Chapter 613 Killing the Seraphim, the extremely evil will of the world

“What’s going on? What’s going on? How can a saint be angry?

This kind of vibration immediately attracted the attention of the powerful people in a radius of thousands of kilometers.

Because the saint is a natural disaster level powerhouse, every move has a huge impact on the entire world, the anger of the saint is equivalent to the attack of a nuclear bomb.

This is an unimaginable disaster for countless ordinary people.

“This breath is Pierre of the Angel Race. Who exactly angered Pierre?”

“I don’t know, but the angels are the top races in this world, who would dare to provoke them.”

Presumably, “Dare to provoke the existence of the angel race, it is also a top race.”

“Damn, the saints fight, mortals suffer, I hope it won’t affect us.”

Many strong people’s faces changed greatly and they were worried.

After all, once the two great saints fight, even if it is the aftermath of their battle, it will cause thousands of miles of scarlet land, and if it is close to the city, it will cause countless casualties to 10 ordinary people.

Therefore, the battle between the saints is very rare, but once it occurs, it will definitely cause huge casualties.

Many ordinary people in this world died tragically in the aftermath of the battle of the strong.

But even so, it is impossible for them to stop the battle between the saints, and now they can only pray that they will not be attacked by the saints.

“Are you the saint of the angel race? Why are you so weak?”

At this moment, Xia Chuan looked at the Seraphim Pierre with a puzzled expression.

For him, the seraph Pierre in front of him is indeed quite weak. The power of the domain emanating from the other party seems to be very powerful, but it is only a fake, like tofu, and he gently points his finger. can pierce.

It’s no wonder Xia Chuan feels this way.

After all, he had seen too few saints, even if Xuanhuangxing encountered the invasion of alien creatures, he had killed several saints with his own hands.

But now he can be regarded as being promoted to a saint, for the first time he did not use world items and faced a saint directly.

Obviously, he has only just been promoted to the first rank of saints, and he can be regarded as a rookie at the saint level, but he feels that the seraph Pierre in front of him is better than himself.

“Damn human beings, you dare to insult me ​​when you are about to die, today I will smash your corpse into ten thousand pieces.

Seraph Pierre was furious.

It looks down on any human beings at all, even the human beings who are also saints, are far from being the opponents of their angels, and their angels are invincible existences of the same level.

But now, this little human bastard dares to despise his own weakness, this is not an insult or something.

Today, this human saint must pay the price of blood in order to wash away the shame of this insult to the great angel race.


The Seraphim Pierre roared angrily, and it immediately wanted to attack Xia Chuan, trying to explode with a powerful blow to smash this damned human being to pieces.


Xia Chuan squinted, originally he wanted to talk to the seraph Pierre, but obviously these alien beings didn’t mean to talk to him at all, and the two sides couldn’t communicate at all.

But it doesn’t matter to him, anyway, the information he wants to get can be obtained from the enemy’s soul.


The next second, Xia Chuan grabbed the void.

The power of the domain–the black hole swallows!

Immediately, with his body as the center, the field of gravity erupted, the endless gravity collapsed toward his body, and the power of gravity was increasing crazily.

When the gravity rises to a certain level, even the speed of light cannot escape, which forms a black hole, which is an unimaginable devouring force, as well as gravity.


The Seraphim Pierre was stunned for a moment. It didn’t know what was going on. It only felt that its domain was like scraps of paper, being torn apart with ease.

In just an instant, the body it sensed was swallowed by a black hole, and then its body and soul were crushed by the terrifying gravity, and it was crushed into pieces at once, leaving no bones.

Seraph Pierre, die!

“Is this the saint from another world? How can it be so fragile that I can’t even bear it when I grab it?!”

Xia Chuan frowned.

To be honest, he didn’t even use one percent of his power now, and it was still his body’s combat power, without using any world items.

If the saints of this world are so fragile, then this world is probably not worth seeing.

“Master, you can’t compare the ordinary saints in this world with the master. This is very unfair. In my opinion, the strength of this angelic saint is quite good, at least the existence of the fifth-order saint.”

The Book of Wisdom said: “But the master, although he has just been promoted to the first rank of saints, he has comprehended more than 600 fields, which is not comparable to ordinary saints. If you really want to compete with masters, you must at least be saints. The existence of the seventh rank, or even the ninth rank of the saint, can barely manage with the master.”

It feels that it is not that the saints in this world are all parallel imports, it is purely that its master is too perverted.


At this moment, Xia Chuan’s hair stood on end, and he immediately sensed a ubiquitous terrifying malice, as if the whole world was against him.

Vaguely, countless tribulation thunders seemed to gather in the sky, and 293 of them were about to fall.

“Is this the malice of the world? Could it be that the power I just exploded was detected by the will of this world?”

Xia Chuan’s eyes showed a hint of coldness.

He immediately felt that the will of this world is very strange, as if it is very chaotic and evil, and at the same time rejects everything, assimilates everything, and devours everything.

It is as if countless evil wills have gathered together to form the will of this world, and they want to pollute the souls of all creatures in this world.

If his soul is also polluted by the will of the world, it will definitely cause huge trouble.

“Master, this world is weird.

The Book of Wisdom also felt unusual: “If it continues like this, the will of this world will definitely repel the master, or catch it. Master, you must deceive the will of this world, otherwise it will not be possible at all. The world survives.”

“The will to deceive this world?”

Xia Chuan frowned. After all, trying to deceive the will of Heaven in a world is not so simple. It is like escaping the pursuit of the police on a street full of cameras, which is more difficult than reaching the sky.

“Master, have you forgotten you? You have a world item on your body, which can deceive even the will of the world. Its name is the cuckoo egg.

The Book of Wisdom reminds.

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