Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1535 The body of the Wu clan that is comparable to a fairy weapon, the martial arts of the W

Thinking of this, Protoss elder Parker immediately knew what he should do. No matter how big the threat of the witch race was, he could never destroy this race, and even stay away from this race.

Otherwise, the Protoss will be involved in the catastrophe, and even if they are immortal, they will be severely injured.

Originally, it wanted to run away immediately, but since its master was here, it would definitely not be able to run, and could only bite the bullet and stay in the center of this calamity.

"Looking at your physique, it seems to be quite powerful, and its hardness is comparable to an immortal weapon."

Life Tianzun Xihe asked with great interest, she is very curious about everything about the Wu clan now, and wants to know what happened to the Wu clan during this period of time.

"That's right." 9

The captain laughed: "In fact, this is the true cultivation method of our witch tribe, refining our physique, making our body infinitely stronger, making our body reach the level of an immortal weapon, or even an innate magic weapon.

In this way, even if our witch tribe can't control any magic weapon, our body itself is a magic weapon, and every gesture contains terrifying lethality.

There was a proud look on his face, indicating that the warriors of the Wu tribe will undergo the quenching of the innate evil spirit and the infinite calamity, thus causing the bodies of the warriors of the Wu tribe to undergo an endless transformation.

The bodies of ordinary witch warriors are comparable to immortal weapons. If they are quasi-sage warriors, they have reached the level of supreme immortal weapons, and their bodies are simply immortal for hundreds of millions of years.

Even if they really die, their bodies will exist forever, and they can be called the strongest magic weapon material.

"The madman actually uses the innate evil spirit and the robbery gas to quench the body."

Hearing this, Protoss elder Parker couldn't help but shivered, even if he was a saint, he felt frightened when he heard such a method of quenching his body.

Because for other races, it is simply a way of refining oneself.

The reason why the Wu clan can use the evil spirits and robbery to quench their bodies is because the Wu clan has no primordial spirit, or the primordial spirit of the wu clan is integrated into every cell, unlike other races, the body and soul are separated.

In this way, if other races use evil spirits to quench their bodies, over time, their souls will be invaded by evil spirits, and then their souls will be damaged, their foundations damaged, and they will no longer be able to break through.

Therefore, such a method of quenching the body, for them, is simply a method of suicide.

But the Witch Race is different. They are born with strong physique and have no primordial spirit, so they can ignore the various side effects of evil spirits and robbery, and can use this special energy to temper their physique.

There is no doubt that after the endless suffocation and robbery of the body, the physique of each witch warrior will grow into a realm where the diamond is not broken, and everything is invincible.

Ordinary supernatural powers and magic attacks will be eroded and immune to Wuzu warriors.

But if it is approached by a witch warrior, it will be instantly torn to shreds by the witch warrior, smashed to pieces, and no bones remain.

This is the unique method of quenching the body of the Wu clan, and other races cannot learn or imitate it at all.

"That is to say, can our witch clan also manipulate the innate evil spirit?"

Life Tianzun Xihe noticed this at the first time. After all, since he can use the evil spirit to quench his body, he can naturally manipulate the evil spirit between heaven and earth freely. This is a reasonable guess.

"That's right. 39

The captain nodded: "Over the years, our witch clan has created countless martial arts exercises. If the martial arts exercises practiced by ordinary people fall into our hands, they will explode with infinite power, just like martial arts supernatural powers. .

At the same time, our every move is full of terrifying suffocating energy. If we attack the enemy's body, we can instantly contaminate the enemy's magic weapon and soul.

That is to say, as long as they are approached by the warriors of our witch tribe, then these immortal characters are basically certain to die, and they will definitely be torn to pieces by us, leaving no bones. "

"This! 35

God Clan elder Parker's pupils shrank, and he was amazed in his heart. He could only say that it was indeed the race that inspired the calamity of heaven and earth. This strength and combat power can be called invincible.

Originally, the reason why the Wu clan was weak was because they were unable to use magic weapons, unable to build formations, and unable to use divine power techniques.

But now, the Wu clan has turned these disadvantages into their own advantages.

Since you can't use the magic weapon, then temper your body into a magic weapon, which is comparable to an immortal weapon.

If you cannot use the magical powers of immortality, you can create martial arts magical powers belonging to the Wu clan, and you can also use evil spirits and robbery.

In this way, the enemy is simply powerless to fight back against the power of the Wu clan.

Even using magic weapons, but under the influence of evil spirits and robbery auras, they were instantly abolished.

Originally, their advantages lied in magic weapons and various magical techniques, but now, these advantages are simply useless in front of the Wu clan warriors.

It is no wonder that these witch warriors are so arrogant and consider themselves invincible at the same level. With such terrifying combat power, they can indeed be called invincible at the same level.

Before the sage made a move, I am afraid that there is no race or power that can get the witch clan.

In addition, the Witch Race itself is at the center of the calamity of heaven and earth, and itself has become a hedgehog-like existence. How can other saints dare to deal with them.

In a word, all kinds of factors add up to make the rise of the Wu clan, and no force can stop it.

"Is this the power of heaven and earth all the time?"

Thinking of this, Protoss Elder Parker is literally standing up. It seems to sense the vast general trend in the universe, covering every corner of the universe and every creature.

Not even a saint can escape this trend.

The sage thinks he is a chess player, but he is only a chess piece on the chessboard. If he wants to jump out of the chessboard, he must become a Heavenly Venerate, a being comparable to the universe.

The problem is, even if the Protoss is the strongest race in the universe, with infinite potential and the ability to live forever, so far it has not been able to advance to the Heavenly Venerate Realm.

Because if you want to become a Heavenly Venerate, you must comprehend the Three Thousand Laws.

Even according to the wisdom and strength of the Protoss, after trillions of years, only a part of it has been analyzed, and it is not known how far away from mastering all the three thousand laws.

Don't look at it seems to have become a top saint now, but compared with Tianzun, it's just an ant.

This is like a cell in a giant's body, not worth mentioning at all.

Even now, it doesn't know how it can break through and become the existence of Tianzun realm.

If there is no living Tianzun here, it will think that Tianzun is just a realm that does not exist, and the saint is the limit.

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