Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1586 The Calamity Of The Prehistoric World Broke Out, Various Clans Fought, And The Saint Fe

"How could such a thing happen? Originally, the prehistoric world was fine, and the territory of the major forces had been divided long ago. There has been no turmoil for hundreds of millions of years. Why did such a calamity suddenly appear, sweeping all Race?"

Some quasi-sages were puzzled.

Although he is in the Immortal Realm, the Immortal Realm and the Prehistoric Realm have always been closely connected before, and they have special means to contact the saints in the Prehistoric Realm.

It is because of this that the quasi-sages actually have a certain degree of understanding of the prehistoric world.

This is the benefit of being in a big power. The saints will provide certain conveniences to their descendants, and let their descendants know many secret news.

"It's all because of the rise of the Wu Clan."

A quasi-sage gritted his teeth: "Due to the rise of the witch clan, they gathered the infinite evil spirit and calamity energy from the heaven and the earth, took these powers for their own use, and became the clan that should respond to calamity.

This action completely stimulated the power of catastrophe permeating the world, causing the calamity of heaven and earth to be activated immediately, sweeping across the nine heavens and ten places in the prehistoric world in an instant, and affecting every place

At this point, he paused for a moment, and then continued: "The infinite power spread, causing terrible consequences, first of all, there are many wild beasts and even gods and demons living in the prehistoric world.

Originally, they didn't have any intelligence, but they possessed terrifying combat power, some of them were even comparable to saints, and after they were invaded by Jieli, they immediately started fighting the surroundings.

Originally in the enchantment, the cities of all major races and forces were immediately attacked by these desolate beasts and gods and demons, causing heavy losses to their cities and countless casualties.

Even some saint ancestors, in order to fight against those desolate beasts, as well as gods and demons, have already died in the battle, and died tragically in the beast hordes again and again, the kind that died without a whole body. "


Hearing this, the hairs of many quasi-sages stood on end. They knew how invincible a saint was. The other party was said to be immortal, with the same life span as the sky, and almost nothing could kill a saint.

But as soon as the catastrophe arrived, the sage began to fall.

In other words, even if they can work hard to reach the realm of saints, they may not be able to stay stable for a long time.

It is possible that once a certain catastrophe arrives, his many years of cultivation will be destroyed in one fell swoop.

They feel the difficulty of practice, which is beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

"Of course, the power of catastrophe is more than that. They not only act on wild beasts and gods and demons, but also on living beings, and even saints."

The quasi-sage continued: "Some sages think that they can avoid this catastrophe by cutting off karma with other people, choosing to hide, and practicing in seclusion.

Little do they know that the scope of this catastrophe is so wide that it can be said to be pervasive. Even if you hide in Tianya Cape, you will be invaded by the power of the catastrophe.

If you have inner demons in your body, the power of catastrophe will make the inner demons in your body a thousand times more violent, and make you go crazy when you are practicing in retreat.

At that time, you will completely lose your mind and become a beast that only knows how to kill, and then you will be surrounded and killed by other saints who surrounded you.

His face was very solemn, indicating that even the saints who hid and practiced in seclusion could not escape the power of the catastrophe, and fell into the calamity of heaven and earth one after another.

There is no doubt that this heaven and earth catastrophe is an unprecedented catastrophe for the entire prehistoric world, which will lead to the reshuffle of countless forces and the fall of many saints.

"So that's the case. I was still wondering before, even if the calamity of heaven and earth came, according to the saint's cultivation base, how could a mere catastrophe cause the saint to fall? Now it seems that the power of calamity of calamity of heaven and earth is simply beyond imagination. A saint may not be able to resist it, no wonder so many quasi-sages in the upper realm have started to have their own calculations, and they have begun to obey the yin and yang, and if those saints are dead, they naturally don't need to work for those saints."

You Zhunsheng suddenly realized that after such an explanation, he also knew how amazing what happened in the prehistoric world, and began to plunge countless saints into trouble, so that they no longer had any time and space to pay attention to what happened in the lower realm. It's their own business, and they are a little overwhelmed.

The so-called one trigger affects the whole body, because of the things in the prehistoric world, it also caused many things to happen in the fairy world, which is like a chain reaction.

"Isn't it? Their task is to kill the reincarnation of Tianzun. The problem is that the reincarnation of Tianzun is so easy to kill. Even the reincarnation of a saint is extremely difficult to kill, let alone the reincarnation of Tianzun.

0...asking for flowers...0

It would be fine if he could kill him successfully, but if he failed, no one would be foolish enough to take such a risk because his years of cultivation would be ruined.

There is no doubt that if the Changchun Sect Master is the reincarnation of Tianzun, trying to kill such an existence is simply hitting a stone with an egg, even if it is a quasi-sage from the upper realm.

You Zhunsheng said quietly.

"What should we do now? Without the help of the saints from the upper realm, how can we win the Changchun sect with our strength?" Many quasi-sages showed despair.

Originally, they wanted to pin their hopes on the prehistoric world. If they got the assistance of the sages in the prehistoric world, they might have the opportunity to destroy the Changchun sect, or even carve up the Changchun sect's legacy.

But looking at it now, the saints in the upper realm are too busy to take care of themselves, so how can they care about their lives.

There is no doubt that today is different from the past. Basically, their alliance cannot get much help from the saints of the upper realm. Now the only thing they can rely on is themselves.

"To be honest, why do we have to contend with the Changchun Sect? They are not gods, and they will not destroy the heavens and all races. Even the human race has joined the Changchun Sect and become a member of the Changchun Sect. We can join the Changchun Sect. To obtain the protection of the Changchun Sect, there is no need to fight to the end and cause endless killings."

A quasi-sage suddenly said, saying that there is no need for these quasi-sages to fight the Changchun sect to the end.

After all, the Changchun Sect would not refuse to take refuge in its own quasi-sages. In fact, many quasi-sages had already taken refuge in the Changchun Sect, and even became members of the Changchun Sect, living a very nourishing life.

In fact, there is no essential conflict between the alliance and the Changchun sect. Even if the Changchun sect is allowed to dominate, as long as they can protect their safety, it doesn't matter who is the boss.

"Hehe, how can it be so simple? The Changchun Sect Master naturally opens the door to quasi-sages who want to join him, but there is only one condition, that is, they must give up the innate magic weapon they have mastered."

A quasi-sage snorted coldly, and stated the conditions of the Changchun Sect.

To be honest, it is such a condition that makes it difficult for many quasi-sages to accept it. .

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