Chapter 807. 1.5 Billion College Entrance Exam Candidates, Every Year Is the Most Difficult College Entrance Exam

But before Daoist Chongxu continued to ask Tang Wanxiang, at this time, Liu Kuangdao, the teacher on the podium, said, “There are still three months before the college entrance examination for our martial arts class. I believe you all know the importance of the college entrance examination. It determines your future destiny, and being admitted to a good university is simply the difference between heaven and earth from ordinary universities.”

He glanced at everyone, his tone was very serious.

“What is a Wuke class?”

Daoist Chongxu asked curiously, he felt that he heard a new term again.

“In fact, once we entered high school, we were basically divided into two classes, one was the liberal arts class, which focused on learning mathematics, physics and chemistry, and focused on the study of rune technology to promote the advancement and development of Xuanhuang technology.

Tang Wanxiang explained: “It’s like the various rune technologies that appear in the Xuanhuang clan, the rune “seven-two-three” tools, and the rune weapons, all come from the research results of these scientists.

Without these scientists, the strength of our Xuanhuang clan would have dropped by at least 50%. It is conceivable that the importance of science and technology is no less than any martial arts.

Of course, these scientists also have many classifications. Some scientists study various rune instruments, some scientists study various biotechnologies, and some scientists study various exercises and secrets.

But don’t think that these scientists don’t practice martial arts. In fact, they practice the same way. After all, breaking through a new realm can increase their lifespan by a lot. There is no reason not to practice.

But when it comes to combat effectiveness, these people from liberal arts classes are naturally inferior to those who specialize in combat, but these scientists don’t need to fight, they just need to be logisticians. ”

“I see.”

Daoist Chongxu couldn’t help but nod his head. The so-called scientists actually exist in Yunxiao Realm, but those people are called Item Refiners, Alchemists, and Array Masters.

These people’s combat power is not very strong, but they are indispensable, and they occupy a pivotal position in the cloud world, far from being comparable to other martial artists.

After all, the cultivation and battle of many warriors are inseparable from the help of these masters.

In fact, he is a master of alchemy in Yunxiao Realm. He is good at refining all kinds of medicinal herbs and has a high status.

But obviously, these masters of Yunlijie are basically the kind of monks who are wild and passed down from generation to generation, but in this world, they have become a perfect profession, and everyone can become a scientist.

And it’s the kind that’s grown on a large scale.

This has also led to an endless stream of scientists from the Xuanhuang Star, who have researched countless technologies. In just a hundred years, the technology of the Xuanhuang tribe has been improved in geometric progression.

However, Tang Wanxiang’s words did not end, and continued: “The other is the martial arts class that I am staying in. This class focuses on martial arts, not so much on cultural knowledge, but belongs to combatants.

The people in our martial arts class will basically join the army as soon as they graduate, become a full-fledged soldier, or join a company, become a company employee, explore Otherworld, and conquer Otherworld.

Originally, I also wanted to enter the liberal arts class. After all, it is very safe to be a logistician, and I don’t need to go to the front line or face dangerous alien creatures.

It’s a pity that my learning level of cultural knowledge is too low, and my intelligence is not enough. I can’t compare to those monster-level researchers, so I can only become a member of the martial arts class. ”

He felt very sorry.

“But from what this teacher said, the so-called college entrance examination is very important. I don’t know what is important?”

Daoist Chongxu asked curiously.

“It’s very simple, education in our world is progressive, if you enter a good university, it is equivalent to entering a top sect, which not only has the most top martial arts experts as teachers, but also countless others. Resources to train students, the gap between ordinary universities and top universities is naturally self-evident.”

Tang Wanxiang said with emotion: “You must know that this year’s college entrance examination candidates have reached 1.5 billion, and only 30% of them can go to college, and the remaining 70% will directly graduate from high school. If they don’t join the army, It is to go to vocational school, directly learn a certain skill, and then enter the society to make a living.

Among the candidates who can be admitted to universities, less than one percent of them can enter key universities. If it is a top university, then the number is even more pitiful. ”

Actually “there are 1.5 billion candidates? It’s too exaggerated, as expected, thousands of troops crossed the single-plank bridge.

Daoist Chongxu was taken aback, 0

Although the population of Yunxiao Realm is more than that of Xuanhuangxing, the problem is that they have no way to carry out universal education, and the whole people practice martial arts, and the people who can practice martial arts are simply one in a hundred.

And there are very few people who are successful in martial arts.

This has also led to the fact that the number of warriors who can enter the sect is quite rare, and it simply cannot reach the level of more than one billion candidates every year. He has never heard of such an assessment scale, and has never seen it before.

Of course, the most important thing is that even the top sects do not have so many resources to train warriors.

Therefore, they can only carry out elite education, not large-scale training.

“1.5 billion candidates is nothing. According to the current growth rate of the Xuanhuang population, it is estimated that the number of candidates each year will soon reach billions, or even tens of billions. The news says that each year in the future will be better than the previous year. The college entrance examination will be difficult.”

Tang Wanxiang is now a little fortunate that he was born early.

If it was a little later, the population of the Xuanhuang people would reach several trillions, and the number of people taking the college entrance examination every year would exceed 10 billion, so he would not even know if there was still a chance to go to university.

It is estimated that he could only get a high school diploma at that time, and ran to join the army in a dreadful way.


Hearing this, Daoist Chongxu couldn’t help but nodded in agreement. Every year, billions and tens of billions of candidates take the college entrance examination, which is indeed quite a cruel competition.

The most important thing is that almost everyone in the Xuanhuang clan is a genius. They must surpass others and become a genius 2.1 among geniuses in order to have the opportunity to stand out and occupy a lot of resources.

Basically, the college entrance examination is an opportunity to jump into the dragon gate.

Of course, this selection system is of great benefit to the Xuanhuang clan. Only fierce competition can make the Xuanhuang clan become more and more talented and promote the rapid development of the Xuanhuang clan.

“Wait, you said just now that you will explore the Otherworld after graduation, what do you mean by that?”

Suddenly, Daoist Chongxu remembered some of Tang Wanxiang’s words just now, and felt very strange.

“Late, didn’t I tell you before? Our world is the center of Myriad Realms and connects countless worlds. In order to plunder more and more resources, our Xuanhuang Clan naturally wants to conquer many worlds and plunder Myriad Realms’ resources. ”

Tang Wanxiang explained.

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