Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1592 An Understatement Of Victory, Exiled To The Xuanhuang Universe

"Eternal Prison? What the hell is this place?"

As soon as these words came out, many Changchun Sect elders were very curious, because they had never heard of such a place, nor had they heard of such a name before.

Normally, they are already at the peak of the fairy world, and there should be nothing in the fairy world that they don't know.

But since it is the suzerain, everything is trustworthy.

"Well, I'm not very clear about the details, but I just heard the suzerain once said that this eternal prison is a sealed place created by the suzerain. Once you enter the eternal prison, no matter how powerful you are, you can't escape If you go out, even a saint will be imprisoned in it, and will stay in prison for the rest of his life.

The Changchun Sect elder explained.

"What? Is this eternal prison so strong that even saints cannot escape? "Three Twenty""

"If someone else said such a thing, I would definitely not believe it, but since it is the suzerain, it must be true, there is no doubt about it."

"Haha, what Taoist Kunpeng, the Protoss Oaks is miserable, and wants to lead an army to encircle and suppress us. Now, instead, we have sent them into the eternal prison. Now they can no longer escape."

"It's also fortunate that they are stupid enough to bring so many quasi-sages here. Doesn't this give us a chance to catch them all? After these quasi-sages disappear, who else in the entire fairy world will be our opponent."

"That's right, the Immortal World will be our Changchun Sect's world in the future. Later, our Changchun Sect's power will expand to the entire Immortal World, establish a heavenly court, and set rules for the Immortal World.

Every immortal has to abide by the laws of heaven. "

"Without the obstruction of those quasi-sages, our Changchun Sect would be an invincible existence in this world.

"I thought there would be an earth-shattering decisive battle, and it must be a battle of dragons and tigers, with countless casualties. I didn't expect the suzerain to deal with those idiots so easily."

"No way, this is the power of wisdom. True practitioners use wisdom to solve problems. Whoever confronts you head-on can solve it secretly. Fighting alone is the most stupid behavior."

"It's true, no matter how powerful the quasi-sages of the coalition army are, if they fall into our trap, they must obediently catch them without any resistance."

"Forget it, let's quickly expand our power and accept other fairylands. This is an order from the suzerain, and no one should be lazy."

Many elders of the Changchun Sect burst out laughing and were extremely joyful. They solved all the resistance forces in the fairy world without fighting or bloodshed like this [it was something they never dreamed of.

But without any loss, the strength of the coalition forces was resolved, which is also the result they dreamed of.

After all, if the two sides really fight to the death, they will definitely suffer casualties.


In an instant, many elders of the Changchun Sect moved out and flew towards other fairylands, and began to accept the territory left by the protoss, alliance and other forces.

After losing the support of the quasi-sage, the remaining forces are simply not worth mentioning.

The reincarnation god Lin Wanxi and Taoist Kunyang naturally also saw this scene, they were both dumbfounded, they never expected such a drama to end.

If they hadn't witnessed it with their own eyes, who would believe that the mighty and seemingly invincible coalition forces were finished just like that, even if they said it, few people would believe it.

"My lord, what is going on here? Is there really such a place as an eternal prison in the fairy world? Even a saint can be imprisoned?" Taoist Kunyang couldn't help asking.

"Well, there are indeed many secret places and dangerous places in the universe. These places can easily imprison saints, let alone immortals and quasi-sages."

Lin Wanxi, the God of Reincarnation, stroked his smooth chin: "Perhaps that Xia Chuan found such a place, and also set up a teleportation array there, and teleported the group of allied immortals there.

Originally, I thought I could see Xia Chuan make a move, and I wanted to see the opponent's strength, but I didn't expect the opponent to deal with the threat of the coalition forces so lightly, which was beyond my expectations. "

She was also very amazed, she had never thought that the threat of the coalition forces could be solved in this way before, and she thought that at least there would be an unprecedented war.

But who would have imagined that the group of allied army immortals fell into the trap so foolishly, without the power to resist.

"The power of wisdom is indeed terrifying. Even if you have an overwhelming advantage, often a simple trick can destroy the enemy forever, and play the enemy in the palm of your hand..."

Taoist Kunyang was also very emotional.

Obviously, the Changchun Sect Master is not a reckless man. Even with the most powerful power, he still did not act rashly, nor did he go all the way recklessly.

Often the enemy is wiped out without knowing what is happening.

It's like a huge behind-the-scenes manipulator, twirling the thread of fate, playing with the fate of all living beings between applause.

He felt a deep fear for Xia Chuan, the suzerain of Changchun sect. If he was the opponent's enemy, he might be plotted to death without knowing when.

Even if he died, he didn't know what happened.

"However, this is also a good thing, which means that basically no one can hunt us down in the fairyland, and the next step is how to safely ascend to the prehistoric world.

Lin Wanxi, the God of Reincarnation, smiled slightly.

At this time, somewhere in Changchun Realm, this is also the place where Xia Chuan practiced in seclusion.

"Yes, it seems that the plan has succeeded."

Xia Chuan touched his chin.

Just now, the Taiyi Teleportation Formation instantly moved all the allied immortals into a certain space magic weapon. This is a congenital magic weapon he obtained——Inner Immortal Orb.

But this can only imprison this group of immortals for a short time. If they are left alone, these quasi-sages will be able to escape soon, causing chaos in the fairy world.

So from the beginning of 4.8, he didn't intend to put this group of allied immortals in the immortal universe, but planned to exile them into the Xuanhuang universe.

In this way, this group of alliance immortals, whether they are heavenly demons, protoss, or alliance immortals, will all lose all their extraordinary powers.

For them, the Xuanhuang universe is simply an eternal prison. For creatures who have not reached the heavenly realm, as long as they go to a different universe, they are equivalent to falling into a desperate situation.

At that time, he will be able to solve this group of alliance immortals without any effort.


Thinking of this, Xia Chuan didn't hesitate, and immediately opened the door of chance. With a whoosh, the Prisoner Orb passed through the door of chance in an instant, and then came to a certain void in the Xuanhuang universe.

In the next second, the immortals of the entire alliance appeared in Xuanhuang Universe. .

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