Chapter 803 The god-level exercises of the Xuanhuang tribe, the unfathomable inheritance of the human race

“It’s actually a B-level exercise, it seems that this exercise is really not simple, we posted it.

Tang Wanxiang was very excited and said that he felt that the B-level exercises were already very good.

“Remnant, is the B-level exercise already considered a top-level exercise in this world?”

Daoist Chongxu moved in his heart, he felt that he had guessed wrong, and the exercises he possessed were not as bad as he had imagined, so there should be merits.

“Of course it’s not a top-notch technique.

Tang Wanxiang explained: “In fact, there are several levels of exercises, namely E-level exercises, D-level exercises, C-level exercises, B-level exercises, A-level exercises, S-level exercises and so on.

Among them, the B-level exercises represent that this exercise can be cultivated to the level of the ninth-order saint, which is already a good exercise, and the A-level exercises are exercises that can be cultivated to the gods.

As for the S-level exercises, they would definitely be able to cultivate to the realm of gods, and even become more powerful than ordinary gods. ”


Hearing this, Daoist Chongxu was silent. He also understood a little how the exercises were divided. Although the Qunxing Yin-Yang Book is indeed powerful, the creators of these 10 cheats have not been promoted to the gods realm, so naturally It is impossible to reach the level of A-level exercises, at most it can be regarded as B-level exercises.

It can even be said that all the exercises on his body may not be able to have an A-level exercise.

It can be imagined that the gold content of A-level exercises.

But is this world really that terrifying? Even the A-level exercises and even the S-level exercises that have been cultivated to the gods are possessed, and they can be exchanged at will.

“If that’s the case, why are you still so happy, it’s just a mere B-level exercise, not as good as an A-level exercise, and an S-level exercise.”

Daoist Chongxu said with great confusion, not knowing why Tang Wanxiang was so happy.

“Master, it’s not that the more advanced the practice, the better.”

Tang Wanxiang explained: “The more top-notch exercises, it means that there is no universality, ordinary people can’t practice at all, and only a few geniuses can practice.

Such exercises are indeed precious and rare. The problem is that they cannot be sold for a price. Only those exercises that are universal, can be practiced by everyone, and are powerful and powerful can be regarded as best-sellers in the world of exercises.

Back then, the practice that sold hundreds of millions of contribution points was such a practice. It was called the Yin-Yang Double Cultivation Technique. There are many benefits, and this has caused countless people to chase wildly, and everyone wants to buy cultivation.

“I see.”

Daoist Chongxu understood Tang Wanxiang’s words at once, and it was indeed the case. The top-notch exercises meant that the difficulty of cultivation was extremely terrifying.

If the difficulty of cultivation is so high, then it is impossible for ordinary people to cultivate. Since cultivation is impossible, it is naturally impossible to buy.

In this way, no matter how high the value of this practice method is, it doesn’t actually make any sense, because there are too few people who buy it, and they can’t make much money at all.

Only the low-level exercises with very low difficulty and great power are the best-selling products and are sought after by countless people.

And this is the case with B-level exercises. This level of exercises is not particularly high, and the difficulty is not too big. It will naturally attract a lot of people’s attention, and even buy them.

Thinking of this, Daoist Chongxu didn’t know whether he should be happy or sad. The top exercises from the cloud world are actually the kind of exercises that are not difficult and have high universality in this world.

If this kind of words were said in the cloud world, few people would believe them.

“Actually, even the exercises like Qunxing Yin Yangshu are only B-level exercises, so I’d like to see what kind of exercises in this world can be regarded as A-level exercises, and there are S-level exercises.”

Daoist Chongxu squeezed his fist, and he opened the gods trading website again, and watched the names of the A-level and S-level exercises, as well as various introductions.

Anyway, to see such a profile, you don’t need any money.

“A-level exercises: “Sun and Moon Divine Exercises”, “Heavenly Demons”, “Wang Ba Gui Shen Dao”, “Quiet Zen Book True Air” My God, are these exercises directly pointing to the way of the gods? Sure enough, it lives up to its reputation, but it is more difficult to cultivate, and it requires special characteristics to learn.”

“S-level exercise: “Da Dongxuan Immortal Disaster Elimination Qigong”, my God, this exercise can actually condense into a Dharma protector to eliminate all the gods, eliminate all disasters, and die instead of yourself. Once you practice this exercise If I had practiced this technique at the beginning, even if I was besieged and killed by hundreds of sages of the same rank of the seventh rank, I would not be able to die.”

The S-level exercise “The Great Emperor Seal of the Mind” is a supreme divine art for cultivating the soul and the mind. Once the cultivation is successful, the power of the mind will be like an emperor. The living beings can only tremble under such a momentum, or even go into a coma. This is simply the top soul cultivation secret technique. ”

“The S-level exercise “The Great Way of the Ancients”, this exercise contains the mysteries of many exercises from ancient times to the present. Once the practice is successful, the body’s vitality is infinite, and it contains infinite energy. Even a drop of blood can give birth to human flesh and bones, which is too exaggerated. Now, this is simply the body of creation, invincible.”

“The S-level exercise “Dougu Tiandao Profound Art of Life and Destruction” is also very exaggerated. It is actually known as the first peerless exercise in combat. Once it is successfully cultivated, it will be immortal, as if it has the combat power of the heavenly way. , The more invincible, the stronger the war, the stronger the encounter, the more on the verge of death, the more terrifying combat power can be exerted.

“Exaggerated, it is too exaggerated. Every S-level exercise is a top-level exercise that points directly to the avenue, and contains incredible effects. It cannot be created by humans at all. It must be a god-level created by gods. Exercises. Some of these exercises are not practiced by humans at all.”

Daoist Chongxu was stunned and couldn’t help swallowing a saliva. He felt that he had survived for hundreds of thousands of years, but he had never seen such an amazing god-level practice.

He is now like a soil mirror from the countryside. This is the first time he has seen high-rise buildings in the city. It is the first time he has seen so many god-level exercises, and they are all unseen and unheard of.

“It seems that you can also see it, sir, some of these S-level exercises are actually the god-level exercises obtained by Daozu who killed gods of other races, and obtained from the other race. This is a exercise for other races. It may not be suitable for us human beings, but because it can also be learned by analogy, Daozu is placed on it and let us learn.”

Tang Wanxiang explained.

In fact, many of these exercises were obtained from the martial arts world.

You must know that there are countless peak races in the martial arts world. It used to be a battlefield of ten thousand races. I don’t know how many gods have fallen, and they also left behind the complete inheritance of these peak races.

When Xia Chuan conquered the martial world, the exercises and various knowledge contained in these races were naturally swallowed and absorbed by the Book of Wisdom, and then transformed into books, all of which were placed on it.

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