Chapter 538 The Ultimate Weapon of the Spider Clan: Spider Magic Web, the Instinct Response of the World’s Will


In an instant, under the order of the Spider Queen, the spider demons of the whole world quickly gathered from all directions, and the dark energy surging in them seemed to have a unique rhythm with the whole world.

“What’s going on? I seem to hear the world’s warning.

A spider queen seemed to sense something, and couldn’t help but be surprised. It sensed the sound of heaven’s way coming from the depths of its own consciousness, and seemed to be strongly warning itself.

“Yes, I also heard a similar voice, this is the will of heaven warning us that the world is about to face the catastrophe of doomsday, we need to unite, otherwise we will die.

The other spider queen had a very solemn expression.

Similar warnings of Heavenly Dao have actually appeared several times in history, and every time they appear is a moment when the world is facing a huge crisis, which will lead to the death and injury of countless races.

In fact, at the beginning, the dominant race in this world was not the spider race, but other races.

However, due to the doomsday disaster, all the previous overlord races fell, and the spider clan also seized the opportunity to rise rapidly while the overlord race fell.

But it never imagined that this kind of doomsday crisis would come 10 times.

“Impossible, what happened? Is it because we sent an expedition to another world this time, so it will lead to the end of the world? What kind of joke are you kidding?”

There is a spider queen who can’t believe it, it feels that this is too absurd, it is just a decision-making error, and it has led to the crisis of genocide.

Killing it did not expect such a thing to happen.

“Don’t be naive, for us, it may be just a war, but for the world and the world, it is a battle of life and death, a plane war, once a plane war is launched, unless the winner is determined, otherwise It is absolutely impossible to stop, even if we beg for mercy, the enemy will not let us go.”

“That’s right. We thought it was too simplistic before, thinking that we just sent an expeditionary force to test it out, but this is actually a signal of a full-scale war, and it is about to start.”

“This is the horror of plane war, don’t move, once it is launched, it will be shattered, spread to every corner of the world, and will not die.

Numerous spider mother emperors were talking about it, they knew that since the Heavenly Dao warning appeared, then this war was inevitable and must be actively fought.

And here is their base camp, there is no escape, no retreat.

“If that’s the case, then start the spider magic web. I will make the enemy who invaded our world this time pay a heavy price.” A spider queen was murderous.

The so-called spider demon web is the strongest killer of the spider family, which can gather the power of each spider demon, making the entire race merge into one, and burst out with a powerful blow.

This is the ultimate weapon of their spider clan, and it is also their heritage.


In an instant, under the urging of many spider queens, each spider demon shoots a line of dark energy, and these dark energy lines are intertwined with each other.

Just a breath of time, actually formed a dark web that enveloped the entire world.

It seems that at this moment, the whole world has turned into a spider’s lair. Every place, every corner, is a hunting place for the spider clan. The enemy has nowhere to escape and nowhere to hide.

Once you enter this spider’s lair, in this spider’s magic web, the enemy will only sink deeper and deeper until the enemy is eaten. This is the ultimate weapon of the spider family, and its power is extremely terrifying.

“It’s too strong, it’s really too strong, when was the power of the spider magic web so powerful, I feel like I’m like a god now, omnipotent and invincible.

A spider queen shouted excitedly.

It perceives that it can borrow the power of the spider magic web anytime and anywhere, making it incarnate into a terrifying spider magic god, controlling the power beyond the saint level.

At this moment, it found that it was an unprecedented powerful enemy. I am afraid that now it can kill hundreds of itself with one breath. Now its combat power has improved geometrically.

“Heaven’s blessing, this is the blessing of heaven. The original will of the whole world is blessed on us, so the power of our spider magic web has been raised to an unimaginable level.”

Another spider queen said in amazement.

Obviously, this apocalyptic crisis has completely disturbed the will of the world, causing the will of the world to bless the entire world’s source power, the power of infinite luck, on the spider clan.

In fact, this is the instinctive response the world makes when faced with a huge crisis. This is the defense mechanism of the world. It will increase the strength of the creatures in this world at an extremely fast speed, so that the creatures in this world have the power to defeat foreign enemies. .

And now it is.

When the spider family activates the spider magic web, the power of the will of the world blesses every spider queen, making them always in the realm of the unity of heaven and man.

At this moment, their brains were completely activated, as if they had produced a heaven-level calculation.

For them, this is simply an unprecedented opportunity. Once they can survive this crisis, they will definitely be able to break through to a higher realm.

“I didn’t expect that the original will of the world was actually disturbed. It seems that the enemy this time is extraordinary. This is an unprecedented thing.” The spider mother’s face was serious, not only did she not feel happy, but she felt chills all over. It is not the moment of life and death, how could the original will of the world become like this.

“Hey, don’t worry, now our spider clan’s combat power has been improved unprecedentedly, forming a spider magic web, the whole world has become our spider clan’s lair, the enemy does not come, that’s all, once they come, they will surely die, It must become food for our spider family and fertilizer for our world.

“That’s right, now I’m looking forward to these otherworldly enemies even more. They don’t know the horror of our spider clan at all, and it’s not what they can imagine. To dare to break into the enemy’s base camp is not suicide. ?

“Now we are incomparably powerful, and we can completely hunt down these low-level humans and low-level creatures, and no one can stop our spider clan from advancing.

“Wait, it seems that the enemy is coming.”

Many spider queens are talking about it. Under the connection of the spider magic web, their consciousness can communicate with each other in an instant, and their perception of danger has reached a deeper level.

In an instant, all the spider demon hairs stood up, and they simultaneously sensed the breath of an alien creature stepping into the spider world, just like a Tyrannosaurus Rex broke into the little white rabbit’s lair.

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