Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1547 Gathering The Power Of Heaven And Earth, Saints Can Also Be Killed

A few days later, the Wu clan city.

The life god Xihe, and the god clan elder Parker have been wandering here for three days. For a saint, staying in one place for three days is quite amazing.

Naturally, this is because the life god Xihe is very interested in the Wu people, so he carefully observes every corner of the Wu people, observes the daily life of the Wu people, and various things.

As for the protoss elder Parker, although he didn't know what his master was observing, as a subordinate, he was naturally by his side, not daring to leave even a single step.


At this time, a figure suddenly appeared beside Sheng Shengtian Zun Yihe, as well as the god clan elder Parker. This figure was naturally the No. 2 ancestral witch avatar Xia Chuan.

After three days of practice, which is equivalent to hundreds of millions of years of practice in the time domain, coupled with the assistance of a large amount of resources "five-five zero", his cultivation base has also rapidly improved to the perfection of quasi-sage. The time bloodline has also reached 100%.

No matter who came over, he would not suspect that he was the time ancestor witch of the Wu clan, nor would he doubt that he was the patriarch of the Wu clan.

"You finally came."

Shengtian Zunyi and smiled slightly, looking at Xia Chuan.

"Two fellow Taoists, don't you know why you came to my witch clan?"

Xia Chuan asked. He pretended not to know the true identities of the two, but regarded each other as two strange saints. After all, the power of the Book of Omniscience cannot be known to anyone.

This is my own secret.

"You should be Xia Chuan, the patriarch of the Wu Clan, you can actually detect our existence?"

The god clan elder Parker looked at Xia Chuan with great interest. Although they hadn't deliberately concealed their whereabouts during the past three days, the power of the saints was not something quasi-sages could detect.

In particular, he is not an ordinary saint, but a high-level saint, and his concealment ability is naturally stronger.

"It is estimated that you did not discover our traces in the past three days, but that we had just entered the city of the Wu Clan, and you knew we were coming. Why did you only appear in front of us after three days? Are you not afraid that we will attack the Wu Clan? Is the clan going on a killing spree?" Shengtian looked at it with dignity and interest.


As soon as these words came out, the pupils of the god clan elder Parker shrank. It originally thought that it should take two or three days to accidentally leak traces before the other party knew his whereabouts.

But looking at it now, the whereabouts of the two of them have been exposed from the very beginning, and there is no doubt that the entire Wu Clan city is under the absolute control of the other party.

But the patriarch of the Wu clan is not simple, the city is very deep, and two saints of unknown origin have entered his residence, but he can still hold his breath like this.

If it was an ordinary race, I'm afraid they would have gone to war long ago.

"If the two fellow daoists wanted to be unfavorable to the Wu clan, I'm afraid they would have done it long ago, so there is not much difference between meeting three days later and meeting three days earlier, and the two fellow daoists seem to be very fond of my witch clan. Interested, so naturally it won't disturb the elegant mood of the two of you."

Xia Chuan stood with his hands behind his back: "Of course, even if the two fellow Taoists want to harm our Wu Clan, they may not be able to destroy our Wu Clan, and our Wu Clan is not without countermeasures."

The three of them were chatting on the street, but the Wu tribe fighters around them didn't seem to notice their existence at all, as if they had turned into air and completely lost their sense of existence.

However, the surrounding witch fighters were instinctive and did not dare to approach this area. This also caused a quiet and strange circle to appear on the bustling street, but no one noticed it.

This is the power of the saint's domain, which can eliminate his own sense of existence, making ordinary people unable to detect his traces.

Even the voice of speaking, mortals can't hear it.

"Hehe, the tone is quite loud. A mere quasi-sage and perfect guy, dare to say that he can protect the witch clan and resist our two saints?" Hearing this, the elder of the gods, Parker, sneered.

Obviously don't believe Xia Chuan's words.

After all, it is a high-level saint with unfathomable cultivation. Without the existence of a saint, it is impossible to stop him.

If the enemy is a low-level saint, he can only resist for a while, and he is definitely not his opponent.

"Everyone who has stayed in my Wu Clan city for so long, I believe you also know about the peerless formation of my Wu Clan - the Great Formation of the Twelve Capitals Gods and Demons. This is a formation that measures the calamity of the world, and can summon the hidden chaos and spirits."

Xia Chuan smiled slightly: "But in fact it has another kind of power, that is, it can endow the enemy with the power of catastrophe. Our Twelve Capitals, the gods and demons, gather the power of catastrophe in the prehistoric world every moment. , the longer the time, the more terrifying the power of catastrophe, once a saint breaks in, immediately activate this formation..

At that time, the saints who break into the formation will immediately encounter the infinite body, and then be bombarded by the chaos god thunder. When the time comes, the saints who break into our witch clan, even high-ranking saints, will undoubtedly die. "


As soon as he said this, Parker, the elder of the God Race, turned green. He couldn't hear the threat from the other party. Obviously, he meant that if they dared to do something, they would immediately activate the Twelve Capitals of Gods and Demons. A high-ranking saint kills.

It is true that it is difficult for an ordinary holy formation to kill a saint.

But the Great Formation of the Twelve Capitals is different. It is a formation that gathers the calamity of the heavens and the earth. The more terrifying the power of the calamity, the more terrifying the power of the formation.

Now is the period of horror in the prehistoric world. After countless years of accumulation, it has reached a level that makes countless saints tremble with fear.

So many sages sensed this, and they retreated from the world one after another, practiced in seclusion, and dared not leave the cave to walk.

If it encounters the power of infinite calamity, then the power of calamity alone is enough to kill it, and it will encounter various calamities, and then die.

The higher the saint's cultivation, the more he fears the power of calamity. This is the catastrophe faced by the saint.

Of course, it can also instantly kill the Wu clan warriors in the entire city as a way to vent its anger.

The problem is that the 0.7 people are not afraid of this at all, because the members of the Wu clan are all immortal, even if they are killed, they can be reborn in the blood pool in an instant.

At most, they abandoned this city and moved to other places to survive, but it will inevitably die under the formation of the gods and gods in the twelve capitals.

Thinking of this, its eyes showed horror. No wonder this guy is full of confidence. Even when facing a saint, he will not have the slightest fear, but instead shows an appearance of getting along with each other on an equal footing.

This is because the opponent has the means to counter the saint, and his own strength cannot sustain the opponent at all.

If he didn't want to die, he would never dare to act wild in the city of the Wu Clan.

There is no doubt that the current Wu clan is not just as simple as having unlimited potential, it is already a general trend. .

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