Chapter 312 The fear of the elf prince must not provoke this world


At the same time, everyone who stayed on the Great Wall heard the sound from the Great Wall, and these people were not fools, and naturally knew that this was a great opportunity.

So one by one, they all promised to become the Great Wall’s guardians.

It is a pity that only the first person who agrees does not need to go through any experience. If the rest of the people agree, they must pass the trial of the Great Wall, so they are qualified to become Great Wall Guards.

After all, not everyone can become a guardian of the Great Wall, and the Great Wall has its own requirements for selecting these soldiers, not every cat and dog is qualified.

And this trial is actually very simple, that is, pulling these people into a special spiritual space, testing their wisdom, will, and loyalty and courage.

Only by passing these tests can one become a guardian of the Great Wall by “one, two and three”. Those who cannot pass the test will naturally lose the qualification to become a guardian of the Great Wall.

It didn’t take long for everyone to get out of the test, and they were all kicked out by the Great Wall. All of them were pale and ashen, as if they had experienced a crisis of life and death.

“Terror, it’s really terrifying, this kind of trial is simply not something that people can pass, just now the Great Wall actually threw me on a battlefield full of monsters, leaving me as a powerless person and monster. After fighting, I was sent home by a monster’s claws, and my head was blown off.”

A man’s face was ashen, and he felt a deep fear.

Because the illusion just now is too realistic, it is almost no different from the real world, even the despair and pain at the time of death, he can clearly perceive it.

It’s as if he really died once.

Isn’t it “Isn’t it? I seemed to appear in a squad, but faced with the siege of hundreds of monsters, I was scared to pee on the spot, turned around and ran away, but before I could run away, a soldier next to him actually backhanded. He slashed me with a knife because I violated the military order and dared to escape.”

Some people said that this battle is not allowed to escape at all, otherwise, it is not only the monsters who will kill themselves, but also their own people. This is the military order, and those who do not obey the order will die.

“Yes, you can’t fight and you can’t escape, you can’t escape, there’s no way.”

“And it’s too realistic. It was as if I really died just now.”

“This is simply a hell-level trial, and there is no way to pass it.

“Isn’t it? If anyone can pass this test, I will eat three pounds of stool immediately.”

Everyone was talking about it, and they all felt that this trial could not be successful at all, and it was simply not something that people of their current level could complete.

“Jiang Junming, you passed the test and became a guardian of the Great Wall? How did you pass?

At this time, Wei Zhixian looked at his good friend Jiang Junming in surprise, and it seemed that he had passed the test and became the guardian of the Great Wall just like himself.

“I, I don’t know, just now I suddenly entered a battlefield, standing on the Great Wall, facing the siege of hundreds of monsters, and there are many soldiers around, although I was very scared, but I did not run away, I fought hard. Lao Ming used the long sword in his hand to stab one of the monsters. Unfortunately, he was killed by the monster, which instantly pierced my stomach. Then I came back here, and then I passed the test in a confused way. Become the Guardian of the Great Wall.

Jiang Junming was also a little confused. He didn’t know how he passed the trial. Originally, he thought that he must have failed this trial.

“It seems that this kind of trial tests not your strength, but your inner courage.

Elf Prince Kleob said with emotion: “Because courage is a rare character, so-called strength, combat experience and skills can be exercised, as long as there is enough time and the correct method, it can be exercised.

But the courage that comes from the depths of a person’s heart is not so easy to exercise. Some people may appear brave on the surface, but once they encounter danger, they will definitely run faster than anyone else.

As the guards of the Great Wall guarding the first line of defense, no army needs more courage than them. If even the guards of the Great Wall back down, who else can protect the people behind the Great Wall.

He understood very well the content of trials like the Great Wall. The soldiers needed by the Great Wall were fearless and courageous.

As long as they have the fearless courage and never back down, then the Great Wall can provide them with endless power.

If even the guards of the Great Wall flee, then there will be no danger to defend the country after that.0

“It seems that there are not many people who passed the test this time, including me, only five.”

Wei Zhixian was taken aback, he sensed the message from the Great Wall.

You must know that there are at most 50,000 or 60,000 tourists on the Great Wall every day, but only five people pass the assessment, which means that this is simply one in ten thousand.

The probability of passing the assessment is 1 in 10,000, which is really low.

After all, the probability of being admitted to Tsinghua University and Peking University is 3/10,000, which means that passing the assessment of the Great Wall is even more difficult than being admitted to Tsinghua University.

“Two classmates, please come with us and tell us in detail what happened just now.”

At this time, a few police officers suddenly appeared next to them, and they looked at Wei Zhixian and Jiang Junming very seriously. They saw that these two junior high school students were suddenly wearing black armor.

Obviously, these two junior high school students have gained huge benefits from the mutation just now.

Several other people who passed the assessment were taken away by the police.

“Yes, it is.”

Wei Zhixian and Jiang Junming both nodded in fear. Although they became the Great Wall Guards, they were only junior high school students after all, and they were still afraid when faced with officers like the police.

Although they did nothing wrong, they were worried that they had made a mistake.

“Huh? What about that uncle?”

At this time in 3.1, Wei Zhixian originally wanted to say hello to the mysterious uncle and leave, but he did not know when the mysterious uncle disappeared without a trace.

In desperation, they had to leave with the police.

At this time, the elf prince Kleob quietly stayed in the distance, watching Wei Zhixian and others leave.

“Sure enough, this world is extremely dangerous, and it is still in the stage of recovery. Even if there is a god-level civilization in this world, it is necessary to tell the elders in the clan this news, so that they will not be malicious to this world, and do not act rashly, otherwise If so, it will definitely bring disaster.”

The elf prince Kleob was in a very urgent mood. He felt that the Xuanhuangxing was becoming more and more dangerous, as if a strong man was about to recover in this world.

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