Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1510 The Twelve Ancestral Witches

"Then how did the Wu clan make it back then?"

Xia Chuan asked.

"It's simple.

The Book of Omniscience explained: "In those days, Tianzun of Life wanted to create some powerful species that were born sacred, wanted to produce saints in batches, and gave birth to a large number of saint-level creatures.

So she chose human beings as the main carrier, and then merged into the blood of the laws. After countless failures, a race like the Witch Race was finally born. They perfectly inherited the blood of the laws. They are naturally powerful, infinite in strength, and thick skinned.

It is a pity that the IQ of such a race is very low, or it is simple, and there is no creativity at all. Even if it becomes a saint, it cannot be promoted to a higher realm.

What's more, it is difficult for most of the members of the Wu clan to improve their bloodline, let alone make their bloodline reach the perfect state, thus becoming a saint.

So over time, Tianzun of Life lost interest in the Wu clan, abandoned the Wu clan in the wilderness, and let the members of the Wu clan fend for themselves.

After all, for the Heavenly Venerate, there are too many races that are stronger than the Witch Race, and this is just one of the experimental creatures, not worth mentioning. "

It means that there are many similar creatures, all of which are scattered in all corners of the prehistoric world.

Even after countless years have passed, these races still exist tenaciously in this world.

"I see.

Xia Chuan touched her chin.

Of course, he knew how difficult it was for a bloodline race like the Witch Race to cultivate. Basically, the inheritance of bloodlines was not as good as the next generation, and the bloodlines would continue to be diluted.

Unless there is an atavism phenomenon, the ancestors of the first-generation bloodline are always the most powerful, and the descendants are extremely weak.

If you want to surpass the ancestors with the power of blood, you need to make unimaginable efforts and also need amazing understanding.

Even in the Xuanhuang universe where blood races are rampant, it is not easy to purify the blood of the race from generation to generation.

Therefore, the decline of the Wu clan is also a matter of course.

When the members of the first generation of Wu clan died, one generation was inferior to one generation, and finally it was difficult to move in the prehistoric world.

"There are a total of twelve tribes in the witch tribe, representing the twelve ancestor witches."

The Book of Omniscience continued: "They mastered the powers of gold, wood, water, fire, soil, ice, electricity, poison, wind, time, weather, space, etc. After countless years of development, they also split into various tribes and began to mix together. , and even intermarriage with each other, resulting in a mixed-race state.

It is precisely because of this that the bloodlines of the members of the Wu clan became more and more mixed, and there were all kinds of Wu clan bloodlines, which also led to the further decline of the members of the Wu clan. Luo

It briefly described the situation about the Wuzu tribe. In short, compared with the Wuzu tribe at the beginning, the current Wuzu tribe does not know how many times they have declined, and they can't even find a single Great Luo Jinxian.

The strongest elder of the Wu clan is nothing more than a golden fairyland.

"Is that so? It seems that if you want to improve the power of your body as soon as possible, or purify the power of your bloodline, the higher the bloodline concentration, the faster your cultivation will improve. 99

Xia Chuan touched her chin.

Obviously, at present, if he wants to quickly improve his cultivation, he needs to purify the power of blood in his body. For a blood universe like Xuanhuang universe, this is really a pediatrician.

Basically, no one knows better than him how to purify his own blood.


Thinking of this, Xia Chuan didn't hesitate, running the power of divine consciousness, constantly perceiving the power of blood in his body, going deep, deep, and continuously, and even entered the level of genes.

In an instant, his body was shaken, as if his soul saw the power in the depths of the bloodline, and saw the messages of the various laws that remained in the depths of the bloodline.

This is the power that comes from the Book of Omniscience—the power of omniscience!

And this power is not only able to understand everything in the world, but also to understand his own body and his own blood. At this moment, he understands the potential contained in his body better than anyone else.

"It turns out that this body contains (babg) the power of time and has fragments of the law of time."

Xia Chuan's eyes showed a gleam of light.

There is no doubt that even in the entire Wu clan tribe, there are very few members of the Wu clan with the blood of time. After all, it is not that simple to master the blood of time.

Just like his body, even if it is dead, it has not awakened the power of time.

Because the time law fragments he contains are too few, only one percent, such a rare time bloodline, naturally cannot awaken the time bloodline.

"Chance, this is chance."

Xia Chuan was very excited.

For him, it doesn't matter whether the bloodline is scarce or not, as long as a little bit is enough, it can let him get started, and he can deduce the bloodline to the complete time.

To be honest, the most difficult thing for immortals is to comprehend the laws.

But now, with the bloodlines of these witch members as a comparison, then he can obtain information about many laws, allowing him to quickly comprehend the many laws of the immortal universe.

Undoubtedly, even if the mission of reincarnation failed this time, it doesn't matter, if you can obtain the relative law information from the witch clan, it will be equivalent to the benefit of endless.

After all, the laws of heaven and earth in the Immortal Universe and the Xuanhuang Universe are different, even if the laws of time are the same, the laws of time in the two universes are also different, and even very different.

Therefore, he also needs to re-comprehend the law of time in the immortal universe and master the time law of this universe.

"I originally thought that it was basically impossible to complete the task of the reincarnation space within a million years. After all, it may not be possible to gain a firm foothold in the prehistoric world in a million years.

"But it's different now. If you master the power of the law of time, then you can control the power of time, and you can quickly improve your cultivation in a short period of time, advance to the realm of Da Luo Jinxian, or even a quasi-sage.

"After all, the power of time can control the flow rate of time and speed up the speed of time."

Xia Chuan smiled slightly.

Before he reincarnated in several worlds, he used the time formation technique to speed up the development of his power, making his power grow explosively in a short period of time.

One can imagine how terrifying the power of time is.

The so-called space is respected and time is king, so you can imagine the greatness of the law of time, which is absolutely beyond imagination.

Of course, there are not many saints who can truly master the law of time, let alone immortals and quasi-sages.

If he can completely make the time bloodline reach the perfect state, then his strength will definitely be improved amazingly.

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