Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1520 Pangu's immortal body, the infinitely resurrected Wu tribe warrior

"Wait, if you don't lack meat at all, why are you still hunting the beasts from the outside world?" At this time, a soldier of Jiuli asked curiously, looking at the large number of beasts that had just been hunted back.

If there is really no shortage of meat to eat, there is absolutely no need to hunt and kill the beasts in the outside world.

"Well, although we are no longer short of ordinary beast meat, this is only to satisfy our daily appetite. 55

The leader of the Wu clan smiled slightly: "After all, there are too few beasts that can be farmed, only five kinds of herbivorous beasts can be successfully farmed, and other beasts cannot be farmed.

It can be said that these five kinds of beasts are all carefully selected. They specialize in grazing and can grow up by eating feed. The meat on their bodies also grows very fast, and their taste is not bad. They have become the daily food of ordinary witch warriors. , Every day you can go to the vegetable market to buy.

However, if we eat too much, we will get tired of eating such beast meat, so we often go out to hunt outside the city and hunt down different kinds of beast meat to come back to eat.

As for these different types of beasts, the price will be significantly higher, which can not only satisfy our appetite, but also allow us to make a lot of money.

He briefly explained why.


Hearing this, the corners of the mouths of many Jiuli tribe warriors twitched. Their faces were speechless.

The Jiuli tribe was still worried about food and clothing, but the Xia tribe actually started to get tired of eating meat.

What a luxury trouble this is.

To be honest, they couldn't understand such annoyance at all.

After all, many witch tribes hunted and killed beasts to solve the problem of food and clothing. If they didn't hunt and kill the beasts, the tribesmen would go hungry.

But the Xia clan is purely for the sake of food.

"But the Xia clan is blatantly building the city, aren't they worried about the tide of beasts?"

Li Jiu said quietly.

You must know that even the Jiuli tribe did not dare to build a city, and even less dared to build such a huge and majestic city like the Xia tribe.

Because if too many witches gather together, it will attract the attention of a large number of beasts, and they will chase and kill the city, forming a terrifying tide of beasts.

Millions, or even tens of millions, of these fierce beast tides will appear, and they are so mighty that they can easily destroy every single Wu tribe tribe.

It is because of this that they are still used to dispersing the tribes and will not attract the attention of the beasts.

"Well, of course, it's because we are very strong, unprecedentedly powerful."

The Wu clan captain's eyes showed a gleam of light: "I may have forgotten to explain to you the power of the Pangu Mantra, this practice is not only as simple as improving our bloodline, this is just one of its effects.

In fact, it has another function, that is, it gives us a powerful recovery force. As long as the energy is still stored in the body, even if our hands and feet are broken, our hearts are broken, and our heads are eaten, we can still Survive, and even be able to run life energy and repair your body quickly.

Even every serious injury, after our injury is healed, our strength will be further improved, we have a physique that is stronger and stronger, and our body will be perfectly repaired.

It is because of this that this physique is called Pangu's immortal body. Those of us who possess this physique will not be afraid to fight fierce beasts, and we are invincible existences of the same rank.

There was a proud look on his face, indicating that in the life of the same level, no one can defeat their witch warriors, they are the strongest race in the prehistoric world.

"Really or not, this Pangu Zhenjing is actually so terrifying?"

Hearing this, many Jiuli warriors were stunned and couldn't believe it.

You must know that when they fight against other races, the most worry (babg) is to be fatally injured, so that they can easily die in the battle.

If they have Pangu immortality, then they are all warriors who are not afraid of death.

No wonder this group of warriors of the Xia clan is so terrifying, if they have this kind of physique, it is impossible not to be arrogant, it is simply beyond imagination.

"Of course, this Pangu's immortality is not a metaphor. In fact, everyone in our Xia clan has an immortal body. Even if the whole body is beaten to pieces, we can still be resurrected. Unless we die, we can all be resurrected."

The witch captain continued.

"No, is this true? Pangu's immortality is not a metaphor, but an actual immortality?"

Li Jiuyou couldn't believe it at all, and felt that the other party's words were becoming more and more exaggerated, and the immortal body dared to say it. It was beyond imagination and unbelievable.

"Haha, I'm not kidding, it's all true."

The captain of the Wu clan smiled slightly: "Know the demon clan, this race is immortal, and no matter how many times they are killed, they can be resurrected in the demon world.

If they are existences with immortal souls, then the warriors of our Xia clan are existences with immortal bodies. In fact, the patriarch has created a blood pond of the Wu clan, which can keep the imprint of our flesh and blood in the blood pond.

If we die in the outside world, then this mark of flesh and blood will automatically run, allowing us to be reborn in the blood pool and gain a second life.

In fact, as long as this witch blood pool is not destroyed, then no matter how many times we die in the outside world, we can be resurrected from the witch blood pool, and we have an unlimited number of deaths.


As soon as these words came out, Li Jiuyou and the others were completely stunned, causing them to lose sleep, as if they had heard something like a fantasy.

The appearance of the Pangu Zhenjing was enough to shake the entire Wu clan.

Now there is actually a blood pool of the Wu clan, which can make Wu clan warriors have an immortal body, and can be resurrected infinitely like a demon, which is simply terrifying.

If he hadn't thought that the guy in front of him was not the kind of person who likes to make jokes, he would have thought that the people of the Xia clan were completely insane and mentally ill.

But if it can really do this, then the Wu clan can really rise, even if they offend the saint, the Wu clan can still rise, become the top race in the prehistoric world, and even compete with the demon clan.

"How on earth did the witch blood pool be created?"

Li Jiuyou couldn't help but ask, he felt that the patriarch of the Xia clan was like a god, unbelievably tyrannical, an existence beyond imagination.

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