Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1516 The Wu tribe after ten thousand years, the rise of the Xia tribe

Ten thousand years are fleeting.

For the entire prehistoric world, a mere 10,000 years is only equivalent to one second, which is nothing at all, and it is not enough for a saint to take a nap.

But for the Wu clan in a remote corner, it is simply a vicissitudes of life, enough for the Wu clan to undergo earth-shaking changes.

In particular, a special tribe appeared among the Wu people, called the Xia tribe.

A legendary patriarch Xia appeared in this tribe, allowing the Xia clan to rise rapidly, and naturally annexed the Wu tribe within a hundred light-years radius.

This also allowed the strength of the Xia clan to expand geometrically, becoming a powerful race with a radius of hundreds of light years, swept away many beast races, and became famous.

In some places, Wuzu city was built, which became a shelter for Wuzu warriors.

At this time, a group of people came over from the distant forest. They were disgraced and dressed in animal skins. They looked very embarrassed, but their bodies exuded powerful blood.

The strongest one of them is the elder of the Wu clan with a complete golden immortal. He is powerful in combat. He is Li Jiuyou from the Jiuli tribe of the Wu clan, and he is also the great elder of the Jiuli tribe.

He took a group of warriors from the Jiuli tribe and traveled long distances, walking in the direction of the Xia clan - past.

"In half a day, we will be able to reach the city of the Xia clan, and we will be safe by then, everyone be careful not to be discovered by the nearby beasts.

Li Jiu said in a deep voice, warning the soldiers around him.

"Yes Elder."

A witch warrior nodded: "But elder, is this Xia clan really that powerful? Are the rumors a bit exaggerated?" He looked puzzled and doubted the strength of the Xia clan.

"Yes, according to rumors, the Xia clan has built at least hundreds of cities, with a population of over 100 million, and there are even Daluo Jinxian-level wizard powerhouses, and even Jinxian-level wizard powerhouses are countless. .

"It is indeed an exaggeration. Our Jiuli tribe is also one of the strongest tribes of the Wu tribe, but the population is only over 10 million. The strongest Wu tribe warrior is the Golden Fairyland. A warrior of the rank, why did the Xia clan do this.

"I think it's a bit of a fuss for us to spend so long to find the Xia clan, there is no way that there is a witch clan more powerful than our Jiuli clan in this world.

Numerous witch warriors were talking about it, and all of them were extremely proud.

They believed that the Jiuli tribe was the strongest tribe of the Wu tribe, with a population of over 10 million. There was no more Wu tribe in the world than the Jiuli tribe.

It is because of this that they feel that it is a waste of time and energy to spend such a huge price and still have a lot of time to search for the Xia clan.

Along the way, they ate and slept, and they didn't know how many witch warriors died.

"To be honest, I also think that the rumors or many are somewhat exaggerated, but according to the situation of our Jiuli tribe, it is impossible to find the Xia tribe for rescue."

Li Jiuyou said helplessly: "Our Jiuli tribe has offended the nearby Qiongqi clan, if there is no support, our Jiuli tribe will soon be wiped out by Qiongqi.

So this time we are here to ask for help, even if the Xia clan has one-tenth of the rumored strength, then our Jiuli clan will be saved. 35


Hearing this, many warriors of the Wu tribe fell silent. Thinking of the terror of the Qiongqi clan, they couldn't help but tremble with fear.

In fact, what they offended was only a part of the Qiongqi clan, not the entire race. If it were the entire race, they would have long since disappeared from this world.

But even so, such a poor and strange beast is enough to destroy the Jiuli tribe.

It is because of this that even if they pay a great price, they still want to find reinforcements to help the Jiuli tribe and avoid the disaster of the Qiongqi family.

So after they heard the rumors about the Xia clan, they dispatched the elders non-stop, hoping to find someone from the same clan to help.

Even if the entire Jiuli tribe cannot be kept, some soldiers of the Jiuli tribe can survive.

After all, they are not that stupid. They clearly know that the enemy is extremely powerful, and they are still fighting.

In this way, they will still have the opportunity to make a comeback, so that the Jiuli tribe will not be destroyed.

"Look, we seem to be here. There seems to be a towering city in front of us. Could it be the city of our Wu tribe? 35 At this moment, a Wu warrior couldn't help shouting loudly.

·0 for flowers·


In an instant, Li Jiuyou and other witch warriors couldn't help but look over, and immediately saw a towering city in the distance. The city wall was at least a few hundred meters high, enough to intercept ordinary giant beasts.

Moreover, this city was covered in darkness, and there seemed to be many cracks and a lot of bright red blood on it. It is conceivable that this city must have experienced countless tragic battles.

Otherwise, there would not be so many battle marks on the city wall.

"In front of me is the city of the Wu clan, and I can sense the aura of the warriors of the Wu clan.

Li Jiuyou also said very happily.

They started from the Jiuli tribe and walked a lot of distance. They did not know how many fierce beasts they experienced along the way, and they finally found the legendary Xia tribe.

One by one is both joy and excitement.

If it wasn't for the instinct of a soldier to restrain himself, I am afraid that he would have started to cry.

"Huh? You look strange, where are the witches from?"

At this moment, a group of witch warriors immediately appeared in the distance. The other party was wearing black armor and holding an elite weapon.

What's more important is that they actually carry hill-like beasts on their hands, and the aura emanating from these beasts is no less than the golden fairyland.

There is no doubt that this pair of witch warriors hunted and killed dozens of golden fairyland beasts just now.

This scene alone made the warriors of the Jiuyou tribe tremble in their hearts. They just came to the vicinity of the Xia clan, did they meet the elite warriors of the Xia clan?

"Hello everyone, I am Li Jiuyou, the elder of the Jiuyou tribe.

Without saying a word, Li Jiuyou immediately revealed his origins.

"Jiuyou Tribe? Where exactly is the Wu tribe? Why haven't you heard of it?"

"I have heard that it is said to be a very distant Wu tribe, with a strong strength and a population of over 10 million.""

"Is that so? I didn't expect you to be so far away from our Xia clan, and you all sent people here.

"Let's enter the city together. Since everyone is a warrior of the Wu clan, then everyone is a brother."

Immediately, the group of witch warriors laughed, and immediately accepted Li Jiuyou and the others.

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