Chapter 814 Students enter the game world to fight monsters and upgrade, incredible skill book

ding dong on

At this moment, a prompt sound suddenly sounded, and a window popped up in front of Tang Wanxiang.

“Oops, my classmate contacted me.”

Tang Wanxiang immediately clicked on this window, and then the image and voice of the other party came from the opposite side.

“Tang Wanxiang, what’s the matter with your kid? Why haven’t you come to the main world for so long, if you don’t come again, we won’t wait for you, and go straight to fight monsters to level up.

A classmate shouted.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, there is a delay here, I’ll go there later, you wait for me.”

Tang Wanxiang said immediately.

“That’s good, we’re still in the same place, come here quickly, we’re going.”

After the classmate said these words, he hung up the communication video.

“The main world? What does this mean?

Daoist Chongxu asked curiously, he felt that he still knew too little about the virtual universe, and he didn’t know the term, but he was very interested and felt very fresh.

“The so-called main world is the real place of this virtual universe.”

Tang Wanxiang explained: “Why do we call this place a virtual universe, because this is a universe that truly simulates the real world, and the area inside is boundless and contains infinite mysteries.

And after we players log in to the virtual universe, we can not only log in to the private space that we have, but also enter the real virtual universe. ”

“What do you mean, this virtual universe is not only able to connect with each other and simulate reality, but there is also a real simulated universe, which is full of illusory creatures?”

Daoist Chongxu was immediately taken aback.

Of course he knew what these words meant. In fact, some of the top illusion masters in the Yunxiao Realm had done similar things and were able to set up an illusion formation.

In the phantom array, all kinds of phantom creatures will be transformed, and even these phantom creatures are like real creatures, which can attack real life and cause damage.

But those top illusion masters can at most set up an illusion array to simulate a small place, but this virtual universe simulates the entire universe.

The realm of this illusion has reached an unimaginable level, and he has never seen any existence that can do this.

“That’s right”.

Tang Wanxiang nodded: “And the virtual creatures in this game world are extremely real and extremely intelligent. To be honest, we all suspect that these virtual creatures are real, not fake.

The virtual coins I mentioned before are all obtained from the game world. Other than that, there is no way to get virtual coins. ”

“But if the game world is too real, will it attract so many people to play?”

Daoist Chongxu asked curiously.

He knew that a game was fun because it was not difficult and entertaining, so it attracted so many people to play it.

If the difficulty of the game was similar to reality, no one would be willing to play it. Originally, countless people were tortured by reality to the point of being inhuman and unhappy.

Now playing games and being abused again, isn’t that coming to seek abuse?

A game as difficult as this one won’t be played any time soon.

“No no no, although it is a game world with virtual characters in it, it is not as simple as the game, and the reason why we are so eager is because entering the game world and killing the monsters in it can improve our own cultivation.

Tang Wanxiang explained.

“No way, by killing monsters in the game world, can you still improve your cultivation?”

Daoist Chongxu was taken aback.

“That’s right.”

Tang Wanxiang nodded: “Although I don’t know what the principle is, it is true. Once the monsters in this game world are killed by us, a stream of pure energy will pour into our body, which is equivalent to Eating an elixir is like a quick boost to our cultivation.

The more monsters we kill, the faster our cultivation will improve. To be honest, students like us who have no background, if they want to quickly improve their cultivation, they can only enter the game world to fight monsters and upgrade. ”

He said that this game world is different from other games. The cultivation base of this game world is synchronized with reality. Basically, what kind of cultivation base is in reality, and what kind of cultivation base is in the game world.

“It seems that this virtual universe is not just as simple as a virtual world. It is estimated that it is also a training ground to help the Xuanhuang people quickly improve their cultivation.”

Daoist Chongxu’s eyes showed a hint of coldness.

He has also heard that there is a similar secret realm world in Yunxiao Realm, where many treasures are placed, and many disciples can enter the secret realm world to experience cultivation and obtain a large number of elixir, medicinal pills and so on.

It is estimated that this virtual universe is such a secret world. There are many treasures in it, which can assist everyone in the Xuanhuang clan to quickly improve their cultivation.

“Indeed, in fact, this is also the conjecture of those of us. The virtual universe may be the training ground of our Xuanhuang clan, responsible for improving the cultivation and combat skills of everyone in our Xuanhuang clan.”

Tang Wanxiang said: “It is said that the monsters in the game world are basically real, and they all come from many races in the real world. By fighting against these monsters, we can know the weaknesses and abilities of other races. Then in the future, if we encounter these alien beings in the real world, we will not panic and know nothing.

However, the benefits of the game world are not only that, it also has an even more amazing benefit, that is, after killing game monsters, there is a certain probability to obtain the skill book. ”

Skill “Book? What skill book?”

Daoist Chongxu asked.

“I believe you also know that if a person wants to cultivate a certain martial skill, even if he is talented, it will take several years to cultivate this martial skill (Zhao Lehao) to the peak level.

Tang Wanxiang said: “But if we get a skill book in the game world, once we use it, then we can instantly learn a certain martial skill, and at the same time reach the level of mastery, saving a lot of time in cultivating martial arts.

It is because of this that we enter the game world not only to kill monsters and increase our cultivation base, but also want to obtain a book of skills to increase our martial arts cultivation base.

“No way, this kind of skill book can actually allow people to learn a certain martial skill in an instant, how is this kind of hand possible?”

Daoist Chongxu regretted it instantly.

According to his understanding, if ordinary people want to learn a certain martial skill, they must study hard to do it, but there are such strange things as skill books in this world, which can make people learn a certain martial skill in an instant, just like a brother.

If such a strange thing appeared in Yunxiao Realm, it would definitely cause the madness of countless people.

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