Chapter 206 The gods of this world are recovering, and the two-handed preparation of the troll family

These legendary trolls are not fools, and naturally they will not be simply frightened by the words of these troll warriors, so they naturally have to express their doubts.

Of course, because of Alaba’s death, they are still in a state of doubt.

“It is said that the Ragnarok of the Gods once appeared in this world, which led to the fall of many gods. As a result, this world has experienced a long period of atheism, and human beings have gradually developed.

The troll warrior said solemnly: “But obviously those gods are not so easy to die. After a long period of time, these gods seem to gradually recover and wake up again from the eternal time and space.”

It is the wise man of the jungle troll and one of the successors of the high priest, so he has inquired about a lot of important information in the United States of Xuanhuangxing.

One of the most important information is the legends about myths in various countries.

Although this is just a legend on the surface, but for the trolls living in the supernatural world, there is no doubt that it is a true rumor, because they know that the gods do exist.

If the gods did not exist, how could these stories have been circulated.

What?! Ragnarok?!

As soon as these words came out, many legendary trolls stood up and felt the chills. Although they didn’t know what this sentence meant, they felt the terrifying chill contained in this sentence.

What exactly caused the fall of the gods and the coming of the Ragnarok?!

This is a terrifying disaster that can make all the gods fall, causing countless stars to fall and the world to be destroyed, so these mortals may not be able to resist such a disaster.

“You mean that the reason why our world is suddenly connected to that mysterious world is most likely the result of the gods of that world awakening and the leakage of power.”

A legendary troll suddenly thought of this possibility.

“To be honest, it’s not impossible. Otherwise, why did our troll world not connect to other worlds before, but suddenly started to connect to other worlds now? This is not a problem with our troll world, but that mysterious world has appeared. Question.” The troll warrior speaks his mind.

Having said that, it paused and continued: “It is said that Xuanhuang Xing is not only connected to our troll world, but also connected to other worlds.”


The pupils of many legendary trolls shrank, and this is indeed the case. Such a thing has never happened in the troll world before, and now a space tunnel suddenly appears for no reason, which can connect to other worlds.

No matter how you look at it, this thing is very strange.

Now hearing such news, they immediately have an unparalleled vigilance against Xuanhuangxing. One world dares to connect so many worlds for no reason. How confident is the other party, and what kind of strength dares to face the siege of many worlds? is incredible.

“It seems that this world is extremely mysterious and extremely dangerous. This is the world of gods, a terrifying world that once accommodated countless gods.

“And now it seems that those gods are not dead yet, they are just sleeping. They are now in the stage of slow recovery, but even the gods who have just recovered are not something that our troll clan can resist.”

“However, this time, we can’t invade this world with our strength, but if the world wants to, we can invade the troll world at any time.”

Many legendary trolls are worried, they originally thought that this was a great opportunity, maybe they could take this opportunity to annex the Otherworld, which would not only expand the living space of the troll family, but also enhance the background of the troll world.

But now, the level of danger in this world is simply beyond imagination, and there seems to be a true god in it.

If it continues like this, the world of trolls may be smashed by the palm of the true god and wiped out.

“Can you seal this space tunnel and block the possibility of the Xuanhuang Star entering our world?

Some legendary trolls said their own suggestions and tried to seal the space tunnel.

“This is indeed a solution, but it’s not a one-and-done solution. After all, we don’t know how this space tunnel appeared at all. What if this space tunnel is transferred, and what if there are many space tunnels, we will stop it at all. No.”

A legendary troll shook his head, feeling that this was not a good way to do it once and for all.

“Then what is your opinion?”

many trolls asked.

“Prepare both hands.”

The legendary troll said solemnly: “The first one is to seal the space tunnel to prevent the humans of Xuanhuang Star from entering our world. We also don’t want to invade Xuanhuang Star casually. The speed of recovery is accelerating, then I am afraid it will be the disaster of our troll world.

·0 Seeking flowers…

And the recovery time of the gods should not be particularly fast, at least it will take hundreds of years, thousands of years, or even tens of thousands of years, which also gives us a certain degree of reaction time.

It paused for a while, then continued: “The second preparation is to sneak into Xuanhuangxing, we must go deep into the enemy camp, and carefully understand the specific situation of this world, so that we can know ourselves and know our enemies.

Otherwise, our eyes will be smeared, and we will not know anything about this powerful world of gods. Even if the gods destroy our troll world, we will be helpless.

It felt the need to prepare both hands.

“Dive into Xuanhuangxing?”

Hearing this, the eyes of many trolls flickered. To tell the truth, they went deep into the enemy camp, and they even sneaked into the dangerous world of gods, and they would be killed if they were not careful.

Moreover, they are all legendary trolls with long lifespans, so they are naturally reluctant to do such dangerous things.

What if they were discovered by the gods, wouldn’t they be instantly killed and couldn’t even escape, just like the jungle troll Alaba.

Don’t worry”, this kind of thing is not forced, but voluntary, after all, lurking into this extremely dangerous world requires taking huge risks.

The legendary troll said.

“This kind of thing can be handed over to the forest troll family. They are a clan of ghosts and ghosts, and they are best at lurking. It is said that the forest troll family has a very good genius. Wouldn’t it be enough to leave it to it?”

“To your uncle, are you trying to kill the genius of my clan? My forest troll’s lurking ability is good, but what can’t compare to your desert trolls, you are the real masters lurking on the earth, sometimes you can hide Not coming out of the toilet for a month.

“Actually, you can just leave it to the jungle troll. Anyway, the jungle troll also has experience in entering the Xuanhuang Star. This time, he sneaks into it again, and it can be regarded as returning to the old business.

“Go away, my jungle troll has killed so many trolls this time, do you want us to lose more legends this time? I think the frost troll family is the first choice for this mission, they have powerful fighting ability , First-class escape ability.

Many trolls quarreled and began to discuss who would be the candidate for the latent Xuanhuang Xing. Inch,

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