Chapter 627 The excitement of the human race in the martial world, this is the Taoist ancestor of the human race from the Xuanhuang world

“But this is really great, and we don’t need to make the worst decision, the result is much better than what we expected.

A human saint said with great emotion.

To be honest, when they knew that the angels were coming, they had already prepared for the destruction of 99% of the entire human race. Even if only one percent of the people survived, it would be considered a victory for the human race.

As long as they flee with a small number of humans, it will not be too late to make a comeback in the future.

Anyway, when the human race was weaker, it was just a tribe of individuals. After countless years of development, the human kingdom was finally formed.

Therefore, not only the human race survived, but also the enemy angel race was completely wiped out. Even the most daring person would never have imagined such a situation.

“But I don’t know what the purpose of this “Three One Zero” god is. Is it a god of our human race? If it is really a god of our human race, that would be really great.”

Another human saint expressed his doubts.

After all, so far, they don’t know what the real purpose of this god is. To be honest, they are still a little uneasy at the moment.

“No matter what the purpose of this mysterious god is, can it be worse than the annihilation of the human race?

A human saint smiled slightly.


As soon as these words came out, all the powerhouses could not help but nod their heads in agreement. It was indeed the same. Compared with being annihilated by the Angels, there was really no worse outcome than this.

Moreover, this god saved the human race just now, and they didn’t believe that this god saved them, and then destroyed them with his backhand. If it is really so capricious, then they can only recognize it.

In short, now they can only think that this mysterious god is kind to the human race.


At this moment, a grand voice instantly spread through the depths of the consciousness of every human race powerhouse: “Don’t worry, I am the ancestor of the human race, the human race who shelters the heavens and the world, and is not an alien god.”

“What? It’s actually the ancestor of our human race, the god of the human race?”

“It turns out that there is no love for no reason in this world, if it is not our human race gods, how can it possibly help us.”

“That’s true, there are countless races in this world, and our human race is only one of them. It is impossible for a foreign god to favor us, so it is a matter of course that the person who shoots is a human god.

Many human race powerhouses are ecstatic.

In fact, they had already made similar guesses. The god who suddenly shot must be the god of the human race. If it was not the god of the human race, how could he shelter them like this.

It is impossible to have the experience of an alien god pitying the human race, so as to save the human race.

After all, there are too many pitiful things in this world, and there are too many pitiful races, and the human race is only a trivial one, and it is not worth mentioning at all.

However, after hearing the god’s words, they felt relieved. Since everyone is a member of the human race, the other party must also be a trustworthy existence.

“The great god, as far as I know, this world does not allow gods to be born. I don’t know if the gods were born in the martial world, or other worlds?”

A human saint asked curiously.

After all, as far as he knows, so far, countless saints have been born in the martial arts world, but it is a pity that so far, no one has been able to become a god.

On the contrary, the existence of being promoted to the ninth rank of saints, without exception, will go completely crazy and die in a long time.

Therefore, after countless years, many saints did not dare to step into the realm of the ninth rank of saints, for fear that they would encounter curses and ominousness.

Unless it is a last resort, the saints are only in the realm of the eighth rank of saints, and they dare not advance to the ninth rank of saints.

“I am not a human god born in this world, but a human Taoist ancestor from the Xuanhuang world. When I traveled through all worlds, I discovered this world, and pity the weak and weak human race in this world, only then did I send my divine power to solve the catastrophe. ”

Xia Chuan’s voice came again.


Hearing this, many human race powerhouses became even more excited, and seemed to feel their blood boiled. It was a human race god from another world, and they could travel through all worlds at will. What kind of magical power is this.

I am afraid that this human race ancestor, even among many gods, is a top-notch existence, otherwise, how can he do such incredible things.

“I didn’t expect it to be a human god from another world, so it is, so it is. 0”

“The fact that our world cannot give birth to gods does not mean that other worlds cannot be born.”

“But doesn’t it mean that our world is enveloped by the power of powerful laws, and even gods cannot invade our world? How did Master Daozu do it?”

“Yes, the many peak races in the martial world are all madly contacting the gods of their respective races. Although they are connected, they have never been able to let the gods land in this world. It seems that they are blocked by the laws of this world.”

Do you still need to ask this kind of thing? It must be that the strength of Lord Daozu has reached an unimaginable level, and it is not comparable to the gods of other races. What other races and gods cannot do, Lord Daozu can do.

“It turns out that Lord Daozu actually came from the Xuanhuang Realm? I don’t know why, but I always feel that this name is very familiar, and it seems that I have heard it from somewhere.”

“Stupid, of course I am familiar with it. It is said that in the ancient times of the martial world, there were not so many races in this world, but then the angels and other races came to our world from the Xuanhuang world, which caused the martial world to appear like this. So many god-defying races have caused so much chaos and war.”

“No, the Xuanhuang Realm is the center of the myriad realms in legends, where the gods are located. It turns out that Lord Daozu came from such a terrifying place, no wonder it is so powerful.

“It seems that our human race is also a very powerful race in the Xuanhuang Realm. Otherwise, the Daozu Da 3.1 people would not be so tyrannical and so unbelievable.”

“Daozu, Daozu, this is the ancestor of humanity, we have met the ancestor of the human race.

“So that’s the case, with God’s mercy, is our Martial World Human Race finally going to recognize our ancestors and return to our ancestors?”

“I have long said that our human race must be one of the peak races even in the heavens and myriad worlds, and our human race can never be weaker than other races in our lifetime.”

“Yes, I thought it was just a legend before, but I didn’t expect it to be true.”

Many human race powerhouses were so excited that they wept bitterly. After struggling in the martial arts world for so long, they finally found an organization and found a huge backer.

To be honest, without a backer, surviving in this cruel world is simply a life rather than death.

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