Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1518 Time Ancestor Wu, a Wu tribe of five billion people

"I don't know what conditions are needed to obtain this practice?"

A soldier of the Jiuli tribe couldn't help but ask.

To tell the truth, these warriors with thin bloodline are most eager to obtain such exercises, one must know that the warriors of the Wu tribe basically determine their future as soon as they are born.

A shaman with a low bloodline concentration is just trash, a low-level character, only worthy of hard labor.

Only the witches with high bloodline concentration are true nobles, enjoying glory, wealth, and all the resources of the tribe. It can be said that the class is incomparably clear.

After countless years, no one has been able to surpass the bloodline class.

But now, there are actually powerful techniques that can purify the blood in the body, which means that the warriors of the witch race with low blood concentration also have the opportunity to change their lives against the sky.

This is simply an unprecedented revolution, giving countless bottom-level Wu clan warriors a chance to rise.

To tell the truth, no one is willing to be a civilian all his life.

They also want to be powerful witch warriors, and they don't want to be a stepping stone for others.

"Well, only 10 warriors from our Xia clan will be able to obtain the teachings of the Pangu scriptures. Unless you are willing to join our Xia clan, you will not be able to obtain this technique.

The captain of the witch clan said very realistically.

Although everyone is a warrior of the witch tribe, they are all different tribes and belong to different forces.

It can only be said that helping can be helpful, but the core interests cannot be given up unless it is one's own.

"Actually every witch warrior can get the teaching of this technique? Wasn't it monopolized by nobles?"

Hearing this, the soldiers of the Jiuli tribe were simply overjoyed. To be honest, this condition is nothing at all, it is just to join the Xia clan, and there is no reason to hesitate.

After all, everyone is a warrior of the Wu tribe, and joining other tribes is a family affair, just like a company in modern society.

The same is true.

However, in a world as dangerous as the Prehistoric World, there are dangerous beasts everywhere. It is not as simple as imagined to want to jump to other tribes across countless kilometers.

"It's no wonder that the population of the Xia clan has increased so quickly. In just ten thousand years, the population has exceeded 100 million. I am afraid that there are also a large number of Wu clan tribes who joined the Xia clan for this practice."

Li Jiuyou said with emotion.

You must know that the reproductive cycle of the witches is different from that of humans. Humans can have one child a year, but the witches can only have one child every 100 years, and the reproductive cycle is very long.

It is because of this that the population of the Wu people is not increasing very fast.

Of course, the population of the Witch Race is growing fast, just like those ancient beasts in the Great Desolate World, their pregnancy cycles are often hundreds, thousands, or even thousands of years.

This is considered a slow reproductive cycle.

This is also impossible, the more powerful the life, the more difficult it is to breed.

Moreover, when giving birth, they will also encounter various dangers and be coveted by other beasts. After all, when a mother beast gives birth to a child, it is also the most vulnerable time.

"Haha, our Xia clan's population is not as simple as breaking through 100 million. In fact, our tribe's population has already exceeded 5 billion." A Wu clan captain said triumphantly.


As soon as these words came out, Li Jiuyou and others were stunned and shocked. The population exceeded 100 million, which is quite incredible. Now it has exceeded 5 billion. This is how many witch warriors have been bred.

I am afraid that there are not so many Wu people in the entire prehistoric world.

After all, after countless years of slaughter, the population of the Witch Clan has been in a state of continuous decline. By now, I am afraid that the population of the entire Witch Clan will not exceed three billion.

Because the prehistoric world is too dangerous, there are gods and demons fighting at every turn, fierce beasts fighting each other, even if the opponent does not deliberately target the Wu clan, the aftermath of the battle alone is enough to shock the Wu clan warriors to death, leaving no dead bodies.

"Why are so many people born?"

There must be a big secret in Li Jiuyou's instinct, otherwise, according to the growth rate of the Wu people's population, it is absolutely impossible for the population to reach billions in such a short period of time.

"Well, this is because our Xia clan has a special city called the City of Time.

The captain of the Wu clan smiled slightly: "If you live in this city, one day outside, then hundreds of years have passed inside, so every woman who needs to give birth will enter the city of time.

Basically, it only takes one day for the other party to give birth to a child, and then the child can be brought out of it, so the population of our Xia clan has grown so fast.

He briefly explained why the population of the Xia clan was growing so fast.

"Speeding up time? Isn't this something only saints can do? And only a few saints who understand the laws of time can do it?'

Li Jiuyou was stunned.

He once heard that there are some blessed places like this that can speed up time in the prehistoric world, but such places are not accessible to ordinary people.

Only those top races can have it.

But he never imagined that the Xia clan would actually have such a place.

"This is because our leader is the ancestral witch who awakened the blood of time. His bloodline power is comparable to that of the ancestral witch, and he can freely manipulate the power of time, so he can create the city of time."

The captain of the Wu 393 clan explained.

"It's actually the Ancestral Witch who awakened the blood of time? 35

As soon as these words came out, many Jiuli warriors looked at each other and saw the shock in each other's hearts, but they knew how difficult it was to awaken the blood of time.

The entire Wu clan has a total of twelve bloodlines, among which the Wu clan warriors with the time bloodline are the rarest, and the difficulty of awakening is also the highest.

Because among the many laws, the law of time must be the king among the kings.

Among the many saints, there are still a few who can comprehend the law of time. At most, they can comprehend other laws, but they cannot comprehend the law of time.

This is because the law of time is mysterious, and only the existence of top comprehension can master the law of time.

Historically, there are very few ancestor witches of the witch race who have the bloodline of time.

They never imagined that the patriarch of the Xia clan was actually an ancestral witch with the bloodline of time.

It is no wonder that the Xia clan has developed so fast, reaching an unprecedented level.

"Great, our witch clan finally gave birth to another time ancestor witch.

"It's simply the luck of our Wu clan. Once the time ancestor Wu is born, our Wu clan will be able to rise again."

"We came to the Xia clan and it's the right thing to do.

Many Jiuli warriors were simply ecstatic.

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