

"No way, he can actually create a magic weapon of time, control the flow of time, and is so mature. Could it be that this guy has a high level of understanding of the laws of time? Otherwise, how could it be possible to create such a magic weapon of time?"

Lin Wanxi's pupils shrank, but she thought of a higher level.

In the entire immortal world, even if it is a quasi-sage, there is not much understanding of the law, let alone a golden immortal, or even a golden immortal.

But this Xia Chuan, at most, is the perfect cultivation realm of Jinxian, but he has such an amazing understanding of the law of time. Does that mean that this person will definitely become a saint in the future?

After all, for a saint, the most important thing is to comprehend the laws. Only by comprehending enough laws can the saint's cultivation be raised to an astonishing level.

If you can't comprehend the law, then no amount of resources is actually of much use.

But this Xia Chuan is different. He is obviously not a saint, not even a quasi-sage, but he has started to study the law in such a deep way, which is really incredible.

`Understand the law of time? No wonder the master said that the sect master of the Changchun Sect, Xia Chuan, has the appearance of a god, indeed he has the appearance of a god, and he was promoted to the golden immortal. He has studied the law to such an extent that even a saint is no better than a saint. That's it. ""

Kunyang Taoist was stunned.

As a quasi-sage, he is most aware of the difficulty of comprehending the law. Often, it is not the cultivation base that hinders the quasi-sage, but the understanding of the law.

If it is not enough to understand the law, even if it is reluctantly promoted, it will only die, and it will not be able to form the fruit of the law, and it will not be able to become an immortal saint.

(Good Zhao Zhao)

But if there is enough law perception, then becoming a saint is a matter of iron and steel.

"It is indeed very capable. No wonder this Changchun world needs to constantly attack other worlds and conquer worlds one by one, because if you want to consume so many resources in a short period of time, then attacking other worlds is the best way. There is nothing better than gaining the whole world. The wealth obtained is more, which is equivalent to plundering the accumulation of tens of billions in a world in an instant

Lin Wanxi nodded, somewhat understanding why the Changchun Sect would madly wage war.

After all, if you don't snatch the resources of other worlds, so many immortals will be born in a short period of time. With the current resources of Changchun World, it is unbearable.

But if you obtain resources from other worlds, then as long as the harvest is greater than the expenditure, it can continue to develop sustainably, continuously cultivate a large number of powerful immortals, and enhance the combat power of Changchun Realm.

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