Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1513 Increase the concentration of time blood vessels and restore the Golden Wonderland cult


Xia Chuan ran the Pangu Mantra, and his body was like a furnace, refining these holy medicines. He sensed that the bloodline in his body showed a geometric progression.

Originally, the time bloodline on his body was only 1%, but with the improvement of his cultivation, it has increased to 2%, 3%, 4%...

Compared with the previous one, it is a multiple improvement.

Between the heavens and the earth, the endless fragments of the law of time, like a flood, submerged into the depths of his body, merged into the depths of his bloodline, and continuously purified his bloodline.

It seems that at this moment he perceives the greatness of the power of time, the unfathomable and infinite mystery of the law of time.

"It turns out that, cultivating in the prehistoric world is more integrated into understanding the laws of the universe. 99

Xia Chuan's eyes showed a gleam of light.

Since the prehistoric realm is in the midst of the cosmic barrier, it is closer to the origin of the universe. Compared with the immortal realm, staying in the prehistoric realm can more easily comprehend the laws.

It is because of this that the saints will not care about the existence of the fairy world.

If you go back to the Immortal Realm, it will make it difficult for your own cultivation base to move an inch. It is better to stay in the Great Desolate Realm so that you can master more laws of the universe.

At this moment, with the help of the Book of Omniscience of the Universe, he was able to perceive the mystery of the law of time, and the endless messages of the law of time came surging.

"The realm of time."

With a bang, when Xia Chuan's time bloodline increased to 10%, the time domain was instantly born, covering the surrounding area of ​​hundreds of meters.

It seems that at this moment, the flow of time in this area has accelerated.

One day in the outside world, and one year in the time inside the realm.

Even with the continuous improvement of his bloodline, such a time flow rate may be further improved.


I saw that with Xia Chuan's body as the center, the huge source energy around him submerged into his body like a tide, pouring into every part of his body.

His cultivation base is showing a crazy improvement at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Originally, he was only in the Heavenly Wonderland, but now, he was instantly elevated to the Profound Wonderland.

For the people of the Wu clan, as long as the bloodline concentration is sufficient, they will naturally be able to upgrade to the corresponding cultivation level, and there is no bottleneck at all.

Of course, if the blood concentration is not enough, no matter how hard you study hard, you will not be able to break through the bottleneck.

This is the advantage and disadvantage of the witch warriors, bloodline is almost everything.

In the blink of an eye, a year has passed in the outside world.

But Xia Chuan stayed in the realm of time and practiced for more than three million years. Because the flow of time in the realm was extremely fast, in one day outside, 10,000 years passed inside.

It is because of this that after cultivating for more than three million years, he finally raised his cultivation to the level of perfection in the Golden Immortal Realm, and he was only one step away from becoming a Golden Immortal.

This is basically the same as his own body.

Of course, he also wanted to continue his cultivation and break through to the realm of Daluo Jinxian by the way, but he found that he had basically used up all the medicinal herbs and holy medicines of Daoist Aoki.

Even if you want to improve, there is no way, because of the lack of resources.

If you want to continue to practice, you must obtain more elixir and holy medicine.

"Yes, the blood concentration has increased to 66%.

Xia Chuan touched his chin and felt very satisfied. To be honest, he spent so many medicinal herbs and immortal medicines, mainly to improve the time bloodline in his body, not to cultivate.

After all, for the Wu clan, bloodline is the most important, and the others are false and not worth mentioning.

If the bloodline concentration can be increased to 100%, then it is almost certain that he can become a saint, master the law of time, become an unparalleled saint in the world, and his combat power will soar.

After such a long period of cultivation and researching the blood of the Wu clan in his body, he also mastered several magical powers related to time.

The first supernatural power is to stop time. When you use this supernatural power, you can confine time in a certain place, stop the flow of time in this area, and completely confine it. At that time, the enemy may not be able to move.

Of course, the mana consumed by this magical power will be huge, and the more enemies you bind, the more amazing the consumption.

The second supernatural power is time acceleration. This supernatural power can act on oneself, increasing one's speed countless times, and at the same time improving one's cultivation speed.

The third supernatural power is time delay. This supernatural power acts on the enemy, causing the time flow around the enemy to slow down, as if he has been hit by a large retardation technique, crawling like a turtle, but he is not aware of it.

The fourth supernatural power is time deprivation. Using this supernatural power can deprive others of their time and their lifespan, so that the enemy will be killed instantly and their lives will come to an end.

At the same time, the time power deprived can also act on oneself, improve one's own cultivation, increase one's own lifespan, and can also act on other beings and plants to increase the other party's heritage.

Although he only mastered these four bloodline supernatural powers, Xia Chuan's combat power has been improved geometrically, and even Da Luo Jinxian is no longer his opponent.

Even a quasi-sage can fight against it, this is the terror of the law of time.

It can be said that he already possesses the power of some saints.

"It is indeed a life form created by the God of Life, and it really has infinite potential."5

Xia Chuan narrowed her eyes.

It is true that the Wu clan fell into the hands of the Heavenly Venerate, and they were just a flawed race.

But after falling into his own hands 393, he was able to evolve the Wu clan into a perfect race, fully exerting the ultimate potential of this race.

He vaguely sensed that he might bring the Wu clan to an unprecedented height.


At this moment, the voice of the Book of Omniscience of Cosmic Strange Objects sounded: "The Wu tribe may encounter disaster, if the master does not return, this tribe may be destroyed by the ancient vicious beasts passing by.

Ba Snake, this is a powerful ancient alien species in the prehistoric world. It has the magical power to devour the world and has a huge appetite. It once swallowed a country and even a forest in one bite.

Once it appears, it must be a disaster at the level of destroying a country, and its combat power is unparalleled.

The Ba Snake family is also a powerful race in the prehistoric world, and has a great reputation.

"Why did Ba Snake come to my Wu tribe?"

Xia Chuan asked.


The Book of Omniscience said: "Ba Snake is hungry today. Although he wanted to come looking for food, he just happened to pass by and saw the Wu tribe, so he planned to kill them. This is just an ordinary predation activity."5

"This! 59

Xia Chuan squinted his eyes. This is the horror of the prehistoric world. Weakness is the original sin, just like a primitive society.

Sometimes it's just because of predation, because of hunger, so it encounters the disaster of genocide.

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