Chapter 824 The tree of magical powers of 80 million kilometers, the power of the ninth-order saint

“Is this the feeling of the ninth-order saint? It’s incredible.

At this moment, Xia Chuan felt that the moment he stepped into the ninth rank of a saint, his soul and body had achieved great perfection at the same time, and it seemed that he had reached the limit of a saint.

It can be said that the body and soul have been sublimated and resonated at the same time, which also made his strength increase geometrically, which is not the same as before.

There is no doubt that the existence of the ninth-rank saint is at least ten times more powerful than the eighth-rank saint. The two are not at the same level at all, as if they have crossed a large realm.

Basically, it is impossible for the eighth-rank saint to defeat the ninth-rank saint, and it is almost impossible to challenge the challenge. After all, who can challenge the enemy with ten times the combat power.

What’s more, every existence that stepped into the ninth rank of saints must be a peerless genius, who has trained his skills to the supreme realm of ecstasy.

To be honest, even the dragon race, the phoenix race, and other mythical beast races, who can step into the ninth rank of saints are still a minority among the few, and not many people can reach it.

After all, the ninth rank of saints, each rank is a huge threshold, and it is even more difficult to break through.

Don’t look at the members of the dragon race and other mythical beast races, they are saints when they are adults, but if they want to break through the first order, the difficulty is probably more difficult than that of other races.

It is because of this that the strength of many adult dragon clans is actually the realm of the first-level saints, and those who can step into the middle-level saints are already elite combat power.

If you can step into the realm of a high-level saint, you can definitely become an elder-level existence. As for a strong person who can become a ninth-level saint, it must be a great elder.

“But the biggest transformation is still the soul.”

Xia Chuan’s eyes showed a gleam of light, and he felt that after he was promoted to the ninth rank of saints, his primordial spirit power also got a visible improvement with the naked eye.

Compared with before, the power of Yuanshen has increased more than ten times.

At this moment, his sea of ​​consciousness itself is extremely huge, like an endless ocean, with no end in sight. If ordinary people appear in this place, I am afraid they will be extremely desperate, as if they have lived in the ocean all their lives. It is impossible to return to land in a lifetime.

But now, such an ocean has expanded tenfold, equivalent to ten times the area of ​​the ocean before, one can imagine how much Primordial Spirit energy can be accommodated.

It is estimated that as long as his thoughts move, an amazing spiritual storm can erupt. If it is a person with a slightly weaker soul, I am afraid that the soul of the other party will be destroyed in an instant.

Often the existence of the ninth-order saint does not need to do anything at all, just by looking at it, the soul of the enemy will be destroyed.

This is also the reason why the existence of the ninth-order saint is called the emperor.

When an ordinary emperor is angry, he will be buried for a hundred miles, but when the great emperor of the ninth rank of saints is angry, it is really a million miles full of corpses.

No one dared to anger the terrifying existence of the ninth-order saint.


Under Xia Chuan’s refining, the energy of each divine crystal melted and merged into his body and soul. To be honest, these divine crystals are really too precious, and they deserve to be the highest level of energy crystals.

Its role is not only to promote the improvement of cultivation base, but also has a huge promotion effect on the soul, and it is all-round for the improvement of life.

It is because of this that the divine crystals will quickly become the daily cultivation resources of the gods. Basically, every god can quickly improve his own cultivation by devouring the power of the divine crystals.

The role of the gods is so significant, so for the creatures under the gods, not to mention.

I saw that these divine crystal energies were quickly infused into the depths of Xia Chuan’s sea of ​​consciousness like the ocean, which also caused the source energy in the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness to increase rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Supernatural “The tree has grown~”.”

Xia Chuan closed her eyes.

He perceives the tree of supernatural powers in the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness. With the expansion of the sea of ​​consciousness, the tree of supernatural powers that contains the mysteries of endless laws and runes is also madly improving.

7 million kilometers, 8 million kilometers, 9.5 million kilometers, 10.5 million kilometers, 20 million kilometers, 30 million kilometers, 45 million kilometers…

In the end, the tree of magical powers has grown to 80 million kilometers. Compared with before, the height of the tree of magical powers has increased by ten times.

This height is really intimidating.

To be honest, after being promoted to the ninth rank of the saint, which is the perfection of the saint’s realm, the cultivation of the saint is not as simple as a double or double improvement, but a tenfold improvement.

That’s why the existence of the ninth-order saint is so terrifying, and it is called the existence of a saint-order emperor.

Basically, the warriors under the ninth rank of saints cannot be the opponents of the ninth-rank saints.

The difference between consummation and no consummation is simply a world of difference.

If you don’t really feel it, it’s simply incomprehensible.

“It’s no wonder that it is so difficult to advance to the ninth rank of saints, and the number of people is so rare. It is because the promotion of the ninth rank of saints is too great, and it is not the same.”

Xia Chuan also suddenly had a glimpse of enlightenment.

He also understood why a large number of saints were born in the martial arts world, but the number of elementary saints and middle-rank saints was large, and the number of high-rank saints was pitiful.

And the existence of the ninth-rank saint is even more rare. Every warrior who can be promoted to the ninth-rank saint is basically the absolute emperor of the martial arts world, who is called the existence of the great emperor.

After all, after being promoted to the ninth rank of the saint, it means that there is hope to step into the gods realm. This realm is also called the seed of the gods realm by the world, that is, the gods reserve.

“Sure enough, my Yuanshen power has reached a terrifying level.”

Xia Chuan’s eyes showed a gleam of light.

You must know that at the eighth rank of the saint, the power of the primordial spirit has been able to break through the blockade of time and space, trace the origin of the past, and search for the infinite information of the past.

But now, he is not only able to perceive the information in the depths of time and space as simple as that, but he can calculate these information instantly and deduce countless information.

To a certain extent, it was as if his primordial spirit had evolved into a light brain, and his computing power had increased by more than ten times.

You must know that just getting the information is nothing. If the information cannot be coordinated, it is actually just useless information, and it can be regarded as a spam message slave.

But if they can be used in their entirety, then these messages can have enormous power.

And the power of the ninth-order primordial spirit of the saint is like this, and it can deduce the future based on these past time and space information.

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